Magic Item Conversion and Creation Index
by Andrew TheisenList of Sources and Abbreviations
OD&D Sources
Rules Cyclopedia: RC
3E Sources
Dungeon Master's Guide, 3.5 edition: DMG3.5
This is a list of magical items from OD&D sources that are converted or have equivalents in 3E already.
Wondrous Items
Name OD&D 3.5 3.5 Name Amulet of Protection from Crystal Balls and ESP RC 239 DMG 247 Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location Bag of Devouring RC 239 DMG 274 Bag of Holding RC 239 DMG 248 Boots of Levitation RC 239 DMG 250 Boots of Speed RC 239 DMG 250 Boots of Travelling and Leaping RC 239 DMG 250 Boots of Striding and Springing Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals RC 239 DMG 250 Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals RC 239 DMG 250 Broom of Flying RC 239 DMG 250 Censor of Controlling Air Elementals RC 239 DMG 252 Crystal Ball RC 239 DMG 253 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience RC 239 DMG 253 Crystal Ball with ESP RC 239 DMG 253 Displacer Cloak RC 239 DMG 252 Cloak, Displacer Drums of Panic RC 239 DMG 255 Efreeti Bottle RC 239 DMG 255 Elven Cloak RC 239 DMG 253 Cloak of Elvenkind Elven Boots RC 239 DMG 250 Boots of Elvenkind Flying Carpet RC 239 DMG 252 Gauntlets of Ogre Power RC 240 DMG 257 Girdle of Giant Strength RC 240 DMG 248 Belt of Giant Strength Helm of Alignment Changing RC 240 DMG 275 Helm of Opposite Alignment Helm of Reading RC 240 DMG 259 Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic Helm of Telepathy RC 240 DMG 259 Helm of Teleportation RC 240 DMG 259 Horn of Blasting RC 240 DMG 259 Medallion of ESP, 30' Range RC 240 DMG 262 Medallion of Thoughts Medallion of ESP, 60' Range RC 240 DMG 262 Medallion of Thoughts Mirror of Life Trapping RC 240 DMG 262 Rope of Climbing RC 241 DMG 266 Scarab of Protection RC 241 DMG 267 Rings
Name OD&D 3.5 3.5 Name Animal Control RC 237 DMG 230 Ring of Animal Friendship Delusion RC 237 DMG 272 Delusion effect Djinni Summoning RC 238 DMG 230 Ring of Djinni Calling Fire Resistance RC 238 DMG 232 Ring of Energy Resistance, Fire- Minor, Major, or Greater) Invisibility RC 238 DMG 232 Protection RC 238 DMG 232 Regeneration RC 238 DMG 232 Spell Storing RC 238 DMG 233 Ring of Spell Storing: Minor, Standard, or Major Spell Turning RC 238 DMG 233 Survival RC 238 DMG 233 Ring of Sustenance Telekinesis RC 238 DMG 233 Water Walking RC 238 DMG 233 Wishes RC 239 DMG 233 Ring of Three Wishes X-Ray Vision RC 239 DMG 233 Potions
Name OD&D 3.5 3.5 Name Agility RC 232 DMG 230 Potion of Cat's Grace Climbing RC 232 DMG 230 Potion of Spider Climb Defence RC 232 DMG 230 Potion of Magic Vestment Diminution RC 232 DMG 230 Potion of Reduce Person Fire Resistance RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Resist Energy, Fire Flying RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Fly Fortitude RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Bear's Endurance Gaseous Form RC 233 DMG 230 Growth RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Enlarge Person Healing RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Cure Light Wounds Invisibility RC 233 DMG 230 Potion or oil of Invisibility Levitation RC 233 DMG 230 Potion or oil of Levitate Poison RC 233 DMG 276 Speech RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Tongues Speed RC 233 DMG 230 Potion of Haste Strength RC 234 DMG 230 Potion of Bull's Strength Super-Healing RC 234 DMG 230 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds Water Breathing RC 234 DMG 230 Wands
Name OD&D 3.5 3.5 Name Cold RC 236 DMG 246 Wand of Ice Storm Enemy Detection RC 236 DMG 234 Rod of Enemy Detection Fear RC 236 DMG 246 Fireballs RC 236 DMG 246 Illusion RC 236 DMG 246 Wand of Major Image Lightning Bolts RC 236 DMG 246 Magic Detection RC 236 DMG 246 Wand of Detect Magic Metal Detection RC 236 DMG 236 Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection Negation RC 236 DMG 236 Rod of Negation Paralysation RC 236 DMG 246 Wand of Hold Person Polymorphing RC 236 DMG 246 Wand of Polymorph Secret Door Detection RC 236 DMG 246 Wand of Detect Secret Doors