Meganeko (Domestic Rakasta variant, see MPG) as a Character race
by Marc SaindonThe Catfolk of Yasuko, who play the role of intermediaries between the Tora (Tiger) Rakasta rulers and the mostly human subjects. The Meganeko (mock-japanese, blending the greek mega- with the japanse -neko to mean "big cat", although if you speak actual japanese you might come up with a better name). They typically occupy the upper castes, as samurais and stewards, although they can have a wide range of career options, some becoming pirates (Wako), merchants that have wares if you have coin, and dextrous craftsmen. They can be of any Alignment, although quite a few have a more Chaotic streak.
Meganeko see "the pact" with humans as a mutual benefit, with humans running the daytime activities and the Catfolk running the nightshift (cats being nocturnal and all, with their 3 a.m. sprints). Since Rakastas dominate Yasukan society (despite a human majority), the economy is cat-oriented, so a lot of the infrastructure goes towards fishing, wharfs, docks and other cat-benefitting projects (because human do profit from these is seen as an auspicious side-effect meaning the Cats were right all along according to their logic). Agriculture is under-developped (explaining why the Davania map is mostly jungle), but Meganeko have recently gained an appreciation for honey-roasted mice as a delicacy and want to encourage humans to build ricefields and silos.
Meganeko can't roar, but do purr (explaining a Charisma bonus from their soothing voice) and as Monks might gather in a large group to create a giant purr session (burning catnip as incense) in an echoing chamber, an experience people find very relaxing.
MPG (p.92): Mystara Player’s Guide
(Image from: https://www.deviantart.com/luvi17/art/Cat-Samurai-1007078449)