Metinsulae - Isle of the Metamorphs
by Cab Davidson from Threshold Magazine issue 30
The island of Metinsulae is described here as a location 100 miles to the northeast of the city of Helskir (at the northern tip of the Isle of Dawn), in the Alphatian Sea. As described, history and foreign relations as described fit into that context, but otherwise the island of Metinsulae is designed to be essentially agnostic as to location, and can be included almost anywhere in Mystara or indeed within any other game world.
[Image: Metamorph]
Caption: Metamorph, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingNote on the Island of Metinsulae, Titus Alphatius Nuarius Crassus, Admiral of Classius Insulam Aurorae
“It is to be observed that the isle known as Metinsulae is off-limits to all military shipping, and it is our advice that civilian and mercantile ships should also stay clear. The Metinsulans are dangerous.
The inhabitants of the island, almost human in nature, are of frightful visage, with lifeless, featureless eyes betraying a hollow, savage soul. Initial contact was made in AY 1450, and our records show that to have been peaceful. Our assessment documents from that date record a natural harbour of quite unsurpassed usefulness and defensive possibilities, with a small, flat, central island made up of rich soil, ample fresh water and abundant forests located in the Alphatian Sea, occupied by a few hundred apparently defenceless natives. It was assumed that a landing of a few cohorts of soldiers would be enough to take and garrison the island, but a whole legion was sent to secure it because this promised to be a great strategic resource. That legion was never heard from again.
10 years later, another attempt was made, this time by sending diplomats to the island to contact and offer terms of allegiance in the hope that the island might become a protectorate of the empire, but that mission was met by a polite delegation of natives presenting the helmets of fallen legionaries as a gift for the Emperor. The Emperor was enraged, and sent an overwhelming expeditionary force to punish the islanders.
This invasion was repelled, but this time there were survivors. They reported that the peoples of Metinsulae did not resist invasion, in fact they were apparently not home when our forces landed. But for reasons unknown at the time, our ships began sinking within the bay that surrounds the central part of the island, and small groups of soldiers ashore were ambushed by unseen enemies who used the environs of the land to separate and pick off legionaries in small numbers. Our show of force had failed to impress the inhabitants; they had merely retreated to counter-attack on their own terms. And piece by piece, that force was mostly destroyed.
Since then, few official Thyatian contacts have been made with Metinsulae. When any of our ships have been in trouble in those waters, assistance (clerical help, fresh water, even repairs) have been provided by the islanders, but our ships have not been allowed entry to their harbour. It is to be assumed that memories of our failed invasions have persisted through the intervening generations.
We did not find out the identity of the Metinsulans for another 200 years. Metamorphs? That amply explained why our invasions had failed…”[Image: Metinsulae map]
Caption: Metinsulae map done by the authorThe Island
Metinsulae is Mystara’s only known Metamorph nation (if such it can be described). It is made up of a single island, formed from an aeons-dead volcano in the Alphatian Sea, around 100 miles northeast of Helskir on the Isle of Dawn. Its position makes it a valuable site for migrating sea birds, who flock to Metinsulae and the associated smaller islands in vast numbers, with puffins, guillemots, razorbills, shags, eider, little auk, great auk, gannets, and terns turning every inch of beach into a breeding ground through summer. Birds and seals feed on plentiful shoals of white and oily fish that teem in the cold waters streaming down from north, mixing with the warmer water and air from the Isle of Dawn making for a cool, productive, wet, maritime environment. Prevailing winds from the west provide ample irrigation, feeding a number of streams and rivers typically flowing down the west side of the shallow hills that absorb most of the rain, but mists that shroud the island most mornings dampen most surfaces sufficiently to ensure that no uncleaned surface is free of moss or larger plants.
An almost complete ring of land, separated by 4-5 miles of water from the main island, surrounds the central isle except for a 2-mile opening to the west. A causeway, 2/3 of a mile wide, made up of sand and shingle, connects the east side of the island to the outer ring. On the highest spring tides this causeway is covered by the ocean. This inner sea forms a massive lagoon, known to locals simply as The Bay, with shallow water depositing the very finest sand on beaches and in sandbanks. The waters of the lagoon are treacherous, with shoaling banks that shift with each tide. Skilled local sailors navigate this zone with ease, understanding how both the colour of the water and the shape of the waves reflect the depth of the bay, while unwary outsiders are likely to find themselves helplessly beached if they try to enter without a guide. The shifting sands of this region are ideal for the growth of sea lettuce and dulse seaweeds, cockles and clams, as well as marsh samphire, sea beet, shore crabs and sea kale in the wetlands, all of which are harvested for use by the island inhabitants.
The land itself is rich and productive. Most of the outer ring (referred to by locals merely as The Beach) is made up of rich farmland fertilised by millennia of bird droppings, where the islanders grow wheat, barley, vegetables and other crops. In places ridges of the old volcano poke through this, forming short chains of near featureless (except for nesting birds) hills. Small patches of woodland that are found in The Beach are rich with hazel, sea buckthorn, elder, cherry, gorse and hawthorn, and enclose dense thickets of bramble and raspberry that fruit through summer and autumn. The central island of Metinsulae rises from its lower northern half, which is farmed for crops as intensively as The Beach, to a hillier and in places densely wooded southern side with apple, pear, plum, service, guelder rose, whitebeam, sloe, bullace and medlar trees tended for fruit among older, greater oak, ash and elm trees.
Alphatian Travel Writer, Lindqvist of Frisland, his travels to Metinsulae
“Typically one finds that most inhabitants of a nation share similarities in doctrine and belief, and while regional differences do occur they are rarely found to be great over short distances. A hostelry in Akesoli is more similar to one in Darokin than another in Selenica, but the requirement to leave a hefty tip to guarantee quality service and mediocrity of the wine invariably remind us we are touring a second-rate nation. Thyatis and Tel Akbir differ in architecture due to their cultural ties, but not in the surly attitude of slaves who ruin what could otherwise be an almost passable restaurant culture. Metinsulae is unique in that in such a very small space, with only a few settlements, there is more variation in food, architecture and culture than one may believe possible. The nine settlements in this malodorous maritime speck represent not only different places of habitation, but different philosophies of metamorphosis. The villages (each as different from the next as one nation from another) are generally friendly to each other, but I can discern little in the way of central governance, and almost no continuity of culinary and artistic culture. It is to be admired that, uniquely, through this diversity the Metinsulans seem to be the only culture who manage to be less than the sum of their parts.
There is no reason to visit Metinsulae, unless for trade, or you are specifically interested in the metamorphs themselves. They are an interesting breed of the species, being generally light of skin but dark of hair, with prominent, perhaps even dignified or, less politely, robust noses. The eyes of these metamorphs are featureless and white, as are those of all of the species, and their countenance and habit is both expressive and expansive. It is my belief that they would be unable to talk at all should their hands be held to their sides. The men tend towards physical health, with an outdoor lifestyle in farming, fishing and hunting that feeds the body at the expense of the mind (they are no great thinkers) and soul (they are also no great artists). And the women, well, when young they are near unsurpassed in beauty, but as they age they adopt more of the countenance of warships – hardened, uncompromising, and should you cross them you should expect to be holed beneath the waterline.
The tastes of the Metinsulans are complex. From us, they import a number of both Alphatian and Thyatian goods (for some reason they do not trade directly with the Thyatians). This includes olives, garum, liquamen, sugar, salt, citrus fruit and various worked metal products. They export cured fish, some uncut gemstones, silk, dyes and pearls – but all in small quantities. One product, byssal silk, a golden fabric of great worth, is unique to the island.
I shan’t finish my review with my customary exhortation to visit this or that site. I shall say only this – do not go to Metinsulae, it is a dreary place.”On Metamorphs
Lecture notes of Wisemeuller, Reader in Biological Anthropology, University of Limn in Trollhattan, transcribed verbatim by Gingaanguuly, nixie student reading Comparative Zoology.
“The metamorph is rather close to a human in his appearance, being of a similar size and shape and in similar hues to Mystaran humans. But it would be verging on impossible to mistake one for a human; their ears are somewhat pointed, coming to an abrupt rather than the tapering point of an elf, and their eyes are completely white, without any visible iris or pupil. You would be wrong to assume that this difference is subtle; it is fundamental to the nature of all humanoids, especially humans and their demi-human kin, that they immediately perceive such ocular details. Metamorphs are like humans, but they are never mistaken for humans.
In structure their organs, both internal and external, are like those of humans, with few measurable differences between the two. It is within the brain and certain glands that differences become apparent. Through either Immortal intervention or selection, the parts of their brain associated with imagination are tethered to the oldest parts of the hindbrain, the most primitive regions associated with basal functions like olfaction and reproduction, and thence via ganglia to assorted glands such as the thyroid, parathyroid, pineal and adrenal. This confers direct control over physiology in ways unknown in any other creature. Simply, this conveys cognitive control over their own physiology – an ability to change form.
This ability takes many years to mature, and it is around the onset of puberty (for a metamorph this occurs between the ages of 16 and 20) that they learn to harness this skill. By full adulthood they usually know at least three broad forms – perhaps mammals, birds and reptiles, or arachnids, insects and fish. What is just as interesting is that, in the later years of childhood, they develop intellectually at an extraordinary rate, learning both natural and moral philosophies in a way we would not expect of any human or demi-human of that age. Their awakening as a physiologically adult metamorph is synchronous with their dawning as a conscientious being. Thus there are few cruel metamorphs – they cannot help but empathise with others, which is both their moral strength and, arguably, their strategic weakness.
They have, at this age, a desire to learn and to travel, and perhaps uniquely the majority become adventurers. It is amusing to note that their apparent empathy has been mistaken by the Thyatian Empire as weakness, at the expense of several lost invading legions over the years! But those who do not succumb to death in this younger, adventurous phase of their lives can expect to live anything up to 200 years. Fertility, gestation and such matters are as similar to those of humans as makes no odds.
Thus, I would describe the metamorph as mankind's physiologically over-achieving cousin. A fascinating species, whose societal and biological behaviour can be explained by some unique anatomical quirks.”Language
The islanders use a form of sign language known to all metamorphs, which is primarily communicated with hands and arms. There is a spoken form of this language, but it tends to only be used when one metamorph needs to attract the attention of another or to be heard over a distance. For the most part, discussions between Metinsulans seem oddly silent to foreigners.
Most Metinsulans also speak one or more of the languages of human visitors. Minrothadan (itself a patois of Thyatian) and Alphatian are common, with a few also knowing the Heldann tongue. Curiously, if metamorphs choose to ‘speak’ a foreign language among themselves they also seem to intuitively form a sign language version of this. They may thus speak behind the back of another creature, right in front of them, and silently. And they take great amusement in mocking outsiders in a sign language form of their own tongue that they cannot hope to understand.
Currency and Trade
Metinsulae is a small but prosperous island. Currency is not minted locally, but Thyatian, Alphatian, Minrothaddan, Norwolder and other coins are accepted if they make the accepted weight. The island has numerous surprising exports. It is known to export high quality cured fish and there is a small excess of grain that is sold to passing traders. But those most in the know understand that this island is a treasure trove for smaller scale, higher value products.
Metamorphs are unique in their capacity to obtain and process a range of materials simply inaccessible to other creatures. By cultivation of certain deep sea shellfish, insects and seaweeds they create raw materials for the manufacture of exotic dyes and unique silks, and the precision mining techniques available to burrowing creatures have allowed them to open impressive tunnels to access gemstones well beneath the surface of the dormant volcano that forms the island. Volumes obtained are not sufficient in themselves to make the islanders wealthy, but they are enough to allow them to import things that they need to make their lives more interesting. Imports include foodstuffs (olives, olive oil, garum, liquamen, citrus fruits and cured meats are esteemed), worked goods (metal goods in particular) and boats (which they can produce, but not of the quality obtainable in Helskir, Oceansend or Alphatia).
The unique skills of metamorphs mean they are in demand in other lands, and notable metamorph adventurers have returned with massive fortunes.
Lastly, Metinsulans are not above piracy. They do not publicise this, of course, but their biological skillset is very well suited to piratical ventures.
Philosophy of Metamorphosis
Section of a lecture given by Cochlea Lolligo, to visiting Fellows of the Draco Centre of Natural and Moral Philosophy.
“For metamorphs, family is more important than nation, religion matters according to an individual’s strength of faith, but none of those things are the basis of our identity. As we grow, we find ourselves drawn to the animals around us, and we begin to have an initial affinity for a particular kind of animal as we enter puberty. That affinity isn’t about liking or even admiring those animals, it is about sharing an understanding of the wider world with them. Being able to see their point of view, to understand the basis of what they might think and feel. On the island of Metinsulae we take this further, and when first becoming aware of such an affinity the child has the option of going to live with others who share that perspective, where they can study those creatures. In fact each of the villages maintains good relations with several examples of their kind of animal, not so much in captivity but by mutual agreement, who can be studied. As we mature further, we travel to other villages to study other creatures and learn their forms but from that point our chosen village remains our home. For us, place, philosophy and sense of self are all one.
This is also the age at which we choose our own names. Our parents give us names when we are born, as I believe is the case of other creatures, but when we are called to our initial form we choose our own names to reflect the identity we have chosen, usually based on animals we feel the greatest affinity for.
For us, shapechanging is not a magical gift, it is not an expenditure of mystical energy that allows us to take another form. It is the philosophy of understanding the creature that allows us to shift into that form. It is the beingness of a being. The rabbitness of a rabbit, the eagleness of the eagle. We call this the telos of an animal, and it is the close understanding of that creature, the telos thereof, that brings us to a point where we can assume its form. We must gain both a mental and philosophical understanding of a creature before we can learn its form. And, yes, we travel and we gain experiences of the world outside of our home island such that we can learn more forms. If you like, our whole existence is a voyage of discovery, a life spent furthering our personal and collective philosophical understanding of the living world.”Foreign Relations
There are no formal embassies on Metinsulae, nor are emissaries or ambassadors from Metinsulae present in other countries. Despite the lack of formal links, most Metinsulans travel quite widely in their younger days before settling back on the island, and there are traders from some nations who are aware of the island and who visit regularly.
Attitudes towards and from each nation can be summarised thus.
Alphatia: Metinsulae was known to Alphatians from around 500 years after Landfall (BC 500), and by that time the metamorph culture there was already thriving. While the mineral wealth and agricultural potential of Norwold and the plains of the northern Isle of Dawn were of obvious value, the metamorph island was more of a curiosity. There followed a protracted debate in the Alphatian Grand Council as to whether metamorphosis was magical, making the islanders spellcasters and therefore entitled to Aristocrat status within the Empire, and for over a century no clear decision was made. To this day the possibility of offering the island Kingdom status within the Empire based on what some still hold to be obviously a magical ability remains a hot topic of discussion among a certain subset of academics. But as the island was never a threat and is of little strategic worth while Alphatia maintains ports on the Isle of Dawn, in Norwold, and of course at home, there has never been any impetus to resolve the matter. Relations have remained cordial, with metamorphs welcomed in Alphatia, and the occasional delegation of wizards allowed to study on the island.
The rise of Thyatis changed this relationship, but only subtly. Alphatia still had no interest in taking the island by force, but had to tread carefully to avoid triggering a Thyatian invasion. The policy changed to one of quiet support – supplying information on Thyatian military plans, subtly interfering with any plans Thyatis might have to invade, etc. Thyatis possessing such a superb natural port at a strategic location could not be countenanced, and should this occur Alphatia would have to intervene. Thus far, this has thankfully not been the case.
Alphatian ships call regularly on the island and are the main trading partners of Metinsulae.
Thyatis: The usefulness of a huge natural harbour with ample fresh water in the Alphatian Sea has always been obvious, and Thyatis has tried to invade the island twice, both times with terrible results. It was assumed that the islanders would be a pushover, but on both occasions the invading forces were massacred. Since then, Thyatian ships have been unwelcome.
More recently, Thyatis has come to suspect that Alphatia has supplied the islanders with tactical information and would probably intervene militarily if another invasion came, so they have changed their tactics. Their agents seek to find younger, travelling islanders and turn them to favour Thyatis, a long-term strategy that they hope will allow them to use the island as a military base in the future. Until recently, results have been poor, but a recent breakthrough may well tip the scales in their favour.
Minrothad: Traders from Minrothad call at Metinsulae, as everywhere, and are often the route that metamorphs take to reach other lands when the urge to seek adventure strikes. While the islanders’ needs are quite simple, Minrothaddan traders are the most widely travelled in the world and bring both strange and interesting goods and tales of exotic creatures that are always of interest. In return, they trade for gemstones, pearls, dyes, silks and other small volume, high value materials that the islanders produce.
Northern Reaches: Centuries ago, Metinsulans kept a wary eye to the West, in case of raiders. But those raiders learned the hard way that the blood price for plunder here is too high, and now relations are relatively cordial. In fact, pirate booty obtained by the metamorphs is usually fenced through the Northern Reaches. Metinsulans are happy to accept a lower price for such goods rather than draw attention to their piratical activity.
Settlements of Metinsulae
There are nine settlements on the island. Bestia and Avis are the largest, found on the central island, along with two smaller settlements named Vermis and Blatta. Five others are found on The Beach, namely Squilla, Piscis, Polypus, Scorpius and Lacerta. While residents in each are loyal to their home settlement, outsiders typically fail to understand that the nature of settlement on the island is not familial or geographic, it is philosophical, and as they reach adulthood Metinsulans are free to choose which of the settlements they adopt as their home, the settlement reflecting a primary form of metamorphosis they favour above others.
Each settlement reflects that form of metamorphosis in various ways, including architecture and cuisine. Each is represented by a single Elder, who is elected as leader of the settlement by all adults of the settlement once every two years. The Elders convene regularly in Bestia, the largest of all Metinsulan settlements, typically quite informally, to make any decisions or form any policies necessary to reflect the whole island. So informal it is, in fact, that to visitors the island may appear to be entirely ungoverned.
[Image: Bestia]
Caption: Bestia, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingBestia
The largest settlement in Metinsulae is Bestia, with 1,150 adult metamorphs making this small town their home. The prevailing philosophy of the town is that of changing into mammals, although which mammal is best is a hotly contested discussion often shared over an ale. While big cats, bears, dogs, various rodents and deer are kept here for study (in excellent conditions; they are considered friends rather than prisoners) many prefer the forms of dolphins, porpoises and killer whales that are found in local waters. Whichever form is most favoured, every Bestian chooses to learn to become a mammal as their first form. This defines a Bestian.
The architecture of Bestia is closer to that of the rest of the Isle of Dawn than anywhere else on the Island, with much Thyatian influence being visible. Most people live in spacious flats opening out onto open courtyards, the square three-storey buildings built by the river. A granary, a temple (with shrines to Malafor, Zirchev, Protius and Terra) and the Armoury, a simple stone fort overlooking the bay, make up the sum of the public buildings. Few choose to cook, many prefer to hunt for food, but most choose to eat at one of the half-dozen or so thermopolia (counter-serving restaurants) where a mix of fish, olives, bread, simply cooked vegetables and wine is preferred. Most are employed in farming or gathering seaweeds, wild plants and shellfish in the lagoon, and half a dozen fishing boats leave on every tide. The method of fishing, namely finding a shoal and turning into dolphins to drive fish toward nets, is unique to the island.
Visiting metamorphs usually stay with other metamorphs in the settlement, while the few from off-island who stay here do so at the single inn (referred to as The Hospitium).
Mustela Porcus (Metamorph Cleric of Zirchev 15). Mustela appears much as any other local metamorph. She is short (5'3"), relatively stout, and looks to be about 40 years old. She carries herself with confidence and has an air of moral authority, a cool charm that comes without effort, and most find themselves trusting her.
She travelled in her youth, visiting Traldara, the Isle of Dread, Alphatia, and Norwold, seeking out both knowledge of Zirchev and the teachings of other groups of metamorphs. She is the natural choice for Elder of Bestia, bringing both authority and wisdom to the role.
Mustela Porcus, Metamorph Cleric 15: Alignment Neutral, AC0, HP 56, Str 9, Int 15, Wis 17, Dex 10, Con 13, Cha 16, Expert with mace and Skilled with sling). Ring of protection +3, shield +3, mace +1, sling +2. Also has a rod of healing, ring of holiness, and an elven cloak.
Lyncis Cattus (Metamorph Thief, level 9). Lyncis is a young man with a keen eye for profit, without any ambition for power but with a certain panache with finance. He’s tall (6'3") with the most pronounced nose even for a Metinsulan, and doesn’t outwardly seem in any way adventurous. He comes across as more studious, more serious than this. But an adventurer he was and remains, with close links with thieves guilds in both Helskir and Norwold, who send him details via scrolls of communication as to where the juiciest and most lucrative cargo ships are heading to, and with this knowledge he leads perhaps the most dangerous group of pirates in the Alphatian Sea.
They go by no name, they have no great ship. They crowd aboard two small but handy sailing vessels, posing as fishermen, and they approach their targets at dusk. After nightfall, when many a merchantman will slow to avoid the dangers of ploughing through a wine-dark sea, they strike. Transforming into whales, dolphins or sea birds they board and plunder the vessel, taking only the most valuable goods, and usually causing only as much harm to the crew as they absolutely must. Many merchant crews fail to ever even find out how they were robbed.
[Image: Bestia's fort at night]
Caption: Bestia's fort at night, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingLyncis understands that this can go on only so long, because sooner or later either the Alphatian or Thyatian navy will come looking for them, and he is already looking for his next business opportunity. But for the moment, he’s having the time of his life.
Lyncis Cattus, Metamorph Thief 9: Alignment Neutral, AC 4, HP 28, Str 11, Int 16, Wis 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Cha 10. Skilled with normal sword and dagger. Ring of navy, dimensional ring, normal sword +2, dagger +1 of slicing).
New Items: Ring of navy: The wearer of this ring can summon, for up to 2 hours, 6 sailors. The sailors will not fight and are unarmed and unarmoured, and have 8hp each; they can row, sail, work with ropes, carry things, tell off-colour jokes and salty dog stories and in the broadest sense perform the work typically expected of sailors. A second command word will make the sailors disappear again. Any sailors killed cannot be replaced.
Dimensional ring: This ring can, upon command, sequester up to 6 palm-sized items in an extradimensional space. They may be anything that can be held in the hand up to the size of a dagger (e.g. a gemstone, a coin, another ring, a potion bottle, etc.), and any can be summoned in a round by stating a command word. If the ring is removed while items are still sequestered, the items are scattered on the ground around the wearer.
[Image: Avis]http://pandius.com/avis_tree_nests_2_by_mrmusashi_dfbxot0.png
Caption: Avis, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingAvis
The second largest settlement on the island, Avis is home to the avian philosophy, with around 940 metamorphs whose first chosen form was that of a bird. It lies at the mouth of the river at the south side of the island, facing out into the salt lagoon and surrounded by dense woodland. To the north and east wooded hills stretch upwards. The design of homes in Avis very much reflects the avian philosophy, many being built into or onto the trees with rooms at almost random heights. Avians don’t refer to their rather loose collections of rooms and shelters as ‘homes’, they call them ‘nests’, and such they really are, very often with the most sparse reception chambers at ground level with more opulent upper rooms higher in trees reached by flight or with ladders. There are no public buildings per-se in Avis, but the assortment of free rooms and homes within Avis is such that there are always numerous free spaces for visitors, for trade, and for storage. While there is no formal temple, glades near to the village are held to be sacred and are used in rituals to honour Immortals favoured here, including Terra, Simurgh and Protius.
Moored in the river are dozens of flat-bottomed barges, which the folk of Avis use for fishing in a most unique fashion. Avians typically punt in the shallow waters until they find a likely site for fishing, whereupon they transform into cormorants, bringing fish after fish back to the boats. Usually one metamorph drives the shoals to others who are waiting to make the catch. Bestian nets catch more fish, Avians catch better fish.
Avians tend the forest to produce fruit and edible plants, harvest ample food therein for their needs, and trade for farmed goods from Bestia. Outside visitors are welcomed, but rarely come to Avis, most external trade being conducted at Bestia and Squilla.
Struthionis Aquilae (Metamorph Paladin of Protius 20): Struthio, as he is known to his friends, spent years adventuring in Norwold, training at the Tondera monastery among other metamorphs, and battling evils from Landfall to Frosthaven, before returning to bring riches back to his homeland and to try to master the polymorphing arts as well as his martial ones. He was surprised to be elected Elder of the settlement and has no intention of seeking to stay beyond his initial term in charge, but for the moment he has decided to stay and see what can be done to further the lives of his countrymen before moving on again.
He is an imposing specimen by any measurement. 6'6", muscular and fast, he exudes physical prowess. He hasn’t aged as well as he might have done, with the rigours of years on the road showing in his 70-year-old weather-beaten features. There is more salt than pepper in his hair these days.
Struthionis Aquilae, Metamorph Paladin 20: Alignment Lawful, AC-3, HP 65, Str 17, Int 9, Wis 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Cha 16, Master with normal sword, Expert with bolas, Skilled with dagger). Ring of protection +4, shield +4 of scenting, normal sword +3, bolas +2. Also has a ring of speed, scroll of creation and a rod of batting.
New items: Shield + 4 of scenting: This shield can be commanded to create any smell, centred on the wielder, once per day. From that point and for 4 hours that smell will be detectable by any character within 10'. This scent completely replaces the wielder’s own aroma, and will throw any creature hunting by scent off a character’s track. Any (non-harmful) smell can be created – perfume, rotting eggs, fresh bread, coffee, etc.
Rod of batting: This rod is rather wider at one end than the other, and has a distinct handle with which it can be held in either hand to be used, and can be handled alongside a normal one-handed melee weapon. Up to two ranged weapons up to the size of a spear per point of dexterity bonus the character has, can be batted away by the wielder per round, as an extra action in addition to any actions taken. To bat away a projectile the wielder must make a hit roll, successful vs. the armour class the attack was made. In addition, the wielder may choose to attack using the rod, by tossing a rock in the air and batting it up to 150'. Rocks thus propelled must weigh at least 5cn each, and inflict 1d8 damage.
Gallina Pullum (Metamorph Druid 10): Gallina is jokingly referred to as ‘the force of nature’ among other metamorphs, being known across the island as perhaps the most outspoken advocate for the protection of natural resources among all residents. From her initial philosophical perspective of “protect the environment because that saves the birds,” she somehow contrives to oppose most interactions between metamorphs and other races, between Metinsulans and other nations, and indeed most other means by which anything on the island would ever change. While in many nations such a stance may make her a subject of ridicule, here she is cherished as a necessary voice for the environment and for the animals around the island.
Short, claiming to be 5'1" but actually closer to 4'11", she’s thick-set and both intellectually and physically rugged. Dark-set brows under an uncontrolled shock of black hair allow her to become more visibly imposing than she may otherwise manage, exacerbating the ferocity of her blank-eyed gaze. Intensely persuasive rather than likeable, her force of personality may be her most potent weapon.
Gallina Pullum, Metamorph Druid 10: Alignment Neutral (just!), AC6, HP 37, Str 7, Int 17, Wis 17, Dex 9, Con 12, Cha 16, Skilled with staff). Staff +2.
[Image: Piscis]
Caption: Piscis, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingPiscis
The third largest settlement on the island, and the largest on The Beach, Piscis and the surrounding area is home to around 450 metamorphs who conform to the philosophy of the fish. The main village is located on a spit of land between a river in the east and an ocean bay in the west, and it is dotted with rivulets of fresh water which flow from the hill to the northeast, mixing with inlets of water from the ocean. Homes are built across and above these rivulets, sometimes enclosing dug-out pools of water temporarily trapping the flow thereof. All are single-storey, except for the village temple which is a three-storey tower built with both fresh and saltwater flows beneath. The temple contains shrines to Protius, Malafor and Calitha.
Piscians make a good living farming the fertile northern plains of The Beach, and also travelling out to several small, sandy islands where they hunt sea birds.
Salmo Tructa (Metamorph Magic-User 19): Salmo maintains a simple home in Piscis, and also has other humble residences in coastal towns from Slagovich to Skyfyr. She is tall (at precisely 6'), willowy, long-haired and quite striking in appearance. She favours simple, practical clothing that allows free movement, and has a habit of being constantly in motion – she has never been one to sit still. As arguably the most potent magic-user from the island (although Cancri Hermetica of Squilla may have something to say about that), she teleports to coastal spots across the world where she finds examples of unusual fish to bring home to communicate with and study. It is this rather than her actual magical ability that has led the metamorphs of Piscia to elect her Elder.
Salmo Tructa, Metamorph Magic-User 10: Alignment Lawful, AC3, HP 46, Str 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Dex 9, Con 9, Cha 16, Expert with staff and dagger. Ring of protection +3, dagger +3 of disengaging, wand of lightning bolts (22 charges), staff of wizardry (28 charges), earring of speed.
Dagger +3 of disengaging: If wielding this weapon, once per day a user may recite a command word that creates an identical illusion of themselves still fighting against the foe, allowing them to disengage from combat for a single round (to run away, to reposition, to step out and drink a potion, etc.) The illusion lasts for a single round, and any magic short of a truesight cannot see through it. Note that creatures ‘seeing’ by scent, sonar etc. cannot be fooled by this.
[Image: Polypus]
Caption: Polypus, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingPolypus
This settlement of around 400 adult metamorphs is found on The Beach east of the main island, nestled between the rain-swept hills and the bay. Aeons-old steam vents, betraying the volcanic origin of the island and scoured out by river water flowing down from the hills, form dry, secure networks of caves that the Polypans make their own. The tunnels descend therein to a number of tidal pools, connecting in an underground network to the bay, and it is within the palatial splendour of this enormous complex that the Polypans make their home. In one particularly rugged chamber, with surprisingly good natural acoustics, they have a temple with shrines to Malafor and Protius.
Polypus is the home to the mollusc philosophy, and Metinsulans drawn towards octopus, squid, snails, cuttlefish and the like make their homes here. The caves in which they reside, while brightly decorated, weather-resistant and comfortable, are ideal for this philosophy, allowing them to live as closely as they can to the water to take the form of cephalopods, while the wooded hills nearby are an ideal habitat for gastropods.
While adept at both farming the plains of The Beach and tending the forests for fruit, Polypans also farm oysters within those tidal caves, carefully tending them in octopus form to grow large pearls that are highly valued for export.
Cochlea Lolligo (Metamorph Fighter 30): Cochlea is an elderly metamorph who long since retired from active adventuring to come home to Metinsulae. She’s seen a lot, having hacked her way through Ulimwengu jungles, kelp forests in Undersea and even Vulcanian ice fields, but now she prefers teaching the young who come to Polypus and who join the philosophy. She’s quite tall (5'9") and built powerfully, but never shows any aggression towards anyone or anything, except if pushed. Unsurprisingly, this elderly (at 215 years old one of the oldest on the island) metamorph is the elected Elder of Polypus. Her greatest regret is that she has known for over a century that Sanguisina Parasiticus of Vermis loves her, but she prioritised teaching over her personal life. Perhaps it isn’t too late?
Cochlea Lolligo, Metamorph Fighter 30: Alignment Lawful, AC0, HP 105, Str 15, Int 10, Wis 17, Dex 17, Con 15, Cha 9, Grand Master with normal sword, Grand Master with longbow, Expert with trident. Shield +5 of steeding, normal sword +4 of extinguishing, longbow +4 of lighting, 12 arrows +3 of sinking, ring of protection +4, scarab of protection.
Shield +5 of steeding: Once per day this shield creates a single steed. The steed is a perfectly normal creature with tack and saddle, that will do the bidding of the summoner, and disappears after 8 hours, if killed, or the shield dropped.
[Image: Lacerta]
Caption: Lacerta, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingLacerta
A low-lying village of around 380 metamorphs south of the opening from The Bay to the ocean, Lacerta is home to the reptilian tradition.
The village itself is constructed just above the sand dunes, built from flat stones gathered from miles around across The Beach. Over a hundred huts cluster in a fairly small space, dug down into the sandy earth and topped with larger capping stones that make a fairly flat surface upon which much of the activity of the village is conducted. Like other villages on The Beach, Lacertans farm some of the fertile grasslands, but they also maintain a fleet of around a dozen small fishing vessels on the west coast that are fully seaworthy, and they net herring, mackerel, and various white fish. On that shore they also maintain small lagoons where live a dozen or so large saltwater crocodiles, descendants of others brought to the island in infancy hundreds of years ago. Said crocodiles could not be said to be tame, but they are tolerant of the metamorphs and even friendly to the Lacertans, and deeply hostile towards any other humanoids. The crocodiles are competent ocean swimmers, and accompany the fishing boats, adding a bonus harvest of seals and dolphins to the catch. There is a small temple in one of the central vaults of the village, containing shrines to Ka, Matin and Ralon.
Aspidus Vipera (Metamorph Thief 14) recently returned from mainland Thyatis, where he based himself with a group of adventurers who were causing havoc in and around the capital. He left with the town guard and more than a few imperial officials only a few steps behind him, with the intention of laying low at home for a while before returning. He’s entirely average in appearance and build (5'9"), with a prominent nose and a moderately rich mane of hair styled in a way he wrongly takes to be rakish, and carries himself with the confidence of a man with whom you are already impressed. He had little intention of settling back on the island, but within a few short months he found himself rather besotted with a another metamorph he grew up with (now going by the name of Apis Vespae and living in Blatta) but whose charms he hadn’t recognised before he left, and has set his sights on wooing her. To that end, he has done his best to go respectable and stood (and was elected) village Elder. The wooing, that hasn’t gone so well (yet), but he figures she’ll eventually fall for what he considers to be his obvious charm.
Aspidus Vipera, Metamorph Thief 14: Alignment Neutral, AC2, HP 45, Str 9, Int 13, Wis 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Cha 17, Expert with normal sword, skilled with short bow. Normal sword +2, short bow +3 of crackling, ring of protection +2, scroll of shelter.
Short bow+3 of crackling: Once per day, for 1 turn, bow can inflict an extra 1d4 electrical damage per arrow. If a foe is immune to electrical damage, no extra damage is taken.
[Image: Blatta]http://pandius.com/blatta_3_by_mrmusashi_dfbxpz8.png
Caption: Blatta, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingBlatta
Winds funnel through the west opening of The Beach hitting the shallow tidal waters of the bay coalesce into a daily mist, which falls on to the west coast of the central island. At the mouth of the longest and widest river on the island lies Blatta, a village of about 300 adult metamorphs who follow the philosophy of insects. There is a navigable but quite serpentine deep-water channel from Blatta to the open ocean, and the villagers maintain three longships that are used for towing ships in and out of the bay where they can both load and offload goods, take on supplies and freshwater, or shelter from rough seas. Many secluded deep-water anchorages are known to the villagers, and they have an excellent understanding of treacherous, mist-shrouded shifting sand banks in this part of the bay. Any ship without a native guide must travel very slowly, with careful sounding of the depths, to be sure not to become beached. And with each tide the sands can shift, meaning that a carelessly selected anchorage may be impossible to vacate for months.
The village itself appears to be a ramshackle selection of grounded and beached ships, dragged above the high tide mark and linked together with wooden and rope bridges. Over a dozen vessels, from a grand Minrothaddan four-masted clipper down to an upturned Ostlander longship (which serves as a temple, in which there are shrines to Buglore and Protius), all lost to the muds of the bay, have been refloated and laboriously dragged above the high water line. Within this complex the villagers make surprisingly comfortable lives, in spacious chambers converted for living, business, and storage. And, crucially, the moist environment allows them to maintain complex and variable internal climates for insects of all kinds to thrive.
While Blattans do farm the local plains for food, they also gather vast amounts of shellfish from the shifting mud and sand flats to supplement their diet, and forage many wild plants from the marsh for food. They effectively form the first point of contact for visiting traders.
Apis Vespae (Metamorph Fighter 14) returned from adventuring in the Sea of Dread three years ago, where she learned the forms of some truly magnificent creatures, including insects, on the Isle of Dread. Her leadership qualities made her an obvious choice for village Elder. On her travels she was befriended by many Thyatian adventurers while there, including one who was an asset for Thyatian intelligence services. Slowly, over years, she was slowly convinced of the Thyatian pitch for dominance in the Alphatian Sea and is now an advocate for better relations with Thyatis. She still corresponds with her old adventuring friends, and her letters are like gold dust for Thyatian Intelligence. She is nervous to push too hard for the Thyatians, knowing that most of the other elders would oppose this, but she hopes to use the affections of Aspidus Vipera of Lacerta (who she holds in contempt) as leverage to turn him to her way of thinking as a first step. She is a petite (5'3"), energetic, short-haired, determined fighter, taking the same resolve she shows in battle and applying it to all other activities. She takes her name from stinging insects, but due to her obvious zeal to many on the island she is known as Firefly.
Apis Vespae, Metamorph Fighter 14: Alignment Chaotic, AC3, HP 58, Str 16, Int 9, Wis 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Cha 17, Expert with voulge, skilled with crossbow. Voulge +3, crossbow +3 of dissecting, ring of protection +3, medallion of mindmasking, scroll of trapping.
Crossbow +3 of dissecting: A creature killed by this weapon, i.e. if the killing blow is inflicted by a bolt from this crossbow, then it is not merely killed but it is neatly dissected into well sorted, labelled parts. The skin, all organs, bones, glands, etc. are neatly described with simple labels in piles around the site of death. This may enrage any creatures allied with it or may necessitate that they make a morale check.
[Image: Vermis]
Caption: Vermis, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingVermis
Vermans, all 250 or so of them, are a breed apart, even among metamorphs. The calling to learn the philosophy of the worm before all others is not the most unusual among metamorphs (indeed there are two philosophies that do not even have their own settlements on the island) but the mindset is so alien that few other metamorphs are truly able to have an affinity for worms.
The village is nestled at the foot of the hill at the centre of the island, upstream of Bestia, and while there is rich farmland to the north the village itself is set within a steep-sided river valley, with homes built in wood and set back into the earth on either side. The valley is densely wooded and moist, with the aromas of petrichor and pine mixing to create an atmosphere permanently reminiscent of an approaching storm. While the villagers produce some food by farming on the grassland, they also produce goods that are among the most important exports of the island.
Among the trees, Vermans farm beetles from which a red dye, carmine, is produced. This is a valuable export, but a secondary product based on the mineral-rich waste from a very peculiar form of mining that the Vermans practice. A number of volcanically produced gemstone types (opal, peridot and olivine) are found in the deep soils of the valley, and in the form of various large worms villagers find and extract them for export.
Unknown to outsiders, even to other Metinsulans, is that there are caverns under the hillsides, reachable only by small, burrowing animals such as worms, lined with delicate natural crystals. Vermans consider these sites sacred, and treat them as shrines to Protius, Terra and Urtson.
Vermans frequently travel to The Bay, through Bestia and into the sea, to study and take on the forms of marine worms.
Sanguisuga Parasitus (Metamorph Cleric 30 of Urtson) An older man whose adventuring days were brief and long ago, Sanguisuga set out to become a great warrior and failed. In an incident involving a mysterious shrine and a gremlin, he was transported to a far-off plane where he learned the teachings of the Kryst immortal Urtson, which seemed to be so close to the ideals of metamorph philosophy, and to fit so closely to the sacred sites in Vermis, that he felt called to return home and share his revelation. Over a hundred years later, Urtson is the most revered Immortal among the Vermans. Sanguisuga is a physically unremarkable, of average build, older metamorph, but his wisdom and charm are universally admired across the island. Through most of his long (190-year) life he has carried a torch for Cochlea Lolligo of Polypus, but always feared that this affection would be unreturned. He has for years been the elected Elder of Vermis.
Sanguisuga Parasitus, Metamorph Cleric 30: Alignment Lawful, AC2, HP 77, Str 10, Int 13, Wis 18, Dex 10, Con 13, Cha 17, Grand Master with staff, Master with sling. Staff +5 of defending, sling +4 of banishing, ring of protection +4, scroll of creation, stone of commanding earth elementals.
Sling +4 of banishing: This powerful weapon allows the wielder to attempt to dismiss an extraplanar foe. If a normal attack hits an extraplanar creature, the wielder may choose to try to banish that creature back to its home plane. It may resist the attempt only if it makes a saving throw vs. death ray at a -4 penalty to the roll. The successful banishment of a creature permanently reduces the magical bonus of the weapon by 1, becoming non magical when it loses its last bonus. An unsuccessful attempt causes no loss of magical bonus.
Home primarily to the arachnid philosophy but also with a smaller group of those following the way of the amphibian, Scorpius is a small settlement of around 190 metamorphs. Set back on a hillside above almost a mile-wide freshwater marsh that slowly gives way to brackish and then salt water in the bay, it is a sheltered village of low-lying buildings set around a small plaza. The houses are mostly stone-built, fashioned from dark volcanic rocks taken from the hill to the south. An unremarkable building serves as a temple with shrines to Korotiku, Calitha and Protius. Here, as elsewhere on The Beach, the locals farm the rich grassland around the village, and also gather shellfish, samphire, sea kale, sea beet, sea buckthorn and other foods from the marsh.
The dark homes, as well as providing ample room to live, also serve as a site where spiders can be farmed for silk. The quality is not as high as the alien spidersilk of Alphatia, and certainly not as princely as the byssal silk manufactured in Squilla, but it is almost indistinguishable from normal silk and can be manufactured in large volume both for use on the island and for export.
Camelus Aranea (Metamorph Thief 9) is the village Elder here. She’s young to take on such a role, being only around 40 years old, and brings a sense of youthful enthusiasm to the role. She’s been looking to acquire some Alphatian spiders on the black market to boost the value of what her village produces, and while she hasn’t succeeded yet she’s fairly sure it’s just a matter of finding the right unscrupulous adventurers to steal her some. This is not, however, why some of the other Elders mistrust her. Cancri Hermetica of Squilla thinks she’s too ambitious. Aspidus Vipera of Vermis thinks she’s a flirt. Struthionis Aquelae thinks she’s just a bit creepy. There is just something about her that some people don’t like, except for the other Scorpians who hold her in very high regard. And despite always having a rationalisation for not liking her, it’s really just innate. She puts people on edge, and she’s quite happy with that. She’s relatively short (5'4''), nimble, and whether through her appearance (always very well turned out, dressed stylishly and colourfully) or with a cutting remark, you will notice her if she’s around. Her adherence to the way of the arachnid, the calculated way she goes about things, makes her stand out. Love her or hate her, you can’t ignore her.
Camelus Aranea, Metamorph Thief 9: Alignment Chaotic, AC 4, HP36, Str 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Dex 17, Con 10, Cha 15 Expert with blowgun, Basic with normal sword. Blowgun +3, 8 blowgun darts +1 or infecting, normal sword +1, ring of deathwatch (4 charges), ring of invisibility, elven cloak.
Blowgun darts +1 of infecting: This ammunition seems as if covered in dried ichor. Any creature hit by it must make a save vs. poison or be infected as if by a cause disease spell.
Ring of deathwatch: A ring of deathwatch is a protection against death. When found, a ring of deathwatch contains 1d6 charges. In the event of its wearer being exposed to anything that kills them outright or otherwise reduces them to 0hp or less, it creates a cureall effect to restore them to full health (minus 1d6hp).
The smallest settlement on the island, Squilla is home to metamorphs who follow the crustacean philosophy, with a few who follow the rarest philosophy of all, the centipedes. 110 adult metamorphs live here.
Standing at the end of a wooded ridge near the northern end of the west entrance to the bay, Squilla looks out over a picturesque sandy shore, at least when it is not shrouded in mist (a daily occurrence). Homes are built on the hillside, in wood, amongst the trees, sheltered from the worst of the winds and the weather and they are typically comfortable and spacious. Villagers grow forest crops, harvesting fruit and nuts from the trees, and edible plants from the bay (sea kale, sea beet, samphire, dulse, sea lettuce, etc.) but do not participate in conventional farming. They do however maintain an industry unique to the island: they produce a variety of silk called byssus, farmed from vast beds of sea pen (a variety of mollusc) offshore, harvested by metamorphs in crab form and processed by others in the form of centipedes. This extraordinary, golden fabric is lighter, stronger, warmer and finer even that spider silk, but requires an enormous amount of work. A single pair of gloves woven from it are as strong and warm as spider silk that is10 times thicker and can be folded neatly into a walnut shell. While it is only possible to produce a few dozen yards of this fabric per year, it is considered a cloth worthy of the most noble and wealthy, and is a great status symbol in Vertiloch, Darokin, Ierendi, Minrothad, Thyatis and even in faraway lands such as Slagovich and the Savage Coast. There is no known magical means of creating this fabric, and resultantly it can be sold for hundreds of times the cost of spider silk. When used in the production of silk-based magic items, byssal silk reduces the initial enchantment cost thereof by 15%.
A simple temple was constructed atop the hill many years ago, and it contains shrines to Polunius, Ilmarinen and Protius.
Cancri Hermetica (Metamorph Magic-User 20) is the most well-respected member of the community here and has been a village Elder for the last 10 years. He travelled widely before settling back at home, initially wanting to have a quiet life but finding that the magical prowess he’d gained adventuring with a renowned Alphatian party was just too useful to his fellow Squillans. He still teleports to see his old adventuring companions and other friends across the Alphatian Empire, and from those trips he brings back many strange and exotic goods to share across the island, and acts as an informal ambassador for trade and more broadly for Metinsulae in those trips. Unknown to other metamorphs, he spent time working for the Alphatian Intelligence Service, the so-called “Ministry for Ungentlemanly Warfare”, and still maintains links there to keep an eye on Thyatians in the Alphatian Sea. He is the primary means by which the Alphatians quietly feed data to Metinsulae regarding the activities of Thyatis. He is a youthful-looking 80 year old, with the high nose and dark hair typical of islanders, standing at 5'10'' but with an upright stance that always makes him seem taller.
Cancri Hermetica, Metamorph Magic-User 20: Alignment Lawful, AC3, HP 54, Str 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Cha 14, Master with dagger, Expert with staff, 2 daggers +4 of slicing, staff of elemental power (22 charges), wand of cold, wand of fireballs, ring of protection +3, 3 bags of holding, crystal ball with ESP.
General Skills
Metinsulans are thoughtful, educated people. They tend towards skills in knowledge, but there is no specific knowledge skill that typifies them. Nature Law (specific to the island and creatures that are kept or encouraged to make their homes there) is popular, as is Science (zoology). Many are skilled in sailing, fishing, hunting, foraging or boat piloting. The diverse array of Immortals followed on the island leads many to favour mysticism over learning the skill of honouring a specific Immortal, but of course clerics and druids learn that skill in addition to any others.
There are some skills that are rather more idiosyncratic, found in few places other than Metinsulae.
Animal Empathy (Wisdom): Generally knowing how to keep a wild animal on side – not so much controlling them or communicating with them, a successful check will inform a character as to whether an animal is likely to be aggressive, friendly, dangerous, or in general how it is likely to react. The character may then be able to change their behaviour accordingly and affect how the animal will react. This will not tame an aggressive animal that has already attacked, but it may allow a character to avert an attack or, at least, be ignored by an animal.
Aquaculture (Intelligence): Farming shellfish or fish, typically in coastal waters, including knowledge of how to feed, keep clean and harvest. This is used by Metinsulans in various forms, both for fish production in the Bay, oysters for pearls, for producing dyes from shellfish, and for the highly valuable production of byssal silk.
Byssus Weaving (Intelligence): Byssus is the most luxurious and expensive form of silk on Mystara, and after harvest it must be cleaned, treated, dried and spun before weaving. This secret craft is never taught to outsiders.
Foraging (Intelligence): How to identify and sustainably and safely harvest useful plants, fungi, shellfish, seaweed, fruit and nuts. An essential survival skill, and in some regions a means of producing harvests for sale or trade.
Permaculture (Intelligence): Forest farming, for production of crops at ground level, mid-storey and forest canopy through the year to sustainably maximise production of leaves, berries, nuts and fruits, fibres, wood and other products in a semi-natural woodland. An important part of Metinsulan food production, also practised by elves elsewhere.
Magic of the Metamorphs
Almost all metamorphs on the island of Metinsulae have adventured at some point in their lives, with most becoming thieves or fighters, some becoming clerics, and a few becoming magic-users. Druids, paladins, merchants, mystics and rarer classes are also occasionally known.
When pursuing spellcasting classes there are a few spells known to Metinsulans that are idiosyncratic to the island.
Copy Form
2nd level Cleric/Druid Spell
Range: 90' (and caster only)
Duration: Special
Effect: Allows the caster to copy a formA handy spell for a metamorph but of limited use for any other character, this spell allows the caster to change into the form of another creature that the caster can see within range. Normal restrictions on the habitat of origin of such a creature do not apply, but the caster must be able to change into that type of creature. For example, a cleric who sees an arctic fox but who is not able to transform into creatures from the arctic can, if they cast this spell, change into that creature, assuming that they can transform into a mammal and have not already done so that day.
Detect Shifter
2nd level Magic-User or Cleric Spell
Range: 120'
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: Shows shapeshifted creatures to the casterA popular spell among metamorphs and also quite useful for other spellcasters, this spell allows the caster to see all shapeshifted creatures (lycanthropes in animal form, metamorphs who have changed shape, polymorphed, etc.). The true form of that creature is not revealed, and no indication of the process governing shapeshifting (magical or natural) is given. Invisible polymorphed creatures are visible to the caster in a vague outline form, the caster can discern that they are there but not what form they are in.
Metamorph Sight
3rd level Magic-User of Cleric/Druid Spell
Range: 120'
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: Shows all creatures in their true formWhile this spell lasts, the caster can see the true form of all polymorphed or shapeshifted creatures within range. Such creatures if invisible are rendered visible to the caster and their true form is likewise shown to the caster.
Render Trueform
3rd level Magic-User Spell
Range: 120'
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Forces a victim into their true formThis spell may be cast at any creature within range. If that creature is shapeshifted, polymorphed, metamorphosed or in any way in a form other than their true form, they will (if the magic or metamorphosis is from a lower level than the caster or in the case of a monster of a lower HD than the caster has levels) immediately be forced to revert to that form. If cast at a shapeshifting creature of higher level or HD than the caster, or polymorphed by a higher level caster, there is a 5% chance of failure per level or HD above that of the caster of this spell.
Impose Form
4th level Magic-User spell
Range: 120'
Duration: Special
Effect: Allows the caster to control another creature’s formThis spell can be cast on any creature able to polymorph, metamorphose or shapeshift. The creature must make a saving throw vs. spells or they are forced into a form that the spellcaster can change into and must stay in such a form for at least 1 turn before they can use their own ability to change form again. The caster cannot force a creature into any form they are not themselves familiar with, or if the spellcaster cannot change form then the victim may only be forced into humanoid form if this is possible. This can be used to force a creature that is polymorphed back into its own form, to force a lycanthrope into their animal form (if it is one the caster is capable of becoming) or back into humanoid form.
Split Essence
7th level Magic-User, 6th level Cleric/Druid Spell
Range: Self only
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: Allows the caster to become 2 creaturesThis spell allows a metamorph caster to split his life essence into 2 forms simultaneously. Both forms must be kinds that the caster can become, and no extra metamorphoses for the day are gained. The combined number of HD of the creatures must not be greater than the level of the caster, and that the combined total number of hit points of the two is the same as the caster’s hit point total. The caster may, for example, change into a bear and an eagle at the same time, or a shark and a dolphin. Both remain under the control of the character, psychically connected, but they can operate independently at any distance. This may, for example, allow one to be teleported elsewhere while the other is aware of everything seen or heard there. Note that if one form is killed, both die, and also if the two are not together at the end of the spell’s duration the caster will die.
Combine Essence
8th level Magic-User, 7th level Cleric/Druid Spell
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 turns
Effect: Combines 2 metamorphs into 1 formThis spell allows 2 metamorphs, the caster and 1 other, to combine into 1 form. This allows them to take the form of a creature that may otherwise have too many HD, for example. The two metamorphs must include the caster and one other willing metamorph participant. One or both must be able to take the chosen category, even if they could not normally become such a large example thereof. The individual with the highest combined intelligence and wisdom scores remains in control (the caster in the event of a tie), and other modifiers (individual initiative modifier, saving throws, etc.) are made according to whichever is best for the combined character. The entity has a combined hit point total equivalent to both metamorphs.
At the end of the spell's duration both metamorphs return to humanoid form, and share any damage taken equally (if an odd number of hit points of damage has been taken, the extra hit point of damage is attributed to the metamorph with most hit points). This may be sufficient to reduce one of the two metamorphs to less than 0 hit point, in which case at the point of separation that metamorph dies (thus it may be better to seek magical healing before separation). The spell also ends if either of the two parties wishes it to end, i.e. either may simply revert to their own form at any time.
[Image: Worm Metamorph]
Caption: Metamorph, done by Midjourney at Senarch's promptingMetamorph Characters
Metamorphs are among the closest relatives of humans, closer even than demi-humans. They may resemble humans of any ethnicity, and are built similarly, but cannot easily pass for human due to possessing somewhat pointed ears and pure white eyes. They have, through centuries of discipline and practice, attained a non-magical ability to shapechange, allowing them to take on the form of animals (and, when of sufficiently high level, monsters and even plants). This often causes them to be mistaken for lycanthropes.
Metamorph communities usually resemble those of demi-humans, with which they typically have good relations. Many metamorphs shy away from human contact, and they build their settlements far from the villages and towns of men.
While not tied to the mountains, hills or forests like dwarves, halflings and elves, they are linked to the natural world around them perhaps more tightly than any demi-humans. Their natural shapechanging abilities are, initially, tightly tied to the fauna of their homes. Metamorphs spend much of their time living with and studying the animals of their home lands, which they work tirelessly to protect. They understand that predators need prey, and do not interfere with such matters, but they will ensure that outside influences are stopped from causing significant harm.
Character Class, Class Abilities and Level Advancement
Metamorphs may pursue any character class available to humans, but most who adventure choose to be fighters, clerics or druids. They attack, cast spells, make saving throws and use all special abilities as per their class and level. Metamorphs are typically more resilient than humans, and use the next hit dice up at every level of experience (e.g. d6 instead of d4 if playing a thief, d10 instead of d8 if playing a fighter, etc.) and have a natural armour class of 6 (plus or minus any dexterity modifier). However, they cannot polymorph in armour, and whatever class they choose they cannot wear armour. They can, if their class allows, use a shield. They gain skills, weapon mastery and saving throws according to character class.
Metamorphs advance more slowly than humans in any class, and require 30% more experience per level gained. They gain additional special abilities according to their level, as shown below.
Metamorph Level
A metamorph can change into a number of forms per day, determined by their level. This ability is natural and cannot be dispelled. Each transformation takes 1 round to complete. The total amount of time a metamorph can spend in changed forms is 6 turns + 1 turn per level of experience, per day, for all combined forms. All forms taken have the same hit point total as the metamorph, but attacks are made as if by a creature of the number of HD taken. The forms available to a metamorph depend upon level of experience as discussed below.
A level 1 metamorph can shapeshift up to 3 times each day, but only into certain categories. The player must choose which 3 of the categories (listed below) are known at first level, and the character learns another category at each level until level 9. Unlike the polymorph self spell effect, this non-magical shapeshift gives the metamorph all the abilities of the new form, even special attacks (such as a skunk's spray) are gained. No giant-sized or fantastic forms can be taken, but any normal non-magical form can be used. The animal categories a metamorph can learn to use each day are: worm, mollusc, spider, centipede, insect, crustacean, mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, and fish. (The DM should be familiar with the differences between all these types; for example, spiders, centipedes, and insects are all different.) Once a category has been used, the metamorph cannot change into that category again that day. The total number of Hit Dice of the creature must be equal to or lower than the character's level of experience. The metamorph can reassume normal form at any time. At levels 1-3, every animal form chosen must be found in the metamorph's home area. For example, a metamorph from an arctic region may be able to transform into a polar bear, seal, arctic fox, salmon, etc. Whereas a metamorph from a subtropical savanna may be able to transform into a giraffe, lion, meerkat, vulture, etc. At each level of experience up to ninth, metamorphs gain the ability to change into one more of the listed categories, and can therefore change form once more per day. A metamorph cannot take any extra material into animal form at this level; any clothing and equipment is left behind.
At level 4 a metamorph can, as well as choosing forms native to their own home area, transform into any animal form native to the area they are currently in. For example a metamorph native to an arctic tundra may, if traversing a tropical jungle, choose to turn into a monkey, sloth, snake, etc. The metamorph must have seen a species before taking that form.
From level 7 a metamorph no longer has to drop everything they carry when changing form. Ordinary clothes change with the metamorph, being absorbed into the new form.
From level 9 a metamorph may in turn into any animal form chosen, from any habitat, as long as they have seen that species. Metamorphs who are name level or above also receive a +2 bonus to saving throws against any polymorph effects. An additional 200cn of material, in addition to the metamorph’s ordinary clothing, can now be carried into polymorphed form.
From level 12 the metamorph gains the ability to communicate with other creatures of the type he has changed into. Only that specific type of creature can be communicated with. For example, a metamorph in the form of a tiger can communicate with other tigers, but not with other great cats. This applies to any of the metamorph’s forms. While the metamorph can communicate with creatures of the same kind, those creatures are not necessarily friendly to the metamorph. An additional 800cn can be carried into any form by the metamorph from this level.
From level 15 a metamorph can, once per day, in addition to all other categories known, assume the form of any giant-sized animal that exists in the campaign. For example, a giant rat, weasel, ferret, etc. Only established giant forms of animals can be chosen, for example if giant foxes do not exist in your campaign then the character may not transform into one, and gargantuan forms may not be assumed. The creature must still have fewer HD than levels of experience of the character. A metamorph can carry up to their normal encumbrance load (2400cn) into any form from this level.
From level 18 a metamorph can, once per day turn into any plant that they have seen. The form of a plant-like monster cannot be chosen, and the plant should be able to survive in the location where the metamorph is. For example, a metamorph taking the form of seaweed in a desert may take damage from the terrain they are in.
From level 21 a metamorph can, in addition to other forms, once per day, take the form of any normal monster that they have seen of fewer hit dice than the character’s level. The creature must not have any special abilities (as represented by asterisks following HD in their monster description). Note that any equipment or clothing associated with the creature is not produced – a metamorph becoming a bugbear will be unclothed and unarmed (except for items that the metamorph already possessed).
At level 24 and above metamorphs can, even if they fail a save vs. polymorph effects, simply turn back to their preferred (or native) form at will. Metamorphs of this level are also immune to lycanthropy, gain a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. turn to stone, and by changing form can cure themselves of any normal, non-magical disease.
At level 27 a metamorph can additionally transform into any creature with limited special abilities (with up to 2 asterisks after the HD figure in their monster description). The form taken must be a living creature, have fewer HD than the metamorph’s level of experience, and cannot be undead or a construct.
At level 30 a metamorph can attempt to control a single creature of the type they have transformed into. That creature may make a saving throw versus wands to avoid the effect; if they fail they are charmed as per charm monster until the metamorph relinquishes their current form.
At level 33 a metamorph can additionally transform into any monster with 4 or fewer special abilities (denoted by asterisks after HD number in their description), for one hour per day. The form taken must be a living creature (not undead or a construct), and have equal to or fewer HD than the metamorphs level of experience.
At level 36, a metamorph can, once per day, take on an additional form that combines abilities from creatures he can transform into. For example, a 36th level metamorph may take the ability of a red dragon to breathe fire and use it while in the body of a wolf. Only the abilities of two creatures can be combined, one of which must be the form assumed.