Unarmed Combat Styles in D&D - Martial Arts Styles
by George HrabovskyIntroduction
In the D&D Rules Cyclopaedia, on pages 112 and 113 there are details of two unarmed combat styles, namely boxing and wrestling. These details are within the framework of the weapon mastery system (found in chapter five of the Rules Cyclopaedia). This article will apply this method to other martial arts styles.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Karameikan BS 1d3 ---- Stun, Knockout Kick Boxing SK 1d4 + 1 H:-1AC/1 Stun, Knockout, double damage on 19-20 [P=3DH] SM EX 1d6 + 1 H:-1AC/2 Stun, Knockout (save -1), double damage on 18-20, no off-hand penalty 1H SH MS P: 2d4, S: 1d6 + 1 H:-2AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -2), double damage on 16-20, no off-hand penalty, second attack GM P: 3d4, S: 2d6 + 1 H:-2AC/3 Stun, knockout (save -4), double damage on 14-20, no off-hand penalty, second attack There are additional special manoeuvres which can be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) Mule Kick: allows attacks on opponents to the rear or side without turning round.
2) Horseman's Surprise: a leaping kick which allows an attack to do double damage, there is a +2 to any parries or deflects. This is the only attack which can be made in the round. If the target is mounted, a riding roll must be made at -2 or they fall off their mount.
3) Blinding Feet: allows an additional kicking attack to be made in a round at no penalty
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Ylari BS 1 Point ---- Stun Desert Wind SK 1d3 H:-2AC/1 Stun, knockout [P=3DH] SM EX 1d4 + 1 H:-2AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -1), double damage on 19-20 1H SH MS P: 1d8 + 2, S: 1d4 + 1 H:-3AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -2), double damage on 16-20, no off-hand penalty GM P: 2d6 + 2, S: S: 2d4 + 2 H:-3AC/3 Stun, knockout (save -4), double damage on 14-20, no off-hand penalty There are additional special manoeuvres which can be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) Strike of the Sand in the Air: this is an attack designed to draw the opponent out, the opponent's next attack is +2 to hit you; your next attack is a +4 to hit and damage.
2) Wind Across the Desert: this is similar to the thief skill Move Silently, but is based upon the dexterity of the character, if a half roll is made, then no tracks are left by the character in addition to making no sound.
3) Sandy Eyes: this is an Int based skill allowing the character to fight in conditions where the target(s) are not visible.
4) Leap of the Desert Cat: this is a Dex based skill allowing the character to leap upwards by one foot per level, and to leap horizontally five feet per level.
5) Flowing Sand: this is a Dex based manoeuvre allowing the character to move at full speed and strike every opponent within arm's reach of the path.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Glantrian BS ---- ---- Basic Skill with Dagger Silk Dance SK ---- ---- Skilled with Dagger [P=3DH] SM EX ---- ---- Expert with Dagger MS ---- ---- Master with Dagger 1H SH GM ---- ---- Grand Master with Dagger There are additional manoeuvres which can be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) Feint: this is an attack designed to draw the opponent out, the opponent's next attack is +2 to hit you; your next attack is a +4 to hit and damage
2) Blinding Cut: this attack causes blood to flow into the target's eyes, all attacks made by the target are at -5 to hit for a full minute (the time it takes to wipe the blood away).
3) Bleeding Cut: this attack causes the wound to bleed one hit point per round until healed or death.
4) Quick Strike: this attack is at -4 to hit, if successful the attack is so swift that there is no chance for a deflect or parry
5) Blindfighting: this is an Int based skill allowing the character to fight in darkness or to fight invisible foes without detriment.
6) Arterial Cut: this attack causes the target to lose a d3 hit points per round.
7) The Silk Dance: identical to Flowing Sand above.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Ierendi BS 1 point ---- Grab, takedown, pin (-3 WR) Wrestling SK 1d3 +1 WR Grab, takedown, pin (-6 WR) [P=3DH] SM EX 1d4+1 +2 WR Grab, takedown, pin (-9 WR) 2H MS P: 2d4, P: 2d4 +3 WR Grab, takedown, pin (-12 WR) GM P: 3d4, S: 2d4 +4 WR Grab, takedown, pin (-15 WR) There are additional manoeuvres which may be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) Choke Hold: this attack causes the target to Save vs Death Ray each round thus held. If the save is unsuccessful the target is unconscious for 2d6 rounds.
2) Arm Lock: this attack prevents the target from moving an arm until the wrestler lets go of it.
3) Crushing Hold: this attack does double damage.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Alfheim BS 1d3 ---- Stun, Knockout Forest Dance SK 1d4 + 1 H:-1AC/1 Stun, knockout (-1 save), double damage on 19-20 [P=3DH] SM EX 2d4 H:-1AC/2 Stun, knockout (-2 save), double damage on 16-20, no off-hand penalty 1H SH MS P: 3d4, S: 2d4 H:-2AC/2 Stun, knockout (-4 save), double damage on 14-20, no off-hand penalty GM P: 4d4, S: 3d4 H:-2AC/3 Stun, knockout (-6 save), double damage on 12-20, no off-hand penalty There are additional manoeuvres which may be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) The Strike of the Trickster: this is an attack designed to draw the opponent out, the opponent's next attack is +2 to hit you; your next attack is a +4 to hit and damage
2) The Sapling Rises: this is a Dex based skill allowing the character to stand immediately if knocked down.
3) Sight of the Tree: this is an Int based skill allowing the character to see all round, thus making surprise nearly impossible (surprised only by invisible creatures or on a 1 rolled on a d20).
4) Ward of the Branches: is a Dex based skill allowing the character to catch or dodge missile weapons aimed at the character or anyone else within five feet.
5) Wind in the Branches: this is identical to the Flowing Sand manoeuvre above.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Rockhome BS 1 Point ---- Stun, knockout. Boxing SK 1d3 H:-1AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -1), no offhand penalty [P=3DH] SM EX 1d4 + 1 H:-2AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -2), no offhand penalty 1H SH MS P: 2d4, S: 1d4 + 1 H:-2AC/3 Stun, knockout (save -4), no offhand penalty GM P: 3d4, S: 2d4 + 1 H:-3AC/3 Stun, knockout (save -6), no offhand penalty There are additional manoeuvres which may be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) Stone Hand: this manoeuvre allows the dwarf to strike with the force of a solid stone mace. The damage is an additional die level (1 point becomes a d4, a d4 becomes a d6, a d6 becomes a d8).
2) Strike of the Pick: this manoeuvre delivers a massive blow capable of penetrating 1" of wood plus an additional inch per additional level, or of penetrating 1/4" of stone plus an additional quarter inch of stone per additional level, or crushing tissue for 2d8 plus an additional point of damage per additional level.
3) Blow of the Mountain: this manoeuvre allows the dwarf to perform a strike delivering 3d10 of damage capable of hitting creatures which can only be struck by magical weapons.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Yellow Orc BS 1d3 ---- Stun, knockout. Karate SK 1d4 + 1 H:-1AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -1), no offhand penalty [P=3DH] SM EX 2d4 H:-2AC/2 Stun, knockout (save -2), no offhand penalty, double damage on 19-20 1H SH MS P: 3d4 + 2, S: 2d4 H:-2AC/3 Stun, knockout (save -4), no offhand penalty, double damage on 16-20 GM P: 3d6 + 3, S: 3d4 H:-3AC/3 Stun, knockout (save -6), no offhand penalty, double damage on 14-20 There are additional manoeuvres which can be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
1) Sweep of the River: this manoeuvre allows the orc to knock a foe off their feet by executing a leg sweep, if the orc hits then the foe must make a save vs dragon breath at -2 or be knocked down (loss of initiative, must use an action to get up).
2) Binding of the Mushroom Spore: this attack causes the target to Save vs Death Ray each round thus held. If the save is unsuccessful the target is unconscious for 2d6 rounds.
3) Leaping of the Lava Stream: a leaping kick which allows an attack to do double damage, there is a +2 to any parries or deflects. This is the only attack which can be made in the round. If the target is mounted, a riding roll must be made at -2 or they fall off their mount.
4) Strike of the Ogre: this manoeuvre allows the orc to strike with great force. The damage is an additional die level (a d3 becomes a d4, a d4 becomes a d6, etc.).
5) Mask of the Darkness: allows the orc to move silently and without being seen at night.
6) Diamond Strike: this manoeuvre allows the orc to kick with enough force to inflict 3d10 of damage upon an opponent.
7) Avalanche: this is a Dex based manoeuvre allowing the orc to move at full speed and strike every opponent within six feet of the path of movement.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Ethengarian BS ---- ---- Basic Skill with Composite Bow Archery SK ---- ---- Skilled with Composite Bow [P=3DH] SM EX ---- ---- Expert with Composite Bow MS ---- ---- Master with Composite Bow 1H SH GM ---- ---- Grand Master with Composite Bow There are additional manoeuvres which can be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
Eye of the Archer: this manoeuvre gains a +2 to hit and double damage with the bow after one round of total concentration.
Arrow Storm: this manoeuvre allows the archer to fire an additional arrow each round.
Blind Shooting: as Blind Fighting.
Still Air: this manoeuvre allows the archer to remain completely still for long periods of time, in essence becoming a part of the landscape, treat this as a halfling's hiding ability, until they move.
Splitting the Arrow: allows all attacks against a single target to be made (or failed) on a single attack roll made at the beginning of the round. All attacks must then be carried out against the target, or be forfeit.
Critical Shot: this skill allows the archer, once per round, to declare a "Critical Shot" which, if successful, will produce a wound which bleeds at 1d4 hp per round until healed or dead.
Technique Level Damage Defence Special Effects Seretean BS ---- ---- Basic Skill with Rapier and Dagger Fencing SK ---- ---- Skilled with Rapier and Dagger [P=3DH] SM EX ---- ---- Expert with Rapier and Dagger MS ---- ---- Master with Rapier and Dagger 2H GM ---- ---- Grand Master with Rapier and Dagger There are additional manoeuvres which can be purchased with skill slots. These manoeuvres must be purchased in order.
Two Weapon Style: this allows an additional attack per round and an additional deflect.
Lunge: this skill allows the fencer to perform an extremely powerful strike (smash) without waiting for the end of the round. This is the only attack allowed within the round in which it is used.
Blindfighting: This is an Int based skill that allows the fencer to fight targets he/she cannot see.
Quicksilver: this strike has a hit modifier of -4, if successful, the strike is too fast to be parried or deflected.
Missile Deflect: allows deflection of missile attacks (not siege engines).
Swashbuckling: as Flowing Sand, described above.
Not today: the fencer is able to use any and all deflects at any rate he desires, including all in a single segment. This does not take an attack, but no other special manoeuvres are permissible in the same round.