Official details about Metropolitan Alphatia
by LoZompatore.In this (long) post I try to summarise most of the known data about metropolitan Alphatia found in the official supplements. I tried to collect every bit of info useful in better describing each Alphatian kingdom, especially from a geographical point of view. More general info are supplied here and there, nevertheless. This article does not include many well known info from DotE and PWAs: I included quotes from these supplements when I taught the information was interesting enough or not very well known. I hope you'll find it useful
Entries for Metropolitan Alphatia (including Qeodhar, the Yannivey Chain, Alphaks' Volcano and the Kerothar Mountains):
(In alphabetical order. Notes in italics are just my speculations. Some notes are repeated if they involve more than one Kingdom/area)
In the following I assumed those definitions:
- Southeastern Alphatia: Arogansa, Eadrin, Randel, Theranderol.
- Southwestern Alphatia: Haven, Vertiloch, Greenspur.
- Southern Alphatia: the sum of Southwestern and Southeastern Alphatia.The general map related to the entries of this article is here: I strongly suggest you to download it before reading the article, and to use it as a reference.
(Note: The image is 2.9 Mb. It is also quite large: it is a .jpg 3340x4042 pixels)The notes on the picture are described in detail below: they are divided by kingdoms or by geographical region (Kerothar Mountains, Seas). Kingdoms are listed in alphabetical order. At the end of the article I included some further notes about trade and a couple of appendixes about the placement of the ACDC and of the gnomish city of New Mistraven (described in the BoWI).
(01)*** Reef barriers surrounding Alphaks' Volcano (from DM's map #4 of M1 module)
(02)*** DM's map #4 of M1 module shows that the Alphaks's Volcano island is round in shape, with a diameter of about 3/4 miles. The whole map is about 11 miles in the EW direction and 9.5 miles in the NS direction. Compare those numbers with DotE's map: the island is about 48 miles NS x 36 miles EW. Notice also that Alphaks' Volcano is absent in all post-WotI maps.
(03)*** About 300 miles off the northwest coast of mainland Alphatia lies a volcanic island perpetually wreathed in fog—the island of Alphaks' Volcano (DotE, DM's manual)
(04)*** The volcano's smoking crater, however, is actually a portal to the Sphere of Entropy, and the fumes which emerge from it are deadly; the Immortal Alphaks cannot direct them (they follow the winds, usually to Norwold) but can choose when they are released. (DotE, DM's manual) (Note: the regular winds usually flowing to Norwold is in contrast with note (210). Nevertheless, even if winds have an average trend of eastward flowing, it is always possible to say that central Alphatia is protected by the poisonous vapours by the Kerothar Range, which are high - see note (117) - and seems not to be settled in the region facing Alphaks'-volcano, likely due to the vapours. Maybe sometimes the poisonous flows manage to spill to the Ugly Woods in Blackheart, increasing dangers for peasants and travellers of the area.)
(05)*** Limn is only about 150 miles from Alphaks' Volcano (DotE, DM's manual)
(06)*** Ordinary sailing vessels cannot reach it (Alphaks Volcano); they are destroyed by sea monsters and mystery whirlpools (DoTE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)AQUAS:
A detailed map summarising the following entries about Aquas is shown here:![]()
(07)*** The site chosen for the city (of Aquas) is a stable shelf of bedrock where earthquakes are unknown. (DotE, DM's manual)
(08)*** Seashield was intended to be, and is, a centre for the development of new sea-monsters and study of existing ones; a place where mermen and other sea-sentients could mingle with the wizards of Alphatia (DotE, DM's manual)
(09)*** Aquas is connected to the nearby shore by tunnels. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(10)*** Area: 498 sq. mi (one 24 mile-hex) (but only 1 sq. my covered by domes). (PWAI) (note: the total surface covered by domes is 2 sq. mi. in PWAIII)
(11)*** From PWAIII map on page 10 the area of Seashield dome is just about 1 sq.mi. which implies that the other 4 domed communities of the kingdom should be quite small. If they are identical, their diameter should be around 500 feet each.
(12)*** A mile north of the city of Seashield, the sea floor drops away into what is now called the Alphatian Trench, the sunken sea floor that marks Alphatia's resting place. (PWAI)
(13)*** Some 10000 people live in four surviving outlying domed towers (Brightwater Dome, Seacrystal Dome, Wavedasher Dome, Seapearl Dome from PWAIII map on page 10). These numbers do not reflect the many mermen who live in surrounding areas Aquas claims. (PWAI)
(14)*** The nation of Aquas is graced by many marine creatures and intelligent species, including mermen, dolphins, whales, tritons, aquatic elves, nixies, sea giants. (PWAI) (storm giants are added by PWAIII)
(15)*** University of Aquas, from PWAIII map ([i ]likely it is devoted to sea studies and water-related magic[/i])
(16)*** Population: elves 4%, dwarves and gnomes 1% (PWAIII)AMBUR:
(17)*** I opted for a quick stop incognito at Starpoint. We stopped due north of the city above a small forest. (VotPA)
(18)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Ambur: 2 units (PWAII)
(19)*** (Ambur) is a very flat, with broad growing fields, many pastures, and occasional patches of light forest. (PWAI)
(20)*** Languages (of Haldemar, Raman, Ramissur): the Ambur dialect. (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark, NPCs stats)
(21)*** Temple of Razud in Starpoint (VotPA, CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark)
(22)*** Ambyrmont 16: ...a squadron of Hiakrai giant eagle raiders attacks the Starpoint, the capital city of Ambur, dropping flaming oil over the theatre district of the city. An historical establishment, the Gemstone Theatre, and many other business, are burned down. (PWAI)
(23)*** The Elshethara Theatre, built by the Queen in her own honour five years ago AC 995), is a site to behold (DotE, DM's manual)AR + FLOATING AR:
(24)*** From border to border, Floating Ar is filled with floating islands—from as little as a hundred yards across to as much as several miles. Though the floating islands never crash, no human communities are ever built beneath them (DotE, DM's manual)
(25)*** Built atop a two-mile-diameter floating island (one of the largest in the land), Skyreach is a city for any air-related study. (DotE, DM's manual)
(26)*** Pegataurs are rare, mostly confined to the forests of Blackheart and Shiye-Lawr and some inaccessible floating lands in Floating Ar. They have an affinity for pegasi and are able to converse with them. Any group of fewer than five pegataurs may be accompanied by at least twice that number of pegasi 40% of the time. (DotE, DM's manual)
(27)*** The islands (of Floating Ar) drift around a little, as much as a mile or two in a radius around their point of origin, but never stray further than that (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(28)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Ar: 1 unit (PWAII)
(29)*** Ar, from the air, looks like a scenic checkerboard of farmlands and has many cities and villages on the shores of Crystal Lake. (PWAI)
(30)*** (Floating Ar) Location: Known World, Sea of Dawn, in the midst of what once was the Alphatian continent. Area: 48 sq.mi (PWAI): Notice that both PWAII and PWAIII say that Floating Ar area is 100 sq.mi. Both numbers in turn are not in agreement with the total extent of Floating Ar isles shown in WotI and PWAIII maps. From the picture below the whole area of the Floating Ar islands covers about 15-16 hexes (24 mile in diameter), as shown in the picture below:![]()
So the whole area of this kingdom should be between 7500-8000 sq.mi. ( a possible solution could be the assumption that most of the floating land is actually made of unclaimed wilderness once created by the mage Ar during his quest for Immortality - after all, he had to change a very large area of land in order to succeed in his quest. The floating kingdom could cover just a small portion of the whole available land. Being in need for farmland and pastures, the kingdom enlarged its claimed area from 48 sq.mi. to 100 sq. mi. between AC 1010 and AC 1011, but there still should be a lot of "floating wilderness". left.)
(31)*** The city itself occupies only a fraction of the island's land surface; the rest is given over to woods and (especially) grasslands where herds of horses and pegasi graze. (PWAI)
(32)*** Animals and monsters encountered here include... dragons, faerie, hill giants, cloud giants, storm giants, mountain giants, griffons, hippogriffs, pegasi. An unusual creature now mostly confined to Floating Ar is the pegataur (PWAI)
(33)*** In the waters beneath Floating Ar (post WotI) you can find many aquatic creatures and monsters such as manta rays, mermen, sharks and whales. (PWAI)
(34)*** Ar's farms once supported nobles and spellcasters who lived on islands floating above the farmlands. (PWAIII)
(35)*** Ar's new capital is Ceafem. (PWAIII)
(36)*** (about a likely university in Floating Ar) Aeria became the site of a new university which rivals even Floating Ar in the research and development of air-related magic. (PWAIII)
(37)*** Alexene is a windsinger back with her folk in the Flying City after long, exhausting (and unsuccessful) adventure to find and bring back the lost, buried, Singing Spire of Skyreach in Alphatia... She may also wish to hire adventurers to aid her in a second attempt to gain the Singing Spire (DM will have to create all particulars). (PC2)
(38)*** King Qissling and the mages of Floating Ar embarked on an ambitious project - to move the levitating islands of their kingdom 350 miles to the northeast, over the Yannivey Islands. (JA)
(39)*** Haldemar's family colours (gold crescent over a crimson and sable background) (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark, NPCs background)
(40)*** She (Eriadna) will ask him (Haldemar) to lend his experience (and that of his crew) to building, enchanting, and manning a fleet of new skyships... The shipyards of Floating Ar are bound to come under attack from spies working for Glantri, the Heldannic Knights, or the Empire of Thyatis... Eventually Haldemar may decide to move the shipyards to a more secret and easily defended area. (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark) (It is possible that this facility could be relocated in Eadrin, see entry (76) below)
(41)*** In Floating Ar (but not in Ar): 5% elves (Shiye) (PWAI)
(42)*** Weretigers are found primarily in forested areas with relatively cool climates. Alphatia has the largest suspected weretiger population of any nation in the northern hemisphere. (I include this note also there just in case you like the idea of having arctic weretigers) (PC4)AROGANSA:
(43)*** Industries: Tourism, wines. (PWAI)
(44)*** (it has) the best beach scenery in all the continent, making it the island's centre of tourism. (PWAI)
(45)*** Arogansa's northern border with Theranderol is heavily fortified; the two nations do not get along well. (PWAI)
(46)*** SOUTHEASTERN ALPHATIA: It is here that one finds the many greenhouses, public or hidden, where plants such as the intoxicating zzonga-fruit are grown. It is here that most of Alphatia's grapes are grown, and here that the wine industry has its base. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(47)*** The city of Bluenose was once a fishing village named for the dolphins which frolicked in the sea; (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(48)*** This southern nation is one of the richest in Alphatia, with good forests, rich farmlands and scenic wilderness. It is known for its fine wines. (PWAIII)
(49)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(50)*** (about a House of Arogansa ruling the country: notice that official supplements do not give the name of the Arogansa ruler before WotI. This note tells us that his/her name should be "... of Arogansa"). The House of Arogansa hired Ashari's services several times (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark) notice that Tarias is a thief from a thieves' guild in Sundsvall (compare with note (190)) who accomplished tasks for a family of aristocrats: another hint about a diffused tolerance versus thieves even in mainland Alphatia)
(51)*** Tarias (of Arogansa) is the youngest son of the cousin of the Grand Duke of Arogansa. Bored with life at his family mansion in Shavadze... (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark)
(52)*** The political power of the Arogansa House is such that, sooner or later, Tarias will become an officer with his own ship command. (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark)
(53)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.
(54)*** From the superposition of DotE pre cataclysmic map and WotI post cataclysmic map it is possible to infer that the stretch of plains left on Arogansa Island after WotI should be actually a plateau in the pre-WotI kingdom. From note (48) it is likely that this area is covered with vineyards.BETTELLYN:
(55)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Bettellyn: 3 units (PWAII)
(56)*** Bettellyn has had a tradition of conflict with its southern neighbour, Randel, and the border between the two nation is maintained by many forts on both sides. (PWAI)
(57)*** (Citadel) was begun more than two thousand years ago, when Alphatia was first settled, as a walled town atop a hill; (PWAI)
(58)*** Now Citadel stands a 1000 feet high (PWAI)
(59)*** Llynn & Eastfollow navigable rivers from Citadel to Sea of Ester (from TM1)
(60)*** This nation of rich tilled fields and pastures has a tradition of disagreements and skirmishes with Randel, its southern neighbour. (PWA III)BLACKHEART:
(61)*** As described in Book III, this (Blackheart) is an ominous, twisted, and unnatural forest kingdom founded by antisocial wizards (DotE, DM's manual)
(62)*** Pegataurs were created by some mad wizard in the city of Shraek... Pegataurs were created from the unholy bonding of pegasi and Shiye elves... Pegataurs are rare, mostly confined to the forests of Blackheart and Shiye-Lawr and some inaccessible floating lands in Floating Ar. They have an affinity for pegasi and are able to converse with them. Any group of fewer than five pegataurs may be accompanied by at least twice that number of pegasi 40% of the time. (DotE, DM's manual)
(63)*** Both of us had seen creatures such as these, in the rain forest of Yavdlom and the dark woods of Shiye Lawr and Black-heart. Araneas—vile intelligent spiders, deadly creatures. (VotPA)
(64)*** Obsidian Tower: it is placed at least 4 miles north of Shraek as can be deduced from info on pages 27-28 of Top Ballista adventure's booklet. The tower is owned by Kavel Kleinszter. (PC2)
(65)*** They (the Immortals) were gathered to witness a battle taking place at Castle Qain, in the Blackheart Kingdom on the Alphatian Continent. A gathering of twelve wizards had turned into a battle of power. (Son of Dawn)
(66)*** The Council of Wizards got wind on Haldemar's report to the empress regarding these creatures' detection abilities. Soon afterwards, Alphatian wizards from the Blackheart region kidnapped a number of bloodhound pups at the Council of Wizards' behest. Using their notorious knowledge of monster-breeding, these wizards reproduced the pups in their magical vats, accelerated their aging, and mentally conditioned them to establish a sect of spies at the Council's service. (Dragon Magazine 344, VotPA part 36)
(67)*** (about likely tense relationships between Blackheart and Shiye-Lawr due to escaped monsters entering Shiye-Lawr borders) (Xerdon) began a series of illegal forays into Blackheart putting a temporary end to the bloody monster incursions by burning down several towers (with their wizards)... Under Imperial pressure, the rulers of Shiye-Lawr publicly "court martialled" Xerdon to appease the Blackheart lobby. (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark)
(68)*** Known mages from Blackheart (maybe it's useful for placing their towers):
- Zsiga of Blackheart, M22 as of AC 1011 (PWAII, Atruaghin entry)
- Belgoroth the Lamer (son of Hugorth, king after AC 1009) C18 of Jammudaru as of AC 1010 (PWAI)
- Hugorth the Misanthrope (king until is death in AC 1009)
- Malebrute, M15 as of AC1000 (DotE, DM's manual)
- Ultrisa the Dark, 7 HD vampire as of AC 1000, Malebrute's wife (DotE, DM's manual)
- Struth Florig (aka Struth the Shaker), M36 as of AC 1010, Alphatia's Council Member (Son of Dawn)
- Solclow, M36? died in AC 1009 (Son of Dawn)
- Verchan, M36?, died in AC 1009 (Son of Dawn)
- Chalmis (Son of Dawn)
- Reddican, M36?, owner of Castle Qain, died in AC 993 (Son of Dawn)
- Melina, M36?, died in AC 993 (Son of Dawn)
- Orvan, died in AC 993 (Son of Dawn)
- Lavar (a young but talented mage, likely not a M36 as of AC 993) (Son of Dawn)
- Kavel Kleinszter, owner of the Obsidian Tower, M16 as of AC 1000 (PC4)
(69)*** (about relative power of Blackheart mages cited in Son of Dawn novel):
Chalmis and Orvan had come upon Melina, whose powers were formidable...
"Twelve of the most powerful wizards in Blackheart have gathered for some purpose unknown to most of Pandius"
No youth could overcome Struth's power unless he used some trick. Belgroth the Lamer, Solclow and Verchan, the most powerful wizards of Blackheart, might best Struth, but they had been lost with Alphatia. Only two others had ever stood up against Struth in a contest, but they were dead, both killed in Castle Qain nearly seventeen years ago. The boy was obviously too young to have learned his power from either Melina or Reddican. (Son of Dawn)
(70)*** Weretigers are found primarily in forested areas with relatively cool climates. Alphatia has the largest suspected weretiger population of any nation in the northern hemisphere. (PC4)EADRIN:
(71)*** SOUTHEASTERN ALPHATIA: It is here that one finds the many greenhouses, public or hidden, where plants such as the intoxicating zzonga-fruit are grown. It is here that most of Alphatia's grapes are grown, and here that the wine industry has its base. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(72)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Eadrin: 1 unit (PWAII)
(73)*** Its strong agricultural base will help the population survive their first few years in the Hollow World. (PWA III)
(74)*** (about the description of Archport city: notice that this description is referred to AC 500 circa, and that the city itself is badly damaged by gemstone dragons during the events of the book. Notice also the info about the 18 semi autonomous kingdom and the presence of dwarves on the continent as of the VI century AC. If you assume that those info are correct, then the composition of the kingdoms on metropolitan Alphatia should have changed with time, because some of the current Alphatian kingdom were founded before AC 500. See also "Stoutfellow" and "Theranderol" entries for further speculations):
On the southern coast of the small continent of Alphatia, by the temperate waters of the Bellissarian Sea, stood the city of Archport. As its name suggests, Archport was a busy commercial port serving the trade between the great island of Bellissaria to the east, the Isle of Dawn to the west, and the scattering of lesser islands to the south. Large merchant ships from many nations could always be seen tied to the piers or anchored at wait in the harbour, ships from as far away as the sea kingdom of Ierendi far to the west or the wild and little known continent of Skothar in the distant east.
Archport was also at the time one of the most important ports of the Alphatian Navy, where many of the empire's sleek galleys and sturdy troop ships were kept and maintained. By virtue of its location, Archport was as important to Alphatia's commercial interest as it was to the island continent's appetite for conquest. Of course, the previous year ill-advised war with the dragons had put a considerable dent in the size of the Imperial Navy, a fact that could be clearly seen by the unusual lack of military vessels to be found in port.
Most foreigners either did not know or else tended to forget that Alphatia was not a single nation, but a collection of 18 semiautonomous kingdoms bound together by their shared greed and insatiable drive for conquest. Alphatia was a nation of sorcerers, a land where spellcasters were the aristocracy and common folk possessed few rights or little wealth.
The land had first been settled by the ancient enemies of the Flaems, and the true Alphatians still dominated the continent. But many elves and dwarves had settled there as well in the centuries that had followed, and they now shared many of the customs and the ambitions of the original people of Alphatia. (from the novel Dragonmage of Mystara)
(75)*** (about the name of the left branch of the Thera/Randel river) Thera navigable river (deep south) from Bigos to Archport (from TM1)
(76)*** Events of Vatermont 12: Zandor's two skyships have been under construction for nearly a year at a secret skyship facility Zandor established on Eadrin Island (PWAIII) ( this facility could be the same cited in Floating Ar entry (40). It could have been built by Haldemar himself before WotI, and then left empty by the Immortals who moved the whole personnel to the Hollow World. Zandor could have seized the facility in AC 1010)
(77)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(78)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.FORESTHOME:
(79)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Foresthome: 1 unit (PWAII)
(80)*** Most communities in Foresthome are centred around Llyn Lake and make their living farming and fishing: there are also broad belts of decent farmland stretching from the lake to the coast. (PWAI)
(81)*** Population: 10% elves (Shiye) (PWAI)
(82)*** Llynn & Eastfollow navigable rivers from Citadel to Sea of Ester (from TM1)
(83)*** Weretigers are found primarily in forested areas with relatively cool climates. Alphatia has the largest suspected weretiger population of any nation in the northern hemisphere. (PC4)FRISLAND:
(84)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Frisland: 1 unit (PWAII)
(85)*** This northern nation used to be the coldest of Alphatia's kingdoms; its coast faced the cold northern sea and winds. (PWAI)
(86)*** By comparing PWAIII and DotE maps the northern town of Bogotus is clearly inside the area spared from the sinking of the continent. The inhabitants of this town likely suffered the same fate of those of Denwarf Hurgon: they were moved to the Hollow World while the city still rest intact in the mountains. Bogotus could offer a good standing point for Qeodhar in claiming the northern part of the Kerothar Mountains)
(87)*** Weretigers are found primarily in forested areas with relatively cool climates. Alphatia has the largest suspected weretiger population of any nation in the northern hemisphere. (I include this note also there just in case you like the idea of having arctic weretigers) (PC4)GREENSPUR:
(88)*** SOUTHWESTERN ALPHATIA: This is sunny, temperate country, well-shielded from north winter winds by the mountains to the north (DotE, DM's manual)
(89)*** The city of Eagret is home to the continent's largest skyship base. (PWAI)
(90)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Greenspur: 5 units (PWAII)
(91)*** Eagret. This is Alphatia's largest naval base (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(92)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(93)*** The fertile lowlands of this southern nation are its sole support; its primary industries are agriculture and the support of Imperial military bases. (PWAIII)
(94)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.HAVEN:
(95)*** SOUTHWESTERN ALPHATIA: This is sunny, temperate country, well-shielded from north winter winds by the mountains to the north (DotE, DM's manual)
(96)*** The Queen's Castle is some 50 miles north of Aasla itself; the queen has no interest in living in the teeming mass of humanity that is Aasla. (DotE, DM's manual)
(97)*** It may seem strange to you that Aasla imports silk when Alphatia is an exporter of their home-grown spider-silk— but this is actually correct. Aasla imports the more normal silks in abundance because Alphatia's sumptuary laws forbid commoners to wear spider-silk... but commoners may wear normal silk. (DotE, DM's manual)
(98)*** (Aasla) It is the one of two great shipbuilding cities in the Empire; the other is Trikelios on the Isle of Dawn (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(99)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Haven: 5 units (PWAII)
(100)*** Aasla was once the largest sea port in Alphatia and centre of the empire skyship navy. (PWAI)
(101)*** Dovir, about a hundred miles north of Aasla is the new capital (PWAI)
(102)*** The queen's castle, home of the ruler of Haven, is halfway between the two cities. (PWAI)
(103)*** Aasla: 300 ft (from TM1)
(104)*** Aasla fog 25% chance a day or night, on average. It is possible to have fog during daylight for the whole year, while there is fog during nighttime only in autumn and winter (from TM1)
(105)*** Alphas navigable river (south) from Adiach to Aasla (from TM1)
(106)*** Aasla: Eriadna High University (Magic of the Air, Astronomy) (from TM1)
(107)*** Aasla Isle: Altitude 100' - Fog-bound, no inhabitants (PWAIII)
(108)*** Aasla: Capital: Dovir (PWAIII)
(109)*** Aasla:
- imports: fish, preserved; monsters; books, rare; metal, precious; silk;
- exports: gems; spices; glassware; ivory; metal, common (GAZ9)
(110)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(111)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.KEROTHAR MOUNTAINS:
(112)*** Mountain pass crossing the Kerothar Mountains from Trollhattan to the spring of the left branch of Greenwall River (M1 map on page 3)
(113)*** (about an area of the Kerothar mountains which is possibly higher than the average) Limn is a pocket of habitable land surrounded by high, jagged mountains in northwestern Alphatia. (DotE, DM's manual)
(114)*** (about the likely absence of large mountain passes in Stoutfellow) This (Stoutfellow) is a rough, mountainous land (DotE, DM's manual)
(115)*** (about likely large glaciers still covering parts of the Kerothar Mountains) The Alphatians concluded that this planet had shifted the axis of its rotation no more than two thousand years before (with respect to BC 1000), and within the last two or three hundred years the ice had receded from this fair island. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(116)*** East from Zadreth ran an Unfinished Path, much like the mysterious Unfinished Path of the ruins near Limn in Alphatia. Like that other Unfinished Path, the one in Zadreth ran towards the southern mountains (from K:KoA: Hail the heroes)
(117)*** Kerothar mountains: Granite
Average altitude (about 16 miles from foothills): 19740 ft
Highest mountain: Mt. Eriadna 24450 ft (from TM1) ( I'd place Mount Eriadna in the mountain chain between the Ugly Woods of Blackheart and Alphaks' Volcano, which seems to be unsettled: the high range of the mountain chain in this point would protect the eastern side of the Kerothar and the Kingdom of Blackheart from the poisonous vapour from Alphaks' Volcano which, as a trend, should move eastward - see also notes (04) and (210))LIMN:
(Notice that DotE 24 mile-hex map of Alphatia is wrong, as it exchanged the tags for Limn (the name of the kingdom) and for Trollhattan (the name of its capital city))
(118)*** (Trollhattan is likely a seat of the Alphatian fleet because) it is the home base of the 12 petty nobles who sail to Norwold during the war depicted in M2 module. (M2, page 22)
(119)*** Limn is a pocket of habitable land surrounded by high, jagged mountains in northwestern Alphatia. Limn is only about 150 miles from Alphaks' Volcano (DotE, DM's manual)
(120)*** Two thousand years ago, semi-sentient monsters such as trolls settled here in great numbers. Fifteen hundred years ago, Alphatian magic users interested in the ways of the non humans conquered this land (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(121)*** East from Zadreth ran an Unfinished Path, much like the mysterious Unfinished Path of the ruins near Limn in Alphatia. Like that other Unfinished Path, the one in Zadreth ran towards the southern mountains (K:KoA: Hail the Heroes)
(122)*** (about actaeon, goblins, orcs, kobolds dryads, centaurs, harpies and gargoyles presence in Limn) Division Name: Hordes of Limn
Number of Such Units: 6 (1st through 6th Hordes of Limn).
Division Commander: Vampire (9 HD, Int +3). Deputy Commander: Actaeon (11 HD).
Regiments 1-2: Each has 200 light infantry (1-HD humanoids such as orcs, goblins, or kobolds)
Regiment 3: 120 light infantry (1-HD goblins); 40 light infantry (2-HD dryads); 40 light cavalry (4-HD centaurs); three sergeants
(2-HD goblins), one sergeant (2-HD dryad), one sergeant (4-HD centaur), one captain (11-HD actaeon).
Regiment 4: 200 heavy cavalry (mixed 4-HD humanoids) mounted on centaurs (4-HD); five sergeants (5-HD), one captain (6-HD).
Regiment 5: 60 light airborne skirmishers (3-HD harpies); 40 light airborne skirmishers (4-HD gargoyles); three sergeants (5-HD harpy), one captain (5-HD harpy). (PWAII)
Grand total for the six hordes of Limn (goblins and centaurs seems to be in majority: I included also some speculations about ogres and bugbears coming from the other quotes of this entry about Limn -- Notice these are wartime stats):
- 6 vampires
- 12 actaeons
- around 1200 orcs (including some ogres, likely)
- around 1940 goblins (including some bugbears, likely)
- around 1200 kobolds
- 246 dryads
- 1452 centaurs
- 384 harpies
- 240 gargoyles
(123)*** Languages: goblin, kobold, orc, ogre (PWAI)
(124)*** Monsters who live here (in Limn) as citizens include:
- comparatively friendly forest folk such as actaeons, centaurs, dryads, faeries, pixies, sasquatches, sprites, and treants.
- demi-humans and races like them, such as dwarves, elves gnomes and halflings.
- humanoids like bugbears, cyclops, giants of all varieties, gnolls, goblins, gremlins, ogres, orcs and trolls.
- lycanthropes of all varieties and odd monsters like beholder, djinn, dragons, medusas, owl bears and planar spiders. (PWAI)
(125)*** Citizen include forest folk (centaurs, faeries and the like); demihumans; humanoids (such as giants, goblins, orcs and trolls); undead; lycanthropes and other intelligent creatures, such as beholders and medusae. (from PWAII)
(126)*** Trollhattan: altitude 0-100 ft (from TM1)
(127)*** Trollhattan: fog 20% chance on average, both day and night for the whole year. If the weather is foggy, it will last for 24 hours. (from TM1)
(128)*** Trollhattan: Large Grey House University (Spying, stealth, poisons) (from TM2)QEODHAR:
(129)*** Norzee, sea west of Qeodhar (M1 page 3)
(130)*** The low sun of northern summer glistens on the crest of the waves, between large icefloes. As the ships sail by, occasional communities of seals basking on the ice dive into the frigid green water. The brisk, cold wind blows swirls of snow off huge icebergs. The mountains of ice tower majestically over the armada. (M1 pages 5 and 7: it refers to a stretch of sea more than 50 miles southwest of Qeodhar)
(131)*** Norlan's merchant fleet imports fine woods, spices and grain from mainland Alphatia. (M1 page 6)
(132)*** The southern side of Qeodhar (four 24-mile hexes) benefits from a rare micro-climate permitted by the proximity of high mountains, a warm ocean stream coming from the east, and a profusion of hot water springs. The northern side of Qeodhar is affected by a semi-permanent polar climate. (M1 page 7)
(133)*** (Qeodhar) conducts brisk trade in sealskins with the Alphatians; its whalers are the equal of any in these waters (DotE, DM's manual)
(134)*** It (Qeodhar) has weathered the attacks of some reckless sea-voyaging frost giants from Frosthaven (DotE DM's manual) (Frosthaven is quite far from Qeodhar: it is possible that those giants actually came from the large island between Qeodhar and the northern polar icecap)
(135)*** The island is dominated by high, cold central mountains. Those mountains keep the town of Farend from suffering the full brunt of the north winds, but also limit the amount of arable land on the island... Qeodhar has many small coastal villages on the southern coast. The great seal grounds are all on the northwestern coast, and there you find many trappers' villages as well. (DotE DM's manual)
(136)*** Languages: Alphatian, Heldannic (PWAI)
(137)*** Creatures found in the vicinity of Qeodhar include seals, snow apes, boars, giant crabs, dolphins, white dragons, dragon turtles, colddrakes, giant fish, frost giants, mermen, frost salamanders, sharks, whales, wolves. (PWAI)
(138)*** Farend: 0-150 ft (from TM1)
(139)*** Farend: fog 20% on average appearing both day and night along the whole year. It there is fog, it lasts for 24 hours. (from TM1)
(140)*** A "Gulf of Qeodhar" is cited in the "Major navigable rivers" table from TM1:
- Ambur (northwest) from Crystal Lake to Gulf of Qeodhar
- Fris (far north) from Shiell Lake to Gulf of Qeodhar
(141)*** Farend: Fall & Winter: Longship Pneumonia. The epidemic lasts 1d6 week with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Coughing, loss of balance, memory and direction, sea sickness; cures itself after a month of mild fever. (from TM2)
(142)*** 419 AC: Normal seals carry lycanthropy to the subpolar regions of Mystara. (from PC4)
(143)*** I have traced the appearance of northern wereseals to a young sea-hunter of Qeodhar. This individual, Yanci by name, was attacked by a seal sometime around 455 AC, although symptoms of his lycanthropy did not appear until he reached maturity, some years later. Whether he is solely responsible for the spread of seal and sea-lion lycanthropy remains to be determined. (from PC4)
(144)*** Fur wereseals: These thick coated wereseals may be found on the shores of the Northern Reaches, in the Alphatian Sea, and along the Thonian Marches. Their primary range lies between 60(DM)-90(DM) North latitude. Fur wereseals may occasionally be found south of this range, though normal fur seals rarely strays so far. (from PC4)
(145)*** Farend: Altitude 0-150' Note: Close to Arctic Circle (PWAIII)
(146)*** Events of Flaurmont 23: The Karameikan ship Farseeker leaves Farend to continue her expedition to the north pole. Although conditions are still wintry this far north, the winter icecaps are beginning to break up. (PWAIII)
(147)*** Events of Yarthmont 4: North polar icecap, 600 miles north of Qeodhar. (PWAIII)
(148)*** (about creatures found in post-WotI sea under Floating Ar: they could well be applied to the pre-WotI sea between Alphatia and Qeodhar) In the waters beneath Floating Ar you can find many aquatic creatures and monsters such as manta rays, mermen, sharks and whales. (PWAI)
(149)*** The Alatians were Neathar, of course, the original Alatians were deported when the Alphatians took over their lands. The Alatians were probably sent to populate and develop the Yannivey Islands and Qeodhar. True Alatians are probably extinct by now. As for the Yannivey, they form a mixed race of all the people who ended up in these cold islands, including Alphatians, Antalians, Neathar, and who knows what else. (Dungeon Magazine #181 p 49, VotPA part 28)RANDEL:
(150)*** SOUTHEASTERN ALPHATIA: It is here that one finds the many greenhouses, public or hidden, where plants such as the intoxicating zzonga-fruit are grown. It is here that most of Alphatia's grapes are grown, and here that the wine industry has its base. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(151)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Randel: 1 unit (PWAII)
(152)*** This southern lowland nation is known for military aggression and good wine. (PWAI)
(153)*** Randel navigable river (southeast) from Errolyn to Rardish (from TM1)
(154)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(155)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.SHIYE-LAWR:
(156)*** Accordingly to WotI, Shiye-Lawr was colonised by Sylvan Realm elves who departed from Mealiden migration via the Rainbow Path and then settled in the Alphatian continent in BC 800 under the guidance of Eiryndul. (WotI)
(157)*** Pegataurs were created by some mad wizard in the city of Shraek... Pegataurs were created from the unholy bonding of pegasi and Shiye elves... Pegataurs are rare, mostly confined to the forests of Blackheart and Shiye-Lawr and some inaccessible floating lands in Floating Ar. They have an affinity for pegasi and are able to converse with them. Any group of fewer than five pegataurs may be accompanied by at least twice that number of pegasi 40% of the time. (DotE, DM's manual)
(158)*** Both of us had seen creatures such as these, in the rain forest of Yavdlom and the dark woods of Shiye-Lawr and Blackheart. Araneas — vile intelligent spiders, deadly creatures. (VotPA)
(159)*** (about the presence of kobolds in Shiye-Lawr) Drushiye was exiled from Shiye-Lawr more than a century ago because he killed a fellow elf to save a kobold child he felt was innocent of wrongdoing. (PWAI)
(160)*** (Xerdon) early career earned him the rank of General in the Guard of the Lawr. (CoM, Heros of the Princess Ark)
(161)*** (Xerdon) began a series of illegal forays into Blackheart putting a temporary end to the bloody monster incursions by burning down several towers (with their wizards)... Under Imperial pressure, the rulers of Shiye-Lawr publicly "court martialled" Xerdon to appease the Blackheart lobby. (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark)
(162)*** (about a likely period of unrest in the past of Shiye-Lawr) Gentle are the elves here (in Norwold), that came here many ages ago when they would not submit their necks to the yoke of an elf-king of dubious intentions. (JA, entry for Norwold, page 82)
(163)*** (I deliberately do not include here the entry of PC4 about weretigers (see Foresthome, Blackheart, Frisland, Ar entries) because Shiye-Lawr is populated mostly by elves so it should be free from weretypes)STONEWALL:
(164)*** Though officially non-spell-casters are still Commoners and spell-casters are still Aristocrats, criminal law is identical for both classes of society here; all crimes are tried as if committed by Aristocrats on Aristocrats. Insolence is not a crime in this kingdom.
Customs: The atmosphere of Stonewall is comparatively friendly to non-spell-casters of every sort. Discrimination due to lack of magical ability
exists here primarily among foreigners. (DotE, DM's manual)
(165)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Stonewall: 6 units (PWAII)
(166)*** This large nation is the home base of many of Alphatia's armies, which are stationed in and around the capital city of Draco. (PWAI)
(I wonder if there is any connection with the October 1969 Stonewall Inn Riots of the real world: anti discrimination practices would have been moved in-game from gay-activists to non-spellcasters, who knows.)STOUTFELLOW:
(167)*** This (Stoutfellow) is a rough, mountainous land settled by dwarves, halflings and gnomes, mostly families with one or more craftsmen in them. (DotE, DM's manual)
(168)*** Division Name: Legion of Denwarf-Hurgon (equipped by the Kingdom of Stoutfellow rather than by the Imperial treasury).
Number of Such Units: 10.
Division Commander: Dwarf-General (D12). Deputy Commander: Halfling-Captain (H8).
Regiments 1-2: Each has 200 heavy infantry (D2); five sergeants (D3), one captain (D5).
Regiment 3: 200 light infantry (H1); five sergeants (H3), one captain (H5).
Regiment 4: 100 regular light 1-HD gnome infantry; five sergeants (2 HD), one captain (4 HD). (PWAII)
(Grand total for the 10 units: 4130 dwarves, 2070 halflings, 1060 gnomes -- Notice these are wartime stats).
(169)*** Events of Felmont 20: Rare Magical Mineral Found: Adventurers on a long expedition in the depths of a cave system north of Denwarf-Hurgon stumble upon an amazing discovery (the mnemonic mineral). (PWAIII)
(170)*** Events of Fyrmont 4: The adventurers who discovered the mnemonics mineral return to Sanctuary, a makeshift town that serves as a staging area for the adventurers and mercenaries on Monster Island. (PWAIII) (the voyage to the mnemonic mineral cave to Sanctuary/Denwarf-Hurgon requires just 12 days - see entry (169). Assuming an average mountain speed of 12 miles a day, the cave should be some 6 hexes (24 miles in diameter) north of Denwarf-Hurgon ).
(171)*** (about dire wolves in Stoutfellow) Events of Vatermont 12: A thirty-men patrol sent out of Denwarf-Hurgon on Monster Island runs into and then from - a pack of hungry dire wolves. (PWAII)
(172)*** Languages: Dwarvish (Denwarf-Hurgon dialect) (this info suggests that dwarves live in metropolitan Alphatia from long before than official DotE data of AC 950, otherwise they couldn't have developed their own dialect. This could be in agreement with "Dragonmage of Mystara" info about dwarves living in Alphatia before AC 500, as noted in (74) "Eadrin" entry).THERANDEROL:
(173)*** SOUTHEASTERN ALPHATIA: It is here that one finds the many greenhouses, public or hidden, where plants such as the intoxicating zzonga-fruit are grown. It is here that most of Alphatia's grapes are grown, and here that the wine industry has its base. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(174)*** Population: 200,000 including Errolyn, population 30,000. About the origin of this name I suggest that it could be a shrinking of the words: "Thera and Errol", where "Thera" should come from Mount Thera (from PWAIII) or from River Thera (from DotE/TM1). Errol should have the same root as the kingdom's capital Errolyn. Maybe this kingdom could be the merging of two previous separate countries of Thera - northern and western part of the actual kingdom - and Errol - southeastern part of the actual kingdom (see the note (74) about the 18 semiautonomous kingdoms as of AC 500 in "Eadrin" entry. Maybe the "Errol" part of this kingdom was conquered/defended from nearby Arogansa and Randel, thus explaining both note (45) and the Randel Wall).
(175)*** (Dangers are at minimum in Theranderol, except in the north, where the Grey Mountains act as home for many monster species. (PWAI)
(176)*** Thera navigable river (deep south) from Bigos to Archport (from TM1)
(177)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Theranderol: 4 units (PWAII)
(178)*** Mount Thera. (from PWAIII map)
(179)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(180)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.VERTILOCH AND IMPERIAL TERRITORIES/ZANDORIA:
(181)*** SOUTHWESTERN ALPHATIA: This is sunny, temperate country, well-shielded from north winter winds by the mountains to the north (DotE, DM's manual)
(182)*** Vertiloch is a green and southern land with many small lakes upon it, colourful capital nation of the Empire. (DotE, DM's manual)
(183)*** Division Name: Imperial Alphatian Reserves --- Vertiloch: 4 units (PWAII)
(184)*** Greenlake navigable river (south) from Vertiloch to Aaslan Gulf (from TM1) ( Already shown until Ashar/Sundsvall on DotE's Alphatia 24 mile/hex map. I would extend it to the town of Verboten in the north, to cover the whole Vertiloch Kingdom. )
(185)*** Ashar is Vertiloch's new capital (after WotI events) (PWAIII)
(186)*** Sundsvall is also the empire's centre for the building of sky-ships. (DotE, DM's manual)
(187)*** Sundsvall: altitude 700 ft (from TM1)
(188)*** Sundsvall: Sundsvall University (Universal Magic, Arcane Exploration) (from TM2)
(189)*** Sundsvall fog 25% on average a day, along the whole year but only during daylight. (from TM1)
(190)*** (about the existence of Thieves guild in metropolitan Alphatia: this info is in contrast with DotE, where it is said that thieves have very hard living in metropolitan Alphatia due to ESP and other divination spells, so they don't gather in Thieves' Guilds. Nevertheless it is possible that Thieves Guild are allowed to form and operate even in the mainland as soon as they don't annoy the Empire's aristocracy - compare also with note (50)): (Ashari) lived the hard existence of an orphan and homeless beggar in Sundsvall's Pit quarter, often panhandling in the aerodrome... She joined the thieves' guild in Sundsvall and developed her thieving skills (CoM, Heroes of the Princess Ark)
(191)*** (about the name of the founder of Sundsvall, possibly the emperor Alphas I) "Look upon Sundsvall, the city built of magic!" he (Terari) cried. Light streamed into the room, with the panorama that was the great city of Alphas. (Dote, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(192)*** (about the "founding " of the Kingdom/Empire of Alphatia: this is quite in contrast with DotE info about Kerothar I being the first Emperor, but maybe his original reign did not include places like Blackheart, Shiye-Lawr, Floating Ar and Haven. Maybe during the first two centuries the Alphatians were too busy in rebuilding their society and their Empire was more similar to a Federation, who knows). BC 800 Kingdom of Alphatia first established.(GAZ14)
(193)*** Two thousand years ago, when the Alphatians made Landfall at what was later to become Sundsvall, they were led by Kerothar I. (DotE, DM's manual)
(194)*** (about pegasi in Vertiloch) Imperial Alphatian Guard: Regiment 2 (Aerial Strike Force): 500 light flying cavalry (F6); 500 combat mages (M6); twenty-five sergeants (F8), twenty-five sergeants (M8), five lieutenants (F12), five lieutenants (M12), one captain (C20); (grand total: 1061 troops -- Notice these are wartime stats) all mounted on combat trained pegasi.
(195)*** Events of Kaldmont 28: Empress Eriadna sends elite fighters on dragons - and pegasus - back after the (Heldannic) fleeing skyships. (PWAII) (Note: dragons should be a later add-on to Alphatian flying armies, as of AC 500 dragons and Alphatians fight a prolonged war, as described in the Dragonlord Trilogy novels.)
(196)*** Southern Alphatia, drought years: Purulent cataract. The epidemic lasts 1d6 weeks with a 1% chance of being affected per week. Caused by rare Alphatian dust affecting the eyes. Causes searing eye pains and blindness if not cured in a week. (from TM2)
(197)*** Southern Alphatia: Fair Trails and Partial Roads. Fair Trails: occasional bridges, safe fords. Small caravanserai, water sources and camp places along the route. Patrols every 1-2 days. Partial Roads: they are paved if they connect at least a town with 15000 people, otherwise they are considered Good Trails. If they are paved there are bridges along the whole route and very frequent caravanserai, inns, hamlets, water sources. If they are not paved there are bridges on most rivers (unbridged rivers have easy fords) and very frequent small caravanserai, inns, water sources.
(198)***(referring to a specific Emperor election in the past of Alphatia) in a time when the best candidate had no dominion, the Grand Council of Wizards established that Vertiloch would be the kingdom of the current imperial ruler, so that that requirement would be met. (DotE)
(199)***(before WotI, this land) was maintained as a pristine wilderness; whenever imperial forest rangers found communities or dwellings they destroyed these signs of human occupation - and their owners. (PWAI entry about Zandoria)
(200)***(after WotI) Population: 30000, languages: Alphatian, elvish (Shiye Lawr dialect) (PWAI) (maybe elvish presence would mean that the settled area of the Imperial territories/Zandoria is the southern one - elves could come both from Shiye-Lawr and southern Foresthome. The capital of this new kingdom (New City, renamed Jafilia in Ac 1012) could be placed along the Greenlake River north of Vertiloch.)YANNIVEY:
(201)*** The Alatians were Neathar, of course, the original Alatians were deported when the Alphatians took over their lands. The Alatians were probably sent to populate and develop the Yannivey Islands and Qeodhar. True Alatians are probably extinct by now. As for the Yannivey, they form a mixed race of all the people who ended up in these cold islands, including Alphatians, Antalians, Neathar, and who knows what else. (Dungeon Magazine #181 p 49, VotPA part 28)
(202)*** These islands are cold, barren rocks separated by deep channels of treacherous waters. There are no communities of any size in all the Yannivey Chain. (DotE, DM's manual)
(203)*** He escaped to the Yanniveys and took over a village of 75 souls from the criminal who ruled it at the time. He renamed the village Toriath, as he previous ruler had given it his own name. (DotE, DM's manual)
(204)*** It is rumoured that magicians from Blackheart often come to these lands to round up experiment victims. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)UNPLACED INFO: (with my suggestions)
(205)**** Even distant realms like Thyatis and Alphatia have DDC missions assigned to them. (Very likely there is a DDC mission in Sundsvall. Maybe there are other DDC missions in other important cities such as Aasla and some other metropolitan kingdom's capitals) (GAZ11)
(206)**** 623 AC: Devil Swine first appear in Alphatia. (PC4) (I guess that a very good place to have them unnoticed for a certain amount of time so to let them spread in other parts of the world would be the Kingdom of Arogansa
(207)**** The Empire of Alphatia: Any and all weretypes may be found in Alphatia - including types hitherto unknown. (PC4) (The wilderness of the Imperial Territories would fit form many unknown weretypes, in my opinion).
(208)**** No mention is made to the Padfoot and Woodwarder families - Followers of the Air who fled to Mystara two millennia ago, bringing the power to take the form of tigers and wolves with them. (PC4) (see the entry above).
(209)**** Skeletal Golems: It is rumoured that the more unscrupulous wizards of the land of Alphatia particularly enjoy creating skeletal golem guardians to protects their laboratories and abodes from outsiders - especially rival wizards. (from Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix) (Blackheart is a good candidate for this entry[i]).
(210)**** (about shadow elves tunnels leading to Alphatia) Shadow elves are as adept at mining and tunnelling as the dwarves of Rockhome are, but for the most part the shadow elves have not had to create their own tunnels. Indeed, the area that they inhabit is riddled with literally thousands of caves and tunnels, with some passageways being hundreds of miles long. Not only do these passages lead between the four cities of the shadow elves, but they also lead to many of the realms of the humanoids, as well as to the surface in various locations, including Glantri, Darokin, and even Thyatis and Alphatia. (GAZ 13) [i]Nevertheless, I'd place the exits of such tunnels in the southernmost part of the Kerothar Mountains ).
(211)**** (about a drug sold also in Alphatia) Caine has limited quantities of a special drug in his possession; added to wine or beer, it makes a human or hin forget the events of up to six hours previously...It is known as "twilight wine" and is spicy to the taste (a little will have no effect if one spits it out the moment one feels the salty spicy flavour) and smoky grey in hue. Caine would like to get more of it, but it is rare even in Thyatis; he will pay as much as 50 gp for a 6 dose vial. Twilight wine can be had in Glantri, Alphatia, and from certain Thyatian, Minrothad and Ierendi merchants, perhaps even in Karameikos, but Caine cannot presently reach any of the sources he knows. (GAZ 8) If this drug can be made in Glantri, then a high altitude place could be needed in order to get its ingredients: I would place this entry in the Kerothar Mountains ).SEA, CURRENTS AND DOMINANT WINDS:
(212)*** The Sea of Esterhold is also called Sea of Ester (from TMA1)
(213)*** Northern Alphatia: dominant wind from North-West (TMA1)
(214)*** Southern Alphatia: dominant wind from South-West (TMA1)
(215)*** Sea current in the Alphatian Sea: from South (TMA1)
(216)*** Sea current in the Esterhold Sea: from North (TMA1)
(217)*** Sea current in the Eastern Sea of Dawn: from South-East (TMA1)
(218)*** Sea current in the Esterhold Sea: from North (VotPA map on part 2)
(219)*** Sea current in the Alphatian Sea: from South (VotPA map on part 2)
(220)*** Sea current in the Eastern Sea of Dawn: from South-East (VotPA map on part 2)
(221)*** Above northern Bellissaria/Kingdom of Notrion: Cold and Humid Winds from West (VotPA map on part 2)
(222)*** Warm sea current in the Strait of Qeodhar flowing from East (M1)
(223)*** Cold sea current flowing from North along the western coast of Norwold (M1)LOCATIONS:
(224)**** Greater Alphatia, from WotI pre cataclysmic map. This tag is seen crossing Bettellyn and Randel borders. (WotI) (this tag could refer to metropolitan Alphatia as a whole or to its southeastern tip, maybe hinting at an older time of colonisation for these lands.)
(225)*** Those name for locations on the Isle of Dawn come from M5 module.TRADE:
Note: The info about trade listed below include most of what I managed to collect from official supplements about traded and produced goods in Alphatia and in nearby Alphatian colonies. Following a quote at the end of M5 saying that there is very little trade between Thyatis and Alphatia and that often colonies do not trade among themselves, I did not include goods traded or produced by nearby non-Alphatian countries (Oceansend, the western Isle of Dawn). This said, I still believe that the traded good lists you'll find below are not comprehensive and they do not cover the whole trade between mainland Alphatia and its colonies. I suggest you to use it as a rough guideline in order to give better detail to adventures and modules, or as a basis to build up a more complete list of trade in the Alphatian Empire.
(226)*** Jennite slaves (are) forced to mine gold, silver, copper and other precious materials from Esterhold's cramped, dangerous mines (PWAIII) ( the towns of Hepira (northern Foresthome) and Brocto (central Bettellyn) could act as large slave market for the whole Alphatian mainland)
(227)*** Rock Harbour, on the (Esterhold) peninsula's southern shore, was established a few years later (with respect of a 100 years ago) to serve as a port for gold and gems hauled across the neck of the peninsula by mule trains. (PWAIII)
(228)*** Esterhold: the gold found in Esterhold makes continued Alphatian presence here a certainty. (DotE)
(229)*** Bellissaria is called Alphatia's Bread-Box, because so much food is grown here for the empire. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(230)*** Lower-class kiharas (tunics), though they may be just as brightly-dyed, extravagantly embroidered, and exquisitely tailored, are made of
other materials, chiefly Bellissarian cotton.(DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(231)*** Spider-silk is one of Alphatia's great exports— especially to lands such as Thyatis and Glantri, where fashion is a pressing concern; Ylaruam, where light, strong fabric is very much desired by the wealthy classes; and Alfheim, whose elves appreciate the aesthetic qualities of the cloth. (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(232)*** The rich farmlands of Alphatia and Bellissaria yield wheat and barley, corn, a wide variety of vegetables and fruits; the forests and pastures yield venison, beef, and mutton a-plenty (pork is not very popular). (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)
(233)*** City-state of Ekto: There is a notable College of the Metals here, where scholars may study the science of metallurgy. (DotE, DM's manual)
(234)*** City-State of Trikelios: 20,000. Alphatian-controlled. Good port with many shipyards. (DotE, DM's manual)
(235)*** Helskir: 13,000. Busy mercantile port with a lot of fishing trade.(DotE, DM's manual)
(236)*** Scar Mesa and the Scarlands are rugged broken lands, home both to fierce creatures and to excellent mineral resources.(M5)
(237)*** Industries (of Ekto): Mining (iron); agriculture; steel; development of metal-working techniques. (PWAI)
(238)*** Industries (of Thothia): Agriculture (rice and wheat especially) (PWAI)
(239)*** Industries (of Trikelios): Shipbuilding; agriculture (PWAI)
(240)*** Industries (of Dunadale): Fishing, cutting of peat-moss (PWAI)
(241)*** Industries (of Notrion): Trade, agriculture (PWAI)
(242)*** Industries (of Alpha): Agriculture (growing barely enough grain for its own use), thriving trades in mining, logging and trapping (PWAI)
(243)*** Industries (of Lagrius): Timber-cutting, fishing (PWAI)
(244)*** Industries (of Meriander): agriculture, alchemical research, education (PWAI)
(245)*** Industries (of Surshield): Military (in Spearpoint), agriculture, craftsmanship, art (outside Spearpoint) (PWAI)
(246)*** Alpha: (from GAZ9 trade chart)
- Imports: Ivory, Wine and Spirits, Tea or coffee
- Exports: Grain and Vegetables, Meat preserved
(247)*** Landfall: (from GAZ9 trade chart)
- Imports: Grain and vegetables, Tea or coffee, Dyes and pigments
- Exports: Hides and furs, Monsters
(248)*** Helskir: (from GAZ9 trade chart)
- Imports: Fish preserved, Hides and furs, Tea or coffee, Pottery
- Exports: Dyes and pigments, Salt
(249)*** Dunadale: (from GAZ9 trade chart)
- Imports: Tea or coffee, Ivory, Grain and vegetables, Glassware
- Exports: Porcelain fine, Weapons and tools, Monsters, Gems
(250)*** Aasla: (from GAZ9 trade chart)
- Imports: fish, preserved; monsters; books, rare; metal, precious; silk
- Exports: gems; spices; glassware; ivory; metal, common
(251)*** (Qeodhar) Norlan's merchant fleet imports fine woods, spices and grain from mainland Alphatia. (M1 page 6)
(252)*** (Arogansa) Industries: Tourism, wines. (PWA, I)
(253)*** (Qeodhar) conducts brisk trade in sealskins with the Alphatians; its whalers are the equal of any in these waters (DotE, DM's manual)
(254)*** Fur wereseals: These thick coated wereseals may be found on the shores of the Northern Reaches, in the Alphatian Sea, and along the Thonian Marches. Their primary range lies between 60(DM)-90(DM) North latitude. Fur wereseals may occasionally be found south of this range, though normal fur seals rarely strays so far. (from PC4)
(255)*** (Aasla) It is the one of two great shipbuilding cities in the Empire; the other is Trikelios on the Isle of Dawn (DotE, Player's Guide to Alphatia)APPENDIX 1: About the position of the ACDC (Alphatian Centre for Disease Control).
The position of this facility is not explicitly given in the official supplements, anyway some clues can be get from a few collected info in PC4 and PWAIII:
a) -- And then (in AC 400) the virus escaped the labs... They (the researchers) almost certainly didn't anticipate that mutations would replace the original tiger-shifting information with the forms of a variety of new animal hosts. (PC4)
b) -- Weretigers are found primarily in forested areas with relatively cool climates. Alphatia has the largest suspected weretiger population of any nation in the northern hemisphere. (PC4)
c) -- At Kywan Whitehair suggestion, (in AC 401) the Emperor of Alphatia established the Alphatian Centre for Disease Control - wizard laboratories dedicated to researching lycanthropy and searching for a cure. (PC4)
d) -- Events of Klarmont 21: Breindel Tzuriel, an Alphatian mage, presents a daring plan to the Emperor (of Thyatis). He claims to be a member of the Alphatian Centre for Disease Control - a secret cadre of mages charged with the task of eliminating diseases, especially magical ones. The ACDC's facilities were well protected and may have survived the earthquake that destroyed Alphatia. Breindel suggests the Emperor authorise and fund an expedition to explore the site - now under water - to recover books and equipment... The lab is now underwater in an area that suffered a major earthquake. (PWAIII)
e) -- Events of Ambyrmont 15: By decree of Emperor Eusebius of Thyatis, the mage Breindel Tzuriel is named prefect of the new Imperial Hospitaliers in Thyatis... The expedition sent to the ruined Alphatian Centre for Disease Control was successful - Breindel recovered a great deal of equipment and, more importantly, hundreds of volumes of research notes and reports. (PWAIII)From d) we know that the ACDC is in some submerged lands on mainland Alphatia. This excludes the kingdoms of Stoutfellow and Floating Ar. The ACDC being founded in AC 401 I would exclude the kingdom of Limn, which was conquered from humanoids by the Alphatians around AC 500. The Imperial Territories are intentionally left without settlements by an Imperial Decree (any settlement found in those land is destroyed by Imperial rangers, accordingly to DotE), so I wouldn't place here the ACDC. I would exclude also the kingdom of Shiye-Lawr (no lycanthropes to study in this area, moreover lycanthropy is deadly to elves). Of the other places, I would say that the lab was placed in some cool forested area, given the fact that in a) it is said that the initial virus spread from weretigers, who lives especially in temperate forest accordingly to b).
Moreover, notice that the whole expedition of Breindel, from the initial planning to the final success, takes 11 weeks. Given the urge to stop the mummy rot plague in Thyatis in AC 1012 we could say that the expedition would require just a week to be organised. I suppose it would necessarily need a ship in order to carry the great amount of books and equipment cited in e). We could think that the expedition would require 4-5 weeks of travel and then another 4-5 weeks to return back.
Supposing the expedition sails on a small sailing ship (the fastest ship available, with an average speed of 90 miles a day) starting from Thyatis and taking the land "shortcut" between East Portage and West Portage (which let's say will take a week of travel), the Thyatians cannot reach the Sundsvall Maelstrom before about 35 days, which is the maximum time limit for the one-way trip to the ACDC. This calculations suggest me that the ACDC should not be located in the northernmost and easternmost lands of mainland Alphatia, being limited to the area west to the Draco-Sundsvall-Errolyn-Archport arch. This leaves only the kingdoms of Haven, Vertiloch, Greenspur, Arogansa and western Theranderol as likely places for the ACDC.APPENDIX 2: New Mistraven - from the Book of Wondrous Inventions
In the Book of Wondrous Inventions, page 49, it is described the "Fabulous Submersible Galley", which is very similar to the submersible galley used by the Kingdom of Aquas (the same picture of the galley is shown in BoWI and in PWAI). The Fabulous Submersible Galley was built by gnomes aided by powerful mages in the city of New Mistraven. The city itself blew up some time ago and the submersible galley fleet was buried under the rubble. Here are the relevant info from BoWI:
History: The gnomish submersible was originally referred to in an ancient fantasy tale as “Orchana’s Fabulous Machine.” The vehicle described therein was a fantastic device that worked by means of unknown and unknowable magics. The tale was heard by the gnome Winchesmira of New Mistraven (Old Mistraven was blown up ten years previously). Winchesmira constructed the Fabulous Submersible, but had to cut a few corners to make it work with the magics available. He was aided by a number of powerful wizards, who assisted only after Winchesmira promised never to try to help those wizards in any of their future research.
Winchesmira sought originally to mass-produce these devices, with an eye towards creating an undersea gnomish kingdom. However, after creating his prototype, Winchesmira found he had exhausted the mages willing to work with him. At that time, the city of New Mistraven blew up, suffering the same fate as its predecessor when magical experiments went awry. Winchesmira disappeared in the cataclysm, and the city was replaced by New New Mistraven. It is believed that a series of hidden workshops lies beneath the ruins of the old city - workshops said to house the hulls of two dozen Fabulous Submersibles, plus a large quantity of the necessary magic items and inanimate (it is hoped) stone golems.
Functioning: The original Fabulous Submersible, called in myth and legend Orchana’s Wondrous Device, was said to be able to travel from the surface of the ocean to its greatest depths and be able to travel hundreds of miles beneath the ocean. Winchesmira was unable to duplicate the magics powering this fabulous craft, and has made do with available magical technology.If you like to identify the Fabulous Submersible Galley with the submersible galleys used by Aquas, then you could say that Zyndryl explored the ruins of New Mistraven around AC 950 and found the submersible fleet. Then he petitioned Emperor Tylion IV and founded the kingdom of Aquas, helped by those techno-magical devices. Notice that as of AC 1000 Aquas is inhabited also by gnomes, who help in machinery maintenance: they could be someway related to the gnomes of New Mistraven.
If the mages who helped the gnomes were Alphatian then the city of New Mistraven itself could have been built on mainland Alphatia. A good choice (in my opinion) would be to place the city along some coast of the kingdom of Stoutfellow, which is known for being inhabited by gnomes. Moreover you can speculate that if New Mistraven was the former capital of this kingdom then it is possible that its destruction obliged the Alphatian Emperor to issue a "new founding" of Stoutfellow (around AC 950 accordingly to DotE). This would explain the "Denwarf Hurgon dialect" of note (172) and the presence of dwarves in mainland Alphatia in the VI century AC accordingly to the Dragonlord Trilogy. In the "new" Stoutfellow reign Denwarf-Hurgon became the new capital and New New Mistraven was built on the ruins of the old city but it remained a minor settlement so far. Of course, these are just my speculations.