Modrigswerg timeline
by John CalvinBC 3000
- The current Known World is in its Ice Age. The Blackmoor world, in the far northeast, comes to an abrupt end: Some Blackmoor devices explode, causing the Great Rain of Fire, shifting the planet's axis. Blackmoor becomes the north pole and its civilisation disappears. One of the devices is located in the Broken Lands (see module X1). The world slowly becomes habitable as ice recedes from the region.
Gaz6 - pg 45- The Great Rain of Fire. Blackmoor culture obliterated; planet tilts on its axis, causing ice sheets to recede from D&D Game Known World.
Gaz7 - pg 6- The Great Rain of Fire; Blackmoor culture obliterated; planet shifts its axis, freezing the Blackmoor continent and causing ice sheets to recede from regions of modern D&D world.
Gaz8 - pg 8BC 2500
- Gnomes and dwarves enter the region and settle in hills and mountains as continental ice sheets recede.
Gaz7 - pg 6- The gnomes apparently came to the Northlands from the Altan Tepe mountain range around 2500 BC They successfully co-existed with the other humanoid races because the underground passages of the tunnel complexes were too small for the gnolls and trolls to enter. Relations with the Modrigswerg clans were distant, formal, and occasionally acrimonious by dwarven accounts, but some trade occurred, as evidenced by a multitude of ancient gnomish artifacts in the moulder dwarves' treasure troves.
Gaz7 - pg 5BC 2000
- First human settlements in coastal and island lowlands.
Gaz7 - pg 6- Bronze and Iron Age cultures in D&D game world.
Gaz8 - pg 8BC 1800
- Kagyar the Artisan, an Immortal in the Sphere of Matter, and a patron of mortal arts and crafts, decides to create a new race which will prove resistant to annihilation like that which destroyed Blackmoor. From the ancient dwarven race, he constructs the "modern" dwarves, even more craft-oriented, and very resistant to radiation poisoning.
Gaz6 - pg 45- The dwarvish race on the Known World is slowly, inevitably dying out. The Immortal called Kagyar the Artisan takes all remaining dwarves in the Known World. Half he transplants to the Hollow World, and half he reshapes into a new dwarven race. Now there are no remnants of the original dwarven race on the outer world. Some of the "new dwarves" are returned to the Northern Reaches, where the largest dwarf colonies had been, and eventually become the Modrigswerg clans; others are planted in the Rockhome region. Both groups are given false memories and believe that the Modrigswerg dwarves also originally lived in the Rockhome lands. In the Sylvan Realm, Ilsundal creates the first elvish tree of life and becomes an Immortal.
HWOW - pg 12- The dwarves transplanted to the Hollow World, who mostly belong to the Kogolor clans, thrive in their new lands. They have been placed in eastern mountains just north of the great equatorial mountain range, fairly distant from other sentient races; they have occasional contact with the Neathar tribes to the north and west, but are largely left to their own devices.
HWIW - pg 12BC 1700
- Giants, trolls, and gnolls are driven south into the Northern Reaches in successive waves of migration.
Gaz7 - pg 6BC 1500
- The Nithian culture begins its rise in the lands east of Rockhome. They perform no exploration in the west and never encounter the dwarves.
Gaz6 - pg 45- Modest Bronze Age human cultures in eastern lowlands. Sophisticated gnomish and dwarven cultures co-exist with primitive giantish clans in western uplands.
Gaz7 - pg 6BC 1400
- Denwarf discovers the great cavern he calls Dengar and decides his time is done. He disappears into the lower caverns. The second dwarven king, Everast I, is crowned. The dwarves begin to build their greatest city within the Dengar cavern.
Gaz6 - pg 45BC 1300
- (Approximate date) "The Early Days." The coming of halflings to Faerdinel and the building of Faerdinel Keep. Hin contact the Gentle Folk (failing elven race).
Gaz8 - pg 8BC 1190
- Descendants of the Great Horde surface in Broken Lands. The Tribes meet again and discover the Rock of Oenkmar. End of the Quest for a Blue Knife. Truce proclaimed.
Gaz10 - pg 4 DM's Book.BC 1050
- Odious experiments in Nithia turn Black Moon trolls into Gnolls. Gnolls rebel; they escape and later invade Karameikos. Nithian priests visit the Shamans of Oenkmar. Atzanteotl is increasingly offended.
Gaz10 - pg 4 DM's Book.BC 1000
- In the time of the eleventh dwarven king, Blystar III, nonhuman tribal movements put marauding tribes of orcs and goblins against the dwarves. This is the same tribal movement wave that sends the gnolls into ancient Traldar lands in what is now modern Karameikos. Gaz6 - pg 45
- Human cultures conquered and enslaved by Nithian Empire.
Gaz7 - pg 6- Elves disappear. Orcs invade the land and enslave the hin. The Realm of Othrong is founded. To the east, gnoll tribes invade Traldar territory and a great war begins (perhaps displacing the orcs who came to the halfling lands).
Gaz8 - pg 8BC 965-964
- The Rising. Halflings overthrow orc-king Raurgh at the battles of Hinskulls (965), Orcfall (965), and in the Spring Slaughter (964). Rule of the Elders established (964); kingdom of Hindon founded.
Gaz8 - pg 8BC 938
- The Fall of Hindon; orcs burn the Elderhall. The Dark Years begin. Dwarves and orcs fight for control of the halfling land, in battles of Bloody Sands (936), Fireaxe Field (932), and the Hill of Cold Teeth (930).
Gaz8 - pg 8BC 929
- Dwarven rule begins. Loktal Ironshield crowned King of the Glittering Land. Hin enslaved. Dwarven kingdom grows rich, attracting orc and human invasions that weaken the dwarves.
Gaz8 - pg 8