Magic Web Missiles
by AozCreated by a Glantrian spell genius on 10.17.1022.
Magic Web Missiles
3rd level spell
RANGE/AREA: 180 feet
DURATION: Missile Instant but web for 1 minute
ATTACK/SAVE: Save for webCaster sends a dart of force streaking toward a creature that you can see. It automatically hits and deals 1d4+1 force damage. The caster gets one missile per 6 levels (maximum 6 at level 36th). The caster can choose the target for each missile individually. If you shoot more than one missile at the same target, combine the damage before applying bonuses or penalties to damage, resistances, weaknesses, and so forth.
Upon hitting a target, the missile creates a sticky web 10' x 10' x 10' in the area around the target that impedes creatures' movement (reducing the creature's movement by half). The area filled with the web is very sticky. The area can be cleared of the web by inflicting 5 damage or 1 fire damage to the web. A web has AC 5, and it automatically fails its saving throws.
Each time a creature in the web begins to move through the web, it must attempt a save against spell to avoid reducing movement by half. A creature that gets out of the web ceases the movement penalty on their next round.
Save versus Spell
Success: The target is unaffected this round by the web.Failure: The target movement is reduced by half until the start of its next round.