Mega Focus Special Moves
by tjedge1Mega Focus Special Moves. And so more. These things just get more and more powerful. The Scorpion Spear though is a bit lame IMHO. I might toss that one, unless somebody has a use for it. Maybe something for a humanoid type style that uses the Focus skill a lot.
Name: Flight
Prerequisites: Focus 5, Athletics 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: See Below
Description: Mystics can summon the winds to propel themselves through the air. Usually this is accompanied by a gust of wind that whips any loose objects hither and yon. The possessor of this skill can also fly without creating the associated disturbance (though few do--the wind blast is wonderfully dramatic).
System: Outside of combat this power allows the fighter to fly without tiring, at a speed equal to Focus x 10 miles per hour. He can lift any amount of weight he would normally be able to carry on the ground. In combat, the player must stand still for a full 5 rounds while activating the Flight power. He may block, but cannot initiate any offensive attacks. The following turn the fighter will be treated as an airborne target, and may attack and move normally, using the modifiers below in addition to any provided by the move he decides to use. His movement per round in feet will increase by 5x his Focus level. Furthermore, he is only affected by aerial manoeuvres or by projectile attacks.Name: Mental Blast
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Telepathy
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: +0'
Description: The fighter uses mental energy to strike an opponent's mind, causing temporary confusion and pain.
System: The fighter attacks with a normal To-Hit roll. The victim's armour has no effect on his AC. If the attacker hits, the victim must make a Save Throw vs. Death Ray or be stunned for the next round. The power has a range, in feet, equal to the attackers (Focus level +3) x 5.Name: Scorpion Spear
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Punch 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: +4
Round Movement: None
Description: The fighter launches a snake like (or snake?) coil from his palm, or other region of his body, that grabs the opponent and pulls him to the fighter.
System: The range of this attack is equal to Focus level + Wisdom in feet. The attack is made in a straight line and must have line-of-sight. If the hits, the victim is "reeled in" to the adjacent space next to the attacker in the direction that the opponent was in when the attack began. The victim is also stunned if the attack scores any damage. This is considered a projectile attack and can be dodged by manoeuvres that allow avoidance of such attacks. The victim can make a Save Throw vs. Paralysis to avoid being stunned after "reeled in."Name: Absorbing Barrier
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Reflecting Barrier
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: 5'
Description: This is the ability to create an energy barrier which will absorb the chi from incoming energy attacks or spells.
System: The Absorbing Barrier lasts for one round; if used to block an energy attack (fireball, sonic boom, etc.), the total damage inflicted by that attack is instead added to the character's current Chi. If the Absorbing Barrier is used offensively it functions in the same manner as an Energy Barrier. A fighter can absorb more Chi than his max, but it will fade away at a rate of 1d4 points per round, until the total returns to the max. A fighter can use this extra Chi as they wish and it will stop fading once it reaches the normal max amount.Name: Awareness
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Athletics 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: None
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: Also known as Zanshin, this power grants the character a natural sense of when others are approaching them with hostile intent.
System: The character cannot be taken by surprise while conscious.Name: Calm Minds
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Telepathy
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: None
Description: This power enables the character to radiate calm, such that he can quell aggression in others.
System: When this power is used everyone within a number of feet equal to the character's Wisdom + Focus level must make a Save Throw vs. Spells or lose any aggression they have for the next six rounds.Name: Firestar
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Fireburst
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 4 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: +8
Round Movement: None
Description: This is a vastly powerful version of the Fireburst manoeuvre. When it is initiated, a sphere of glowing energy expands outward from the attackers hands, affecting all targets within its area.
System: A Firestar covers a 10' radius around the attacker; everyone within that area takes damage as noted above. Any victim that succeeds in a Save Throw vs. Dragon Breath will take half damage.Name: Ground Ice
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Ice Blast
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: None
Description: The character covers the ground in front of him with slippery ice by use of channelling his chi.
System: The mystic makes the ground in front of the victim solid ice. Affects three 5' adjacent spaces in front of the user. Anyone touching the ground is automatically knocked down, and receives -3 to any to-hit rolls the next round. The ice remains 2 rounds, so anyone staying in place will fall again. Characters may jump safely across, as long as they are able to jump the full distance, or they will fall when they land.Name: Ice-Crystal Blast
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Ice Blast
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: -3
Damage Bonus: +5
Round Movement: None
Description: This technique is a deadlier version of the Ice Blast. It can be projected out like a missile.
System: The opponent won't be frozen. The Blast fires like a cone making it harder to avoid. Within 5' of the attacker use the stats above. For every 5' more the To-Hit roll is increased by 1 and the damage is reduced by one. The ice crystals will have a range equal to 5x the level of Focus in feet.Name: Lightness
Prerequisites: Focus 5, Athletics 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1/+2
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: +1/+3
Description: This power reduces the weight of the target, allowing him to jump quicker and farther than normal.
System: The affected fighter may add +2 to his To-Hit rolls and +15' to his movement for all Jump-enhanced manoeuvres next round. The mystic is not required to concentrate on the effect during the round, and may move and attack normally. Lightness lasts for a number of rounds equal to the mystic's Focus level. The mystic will also receive a +1 to all hit rolls for ground based attacks during the duration.Name: Mind Reading
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Telepathy
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: None
Description: How can you survive against an opponent who knows your next move before you make it? Such is the mental power of some mystic martial artists that they can scan the thoughts of their opponents and predict their next moves.
System: The Mind Reading manoeuvre is not played during a combat round. Instead, the player announces in between combat rounds that his character is using Mind Reading. The character spends two Chi and selects one opponent as the target of the mental scan. The opponent then gets to attempt a Save Throw vs. Spells. If the Mind Reading character succeeds, the opponent must reveal his plans for the round to the player of the Mind Reading character. The opponent must attempt to do as he claimed on the next combat round. The victim must be within a number of feet equal to the mind reader's Wisdom + Focus level. When Mind Reading is used in non-combat scenes, the DM can decide what information a character gains from a successful Mind Reading. The victim will not realise that his mind is being read unless the save throw is successful, and then may change his plan after telling the Mind Reader what he was planning.Name: Shocking Grasp
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Grab 1, Shock Treatment
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: +4
Round Movement: 5'
Description: The fighter's hands crackle with electric energy as he grabs his opponent.
System: The attacker grabs his opponent for a moment and electrocutes him. Like other grab manoeuvres, this attack is made from an adjacent space, as the attacker reaches out and grabs a handful of clothes, an arm, etc. This attack ignores the effects or armour for AC. Only Dexterity or natural AC will apply.Name: Twin Fireballs
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Fireball
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: None
Description: The fighter shoots a pair of fireballs that follow an interlaced sinusoidal path (while one is low on the ground, the other is high above the ground, then the opposite a few seconds later).
System: Two attack rolls are made against the opponent, unless he was in an aerial or crouching manoeuvre, in which case only one of the two fireball can hit him, scoring then only one possible hit. If the victim of the attack is damaged, he is knocked back 5' (regardless of whether one or both fireballs strike the victim).Name: Yoga Flame
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Fireball
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +7
Round Movement: 5'
Description: Not content to throw small balls of fire, Kabaddi stylists have perfected the ability to create a deadly geyser of flame, which they can breathe from their mouths.
System: The Kabaddi master must choose in which direction to breath the flames. The inferno erupts in a conical flame that fills any 5' space adjacent to the fighter and the three 5' spaces beyond it. The fighter rolls separately for attacks against anyone standing in the affected space. Once the Yoga Flame begins, the fire lasts until the end of the current round, so anyone foolish enough to enter the four fiery 5' squares also will have an attack roll against them. The Yoga Flame is even hotter than a Fireball, and thus more prone to ignite nearby flammable materials. The details of that are up to the DM.