by Cab Davidson
Stat Magyarosaurus AC: 3 HD: 5 Movement: 90’(30’) Attacks: 1 bite/1 tail Damage: 1d6/1d4 Number Appearing: 0 (1d10) Save As: F3 Morale: 6 (9) Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 1 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 175 Perhaps the smallest of all sauropods, magyarosaurus is a tiny (no more than 16’ long nose to tail and 4’ tall at the shoulder), heavily armoured titanosaur adapted to living on a small island. They can be tamed for use as pack animals, but even when domesticated they are rarely brave, and will shy away from a fight.
Magyarosaurus is an example of an organism adapting to living on an island by shrinking over many generations, which is a process known as insular dwarfism.