New prestige class - Marksman
by Lord Deldain
Trick Shot
Surprise Attack +1d6
Dodge Missiles
Trick Shot
Surprise Attack +2d6
Defensive Firing
Trick Shot
Surprise Attack +3d6
Hail of Missiles
Trick Shot
Marksmen devote their time and effort to becoming extremely proficient with missile weapons. Dome make their living as trick-shot artists in carnivals and circuses. Others may be military specialists assigned to attack and dispose of enemy officers, wizards, airborne foes, or even enemy marksmen. Others might be classic archers, able to split an opponent's arrow in a target or knock a foe's weapon from his hand.
Hit Die: d8Requirements
To qualify to become a marksman, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Perform: 8 ranks
Spot: 8 ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), Point Blank Shot, Precise ShotClass Skills
The marksman's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Use Rope (Dex).Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Weapons and Armour Proficiency: Marksmen are proficient in simple weapons, light armour, and shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Dodge Missiles: At 3rd level a marksman gains a +4 bonus to AC vs. ranged attacks from opponents.
Defensive Firing: At 6th level a marksman gains the ability to fire defensively allowing him to make ranged attacks in combat without drawing an attack of opportunity.
Hail of Missiles: At 9th level a marksman may perform the full attack action, giving up his regular attacks, to make a ranged attack at his full base attack bonus against every opponent within 30 feet. Afterwards he cannot attack again for one round per attack made. He may still take other actions such as moving, defending himself, and so on.
Surprise Attack: This ability functions exactly like the Rogue's sneak attack, except that it can only be made with ranged weapons and the target need not be within 30 feet to qualify as a target for the attack.
Trick Shot: Marksmen are known for their ability to perform amazing trick shots. Every time a marksman gains this ability, he make take any one of the following trick shots listed below:* Disarming Shot - This shot allows you to perform the Disarm action with your focused weapon.
* Pinning Shot - This shot allows you to perform a ranged grapple attack against an opponent by pinning a bit of clothing to a nearby surface. The target must be within 5 feet of a wall, tree, or other surface in which an arrow or bolt can be stuck. To break free, the victim must take a partial action to perform a Strength check (DC 15) or make a successful Escape Artist check (DC 15)
* Sunder Shot - This shot allows you to deal normal damage (instead of half damage) with your focused weapon when attacking objects.
* Deflecting Shot- This shot allows you to attempt to deflect ranged weapons that are already in flight. To do so, ready and action against an opponent with a missile weapon. When that opponent fires, you attack AC 23 (daggers, etc.), AC 25 (arrows) or AC 28 (crossbow bolts). A successful roll deflects the opponent's weapon and deals normal damage to it. This attack takes the place of your normal attack.
* Quick Shot - This shot allows you to make a number of ranged attacks equal to your Dexterity modifier as a standard action. Each shot beyond the first gets a cumulative -2 to hit and to damage.
* Trip Shot - This shot allows you to perform the Trip action with your focused weapon.
* Ricochet Shot - This shot allows you to ricochet your attack off an object, multiple times if desired, before it hits it's target. Each ricochet decrease it's chance to hit by -1 but increase the damage dealt by +1.
* Called Shot - This shot allows you to hit a very specific target, or perform a special action, such as knocking a hat off someone's head, pinning an arrow right besides someone's ear, etc. The way this works by delaying the attack to aim precisely. For each initiative number you delay your attack for, you get a +1 to hit. Thus if you took a -5 to initiative you could get a + 5 to hit. The maximum you can delay your attack is equal to your level as a marksman.