Radiance Spells and Meta Powers
by AozAlpha Version: Radiance Spells
Page 77 Retain power
--All of the following spells require some Radiance Power (Rads) to cast.
1 rad per level/ beyond that side effects/ glows at 12+ rads beyond normal storage.
Lifeforce Healing
5th level
Rads: 10+
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 feet
Area: one being
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: noneA creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 | + 1d4 hp per 2 extra rad spent. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. Brotherhood of Rad only Spell.
Angus's Wave of Necromantic Destruction
9th level
Rads: 18
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Centered on caster (caster is not affected)
Area: 30-ft.-radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: poison
Spell Resistance: YesWhen this spell is cast, enemies and allies within the area of effect are dealt 10d6 points of poisonous energy. However, up to wizards level divded by 2 (If 30 level then = 15) of those victims that perish as a result of this blast are then instantly animated as wraiths. These undead serve the character indefinitely and are 100% loyal to the caster.
Rain of Fire
8th level
Rads: 16
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Centered on caster
Area: 1-mile-radius
Duration: 1 hour plus 5 minutes per level
Saving Throw: spell negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: YesThis spell summons a swirling firestorm that rains fire on the caster and everything within a two-mile radius of him or her. Everything caught unprotected or unsheltered in the flaming deluge takes 1d2 point of fire damage each round. A successful spell save results in no damage, but the save must be repeated each round.
The fiery storm is stationary and persists even if the caster leaves the area or teleports away. A dispel Magic has no effect on storm.
Vol Rapide French for Fast Flight
6th level
Rads: 6 or 12
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Self (6 rads) or other (12 rads)
Area: 1 willing being
Duration: 30 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoThe target can fly at an amazing 120 mph (193.12 km) per hour or travel 60 miles (96.56 km) in one spell casting. This spells is all go and no slow. You must travel at 120 mph (193.12 km) per hour, trying stop or slow down and the spell instantly ends. Landings can be tricky at 120 mph (193.12 km) per hour.
Wise wizards will also have feather fall in their prepared spells for that day.
Optional Meta Powers for Radiance Users
How about adding Meta Powers to Radiance Users for Rads. Something like:
Feat Name; Rads; and Descriptions
Aquatic Spell
Rads: +3
An aquatic spell functions normally when underwater and requires no caster level check to cast, even if it possesses the [fire] descriptor. In addition, the spell can be cast from the surface into water and still be effective.Burning Spell
Rads: +3
Spell with the [acid] or [fire] descriptor deals extra damage the next round. Inflict half as much damage then next round. Fireball that did 8d6 would do 4d6 then next round.Centered Spell
Rads: +1
You can center the area of a spell with an area effect and duration of instantaneous on you, and exclude yourself from the effects of the spell. Your familiar (if any) is also excluded from the effect, provided that it is in your square and at least one size category smaller than you.Draining Spell
Rads: +9
When a living creature takes damage from the affected spell, that creature also takes 2 points of damage to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution or 2 points of damage to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (caters choice). The target(s) can attempt a death spell: save to negate the effect. Ageless, undead or immortal creatures are immune to this effect.Concussive Spell
Rads: +6
Spell with the [sonic] descriptor gains a debilitating concussive effect.Consecrate Spell
Rads: +6
Spell is maximized against evil creatures and creatures with the evil subtype.Dazing Spell
Rads: +9
Save vs Spell or You can daze (1 round per spell level..any damage undazes) creatures with the power of your spells.Delayed Spell
Rads: +3
You can set a spell to trigger on a delay (1 round per level).Disruptive Spell
Rads: +9
Your magical energies cling to enemies, interfering with their spellcasting. Make an save vs Rod to overcome this and cast a spell. Disruption lasts 1 round per spell level or until dispelled.Elemental Exchange I believe The Glantri Great School has a skill that can do the same but this is easier.
Rads: +3
You can instantly change a fireball that you cast into an Coldball (same damage) just change elemental type.Empower Spell
Rads: +6
Increase spell variables by 50%.Enlarge Spell
Rads: +3
Double spell range.Extend Spell
Rads: +3
Double spell duration.Fatigue Spell
Rads: +3
Save vs Spell or Spell damage causes the fatigue conditionFearsome Spell
Rads: +6
Save vs Spell or Spell damage causes the shaken condition.Flaring Spell
Rads: +3
Spell with the [fire], [light], or [electricity] descriptor dazzles creatures it affects.Heighten Spell
Rads: Equal to spell level (3rd level fireball would be 3)
Cast as 4 levels higher (36 level would be equal to a 40th level caster).Maximize Spell
Rads: +9
Maximize spell variables. Fireball 8d6 would do 48 damage.Quicken Spell
Rads: +12
Cast spell as a swift action or if BECMI turn it into instantly cast. Only spells with casting times under a minute can be effected.Cold and Slowed
Rads: +3
Spell with the [cold] descriptor also slow creatures if the spell damages them.Seeking Spell
Rads: +6
A seeking spell’s range can bend around obstacles to reach the intended target.Sickening Spell
Rads: +6
Sicken creature with spell damageSilent Spell
Rads: +3
Cast spell without verbal componentsSnuffing Spell
Rads: +6
The first time a creature takes damage from or fails a saving throw against a snuffing spell, any non-magical light sources it has are immediately extinguished and you can attempt to dispel any active spells with the light descriptor that are affecting the target as if you had also cast the targeted version of dispel magic. Spells that do not target creatures can’t be snuffing spells.Still Spell
Rads: +3
Cast spell without somatic componentsStudied Spell
Rads: +6
Spell uses Knowledge to bypass racial and magic resistances!!Tenacious Spell
Rads: +3
Spell is difficult to dispel and remains for 1d4 rounds even after being dispelled. Antimagic shuts spell off instantly.Toppling Spell
Rads: +3
Spell with the [force or magic] descriptor knocks targets prone or knock down.Toxic Spell
Rads: +3
You can use 1 dose of contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury poison as an additional material component for a spell you cast. This spell gains the poison descriptor. Select a single creature affected by the spell. If that creature fails its saving throw against the spell, it must also attempt a saving throw against the poison used as a material component. If the target fails the save against the poison, the poison takes effect immediately, ignoring any onset time. The poison uses its save vs poison (rather than the save vs spell).Twin Spell
Rads: Four times spell level (3rd level spell would cost 12 Rads)
A spell altered by this power takes effect twice, as if you were simultaneously casting the same spell two times on the same location or against the same target.Widen Spell
Rads: +9
You double the affected spells area of effect.and
Radiance Materials
Micky the Mage, sponsored the research and developed of this Radiance power.
Rads: Three times spell level (3rd level spell would cost 9 Rads)
On the spells that require a material component this power allows the spell to be cast without needing that component.