Stuff of nightmares. Well, stuff of -my- nightmares. The third of my self replicating golems. When you come back out of hiding from this one, enjoy.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Mannequin* AC: 7 HD: 3* Movement Rate: 60’ (20’) Attacks: 1 punch Damage: 2d4 Number Appearing: 1d4(1d4) Save As: Fighter 3 Morale: 12 or 8 Treasure Type: Special Intelligence: 5 Alignment: Lawful (employed), Chaotic (free) XP Value: 45 Another creation of the mysterious and gifted hedge wizard who created both the straw golems and aunt Sally’s the mannequin is a form of golem originally created for tailors to work, pinning clothes on to or draping in fabrics or clothes and to display their wares. They are essentially human shaped figures, crudely articulated at each joint, the neck and the centre of the torso, with more complex articulation allowing them to change waist size, chest size, shoulder shape, and leg and arm length at will. They are usually human shaped but demi human mannequins are known, and they come in male and female forms (but there is no discernible difference in behaviour of the two). They are capable of limited speech, with a child-like intonation and limited vocabulary, and tend towards being malicious gossipers.
When employed by a tailor who treats them well (allows them to gossip, supplies them with cups of tea in china cups which they cannot drink but love to hold and look at, etc.) they are lawful creatures. If at all (in their eyes) treated badly they will leave their employers, and from that point their alignment becomes chaotic.
They cannot wield weapons, but their capacity to change shape to a limited extent gives them an advantage in combat. All hand held attacks against them suffer a -2 to hit and damage, and the subterfuge offered by changing arm length and shape gives them a +2 to hit. Like other wooden golems they are immune to all missiles, and like all golems they can only be struck by magical weapons, and are immune to sleep, charm, hold, and cold based attacks. They fear fire based attacks and save against them with a -2 penalty. While not suffering extra damage from piercing weapons, such weapons as spears, short swords and the like send them into a rage, perhaps the memory of being stuck with pins causes this. If facing such weapons their morale is 12.
Like straw golems and aunt Sally, the mannequins are able to craft more of their own kind. In the ‘wild’, those mannequins that have claimed their freedom obsess over fine clothes and jewels, and will attack and kill the best dressed travellers they meet. They don’t carry treasure as such, but they are often found to be wearing several layers of fine, expensive clothes.