Medium Focus Special Moves
by tjedge1Medium Focus Special Moves. Here's a few more. Some of the Focus moves are really crazy. I think the fireball stuff will fit in fine as it isn't real "fire" and is actually energised Chi being released from the body. I also am going to add a damage rating for focus moves that will be determined by the level of focus instead level of Mystic.
Name: Acid Breath
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +3/+0/-3
Round Movement: -5'
Description: A foul power that only a few loathsome fighters have developed. Fighters using Acid Breath are able to churn their gastric acid into a highly toxic mixture, which they then vomit forth from their mouths in a projectile spray at any nearby opponent. The acid burns the opponent, causing ugly injuries that take a long time to heal. The worst part about being hit with Acid Breath is that the acid continues to burn the fighter after the initial impact, causing more bodily damage and eating away clothing, fabric and any other dissolvable materials the acid hits. Some believe the Acid Breath is a mutant power that only a few unique individuals possess. Others believe that fighters who have mastered Acid Breath use their Chi to alter their stomachs' natural acid into a highly potent chemical weapon.
System: The spray has a range equal to the fighter's Constitution rating, and the fighter must have line-of-sight to hit his intended victim. Once the acid spray hits, it immediately inflicts damage using the +3 modifier. The following combat round, unless the victim of the Acid Breath has been immersed in water or some other purgative method has been employed, the acid continues to burn the victim's body. At the very end of the combat round, after all actions have been completed, the acid damages again at the +0 modifier. Finally, on the third round, the acid damages for the last time using the -3 damage modifier. Characters hit with more than one dose of Acid Breath in quick succession could suffer several different damage rolls against them at the end of each round. Acid Breath can be dodged like any other projectile attack.Name: Death's Visage
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: None
Description: With a special hand sign, the Ninja draws forth the fear in an opponent's heart and manifests it on his own face, especially his eyes. Only a truly brave fighter can shrug off the effects and attack the Ninja.
System: All within sight of the user of this hand symbol must succeed in a Save Throw vs. Spells with a penalty equal to the Ninja's Focus level. Anyone who fails the test must get as far away from the Ninja as possible. This is considered a Sustained Action (similar to a Sustained Hold), and overwhelmed opponents will continue to flee from the Ninja until they succeed in a Save Throw or until three combat rounds have passed. Successful fighters may move and attack normally.Name: Fireball
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: None
Description: Some Fighters have harnessed their internal Chi to such a degree that they can explode this energy out of their bodies as fiery projectiles. The fighter must undergo rigorous mental and spiritual training to harmonise his body's flow of Chi until this attack can be called upon instantly. Most fighters project the fiery blasts from their palms, but Kabaddi stylists are known for launching the fire from their mouths. These yoga masters concentrate their Chi into their stomachs until their very vitals heat red-hot, and then they vomit the energy toward their opponent as a fireball projectile. Fireballs can be used to ignite combustible objects like paper, dry wood, oil, etc. They also make decent light sources. If a character launches a fireball straight up, the immediate area will be dimly lit for a couple of rounds.
System: Fireballs have a range equal to the projecting character's Wisdom + Focus. For example, Seraphim has a Focus of 5 and a Wisdom of 14, so her fireballs have a range of 19'! As with all projectile attacks, the attacker must have an unobstructed line-of-sight on his intended victim. There is no Save Throw to avoid this projectile. It works as if the fireball was thrown like a rock and uses the normal To-Hit rolls to determine if it hits. This is the case for all fireballs.Name: Fireburst
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +4
Round Movement: 5'
Description: This manoeuvre, similar to a fireball, involves creating a large sphere of energy between one's hands and pushing this into an enemy at close range.
System: A firebust can only affect opponents in the same 5' space or a 5' space adjacent to the attacker.Name: Ice Blast
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: None
Description: No one knows from what martial style this attack comes. Its origins are so secret, and the manoeuvre is seen so rarely, that many believe it to be a superhuman magic power rather than a trained ability. Fighters who are able to project the Ice Blast can throw a wave of frost, snow, and sharp ice particles from their hands. Kung Fu masters say that the Ice Blast fighter uses negative Yang Chi to supercool the air into the icy projectile. Characters who have mastered the Ice Blast are seldom uncomfortable even in very cold climates. They can sleep in meat freezers and wake up refreshed. To other people, the character's skin is always cold to the touch.
System: The Ice Blast is similar to other projectile attacks. It has a range equal to the character's Wisdom + Focus and can be dodged by Manoeuvres such as Jump. The attacker must have line-of-sight on his victim. A victim who suffers damage is encased in sheets of thick ice that freeze him in place. The victim can attempt to break free of the ice at the end of each combat round. He must succeed in an 4 accumulated Strength rolls to break free. For example, a Strength 13 character is hit by the Ice Blast. After the round is over, he rolls dice rolls one 20 sided die plus another for every bonus to strength, this round he will roll 1d20, twice, to break free. He succeeds in both rolls, but still needs 2 more successes. He is still frozen stiff through the next round. After that second round, he rolls again, scoring two more successes. He now breaks free of the ice. Alternatively, if a frozen character is hit, the ice shatters (but the character still takes damage).Name: Power Rings
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: None
Description: The fighter uses his Chi to create a wave of power that forms into the shape of glowing rings that fly out every direction into any opponents within range.
System: The range of this projectile attack is equal to the attacker's Intelligence + Focus.Name: Psychic Rage
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: None
Description: Also called the Poison Haze, this is the dreaded power of the magical style of Hule known as Muay Drit. Psychic Rage pushes honourable fighters into fits of berserk battle fury. In this fury, the opponent is capable of delivering devastating damage, but he will also give absolutely no thought to his own safety and precious little thought to the morality of his actions. Victims of Psychic Rage have been known to turn on their own team-mates in fits of blind fury.
System: The Muay Drit stylist using Psychic Rage selects an opponent. The victim must be within a number of feet equal to the attacker's Focus + Wisdom. The victim must then must succeed in a Save Throw vs. Death Ray. If the victim is not successful, the enters a berserker fury. The victim will only be able to attack with his most damaging attacks: the battle fury will drive them to use their most powerful attacks. He will spend Chi as needed until he runs out. Furthermore, he will be incapable of any Block manoeuvres. After each round the victim has suffered Psychic Rage (not counting the first round he is affected), the victim can roll attempt a Save Throw vs. Spells, with a penalty equal to the attackers Focus level, to break free of the Psychic Rage. The rage will automatically end if the attacker or the victim is knocked unconscious. Victims lose honour from any actions they take during Psychic Rage, even if the rage forces them into dishonourable acts. The remorse and self-doubt will plague the victim long after the rage finally subsides. These effects will be up to the DM's discretion.Name: Psychokinetic Channelling
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: 0 / See Below
Damage Bonus: +2 / See Below
Round Movement: +0 / See Below
Description: Through force of will, the fighter manages to channel the mind's potential into a frighteningly effective compliment to any attack. Blue psychic energy crackles around the fighter's hands and feet as tremendous Chi energy is released upon the impact of a kick or punch. Currently, priests have been teaching some promising operatives the secrets of this technique. Its mastery lies primarily in the hands of those studying Muay Drit. However, some masters speculate that under the right circumstances, others could learn to harness and channel these energies as well.
System: Psychic Channelling adds +2 damage to the basic Punch or Kick attacks.Name: Reflecting Barrier
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: 5'
Description: This power enables the character to create a small wall of energy in front of them. This can be used to reflect energy attacks, or it can be slammed into opponents to inflict damage.
System: The Reflecting Barrier causes any projectiles that strike it to bounce back, as if a ball bounces off of a wall. The reflecting barrier will always counter such attacks (due to its size) unless they are delivered from behind. A Reflecting Barrier lasts for one round. A Reflecting Barrier can also be used offensively, by slamming it into the opponent. This inflicts +3 damage, and otherwise uses the modifiers listed above. If used offensively, the opponent can attempt a successful Dexterity roll to avoid the barrier.Name: Regeneration
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: See Below
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: None
Description: Some warriors are able to command their Chi to flow through injured areas of their body, thereby healing themselves almost instantaneously. This discipline is difficult to learn, requiring in-depth study of how Chi flows through the body as well as the mental discipline to be able to route one's Chi properly in the midst of battle.
System: When using this power, a fighter stops moving for a turn to focus his Chi. The fighter may then spend points of Chi to restore lost Hit Points. Each Chi point spent enables the fighter to regain 2d4 Hit Points. In one round, a character can use as many Chi points equal to his Focus level. For example, a fighter with a Focus level of 3 could spend up to three Chi to restore 6d4 in one round of Regeneration.Name: Shock Treatment
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: +7
Round Movement: None
Description: Some fighters have developed the ability to amplify their body's natural electrical field to astounding levels. The human body's nervous system runs on minuscule electric charges, and martial artists who have mastered their Chi and this technique can create powerful electric fields around their bodies. The air around the fighter pulses and crackles with electricity as it burns into ozone. Furthermore, while using this power, the fighter is himself practically immune to electric shock. For example, a character could struck by bolts of lightning without suffering damage, so long as he maintains this power.
System: This special power affects anyone standing in the fighter's 5' space or in an adjacent space (friend and foe alike get shocked). Everyone takes damage and suffers a knockdown as the electricity courses through their bodies. A blocking character is not knocked down, but still suffers damage. Anyone struck by the electric shock can attempt a Save Throw vs. Spells to take half damage. Anyone shocked who is wearing metal armour will suffer double damage.Name: Shrouded Moon
Prerequisites: Focus 2, Athletics 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -1
Description: This power allows the Ninja to slip away into shadows. As this is a Focus-based manoeuvre and has nothing to do with the actual blackness of the shadow, it may be utilised in broad daylight.
System: An opponent must succeed in a Save Throw vs. Spells (with a penalty equal to the Ninja's Focus level) in order to see the Ninja. If the Ninja cannot be spotted, no attack can be made. An opponent can blindly attack a space at random; if he chooses the wrong space, however, his next action is taken at -2 To-Hit. The Ninja may use full movement without being seen, only to reappear the next round. If the Ninja remains unspotted, his next action is at +1 To-Hit. Those with infravision ignore the Focus penalty on the Save Throw, but must still succeed in the roll to see the Ninja due to the magical nature of the shadowy movement.Name: Sonic Boom
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -3
Damage Bonus: +4
Round Movement: None
Description: The Sonic Boom is a projectile attack like a Fireball, except that the fighter focuses his Chi to blast a ripple of concussive sonic energy at an opponent. The sonic blast creates a very loud cracking sound just before the fighter releases it and an even louder boom when it's released into the air.
System: Like a Fireball, a Sonic Boom's range is equal to the fighter's Wisdom + Focus. The attacker must have a clear line-of-sight to his opponent.Name: Speed of the Mongoose
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -2
Description: The Ninja must concentrate on the form of his body's Chi and the method in which he wishes to tap it. By forming the intricate and secret hand sign of the Mongoose, he may draw on its power to increase his natural speed.
System: The Ninja may only move this combat round and cannot block or attack. The following turn he may choose to add +4 to his To-Hit or +30' to his movement (the latter must be in a straight line).Name: Telepathy
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: None
Description: Some yoga masters have perfected a form of communication beyond the spoken word. They are able to link their thoughts directly to another person's mind, enabling them to communicate directly with another person.
System: A character using Telepathy can link a number of additional people up to his level in Focus. So, a character with a Focus level of 3 could telepathically link himself and three other people. Each individual must be within a range equal to 5 times the telepath's Wisdom + Focus in feet, and must stay within that range to maintain the link. In between each combat round, the telepath can decide which characters will be part of the telepathic link for the upcoming round. Those players can then discuss combat strategy among themselves without anyone else being able to hear them. Maintaining a telepathic link costs one Chi point per turn.Name: Wall
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: None
Description: Simple yet effective. The fighter causes a solid wall of earth to erupt from the ground, either hitting an opponent, blocking his attack or blocking a pathway.
System: The fighter selects a 5' space other than his own and fills it with a wall of earth. The range of this power is equal to Wisdom Stat + Focus level. Anyone in this 5' space at the time the power is evoked suffers the listed damage above. Otherwise the wall must be circumvented or beaten down. As with the Pit manoeuvre, the fighter must be in contact with the earth for this manoeuvre to be effective. A wall has a number of Points equal to 1d10xlevel of focus.Name: Zen No Mind
Prerequisites: Focus 3
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: Masters of Zen philosophy are able to act faster than thought. The master becomes part of the natural flow of the world, so that his actions do not merely respond to some outside force, but spring into being as they are required.
System: The player this round gets the initiative automatically, regardless of whether or not the rest of the party does. The character can make any action he chooses with a bonus of +3 to any actions involving any opponents. Also If attacked, the character gets a bonus of +3 to his AC this round.