Classifieds and Personal Pages
Wanted: Any aged tomes, scrolls, or maps dealing with the region that is present day Karameikos. Preference towards items of at least 100 years of age. Authentic offers only. Contact Sire Mharko Gorochev of Threshold, Magus of the Karameikan Mages' Guild.
Wanted: Small round shield bearing the image of a four-horned dragon on a lozenge pattern field of grey and blue. Willing to pay top price for actual item or serious information on whereabouts. Discretion is assured. Contact Dagos Forentue of Corunglain, Darokin.
Wanted: Woman of amiable personality, comely appearance, well-cultured manners, and bearing a strong aptitude in the martial skills. Nautical skills an added plus. For an appointment as escort on travels abroad for an extended period. Benefits include salary, expenses, room and board, and the chance to travel the world. Loyalty expected and insured. Must be willing to subject herself to a geas spell. Contact Merchant-Prince Meynard of Harbortown, Minrothad Guilds.
Wanted: Information on the following Alphatian military units for proposed documentary on their history in the Great War. 3rd Stonewall Mountain Regiment; 2nd, 4th, and 5th Imperial Air Squadrons; 1st Theranderol Pikers; 6th Eadrin Light Horse; 4th Randel Heavy Foot; 1st Frisland Light Foot; 4th Frisland Yeomanry. Testimony from other unit personnel are also welcome. Contact Sir Maltius Pedov of Mirros, Karameikos.
Wanted: Alphatian and Thyatian fighting men wanted by Thyatian gladiatorial promoter for planned re-creations of the Battle of Kantrium. The event is to be staged in Ierendi as part of an attraction based on the Great War. Combat will be simulated and non-lethal. Salary and all expenses paid by promoter. Plus future opportunities at participating in future scenarios. For employment, tourist participation, or viewing details, please contact your local Ierendi consulate official.
Wanted: Receiving applicants to serve as the hired retainers for a recently landed noble. Temporary or permanent services accepted. Long-term service may provide the rewards of promotion within the fledgling domain. Perfect opportunity for an adventurer or ex-soldier to settle down. Contact your nearest Naycese consulate office for further details.
Wanted: Information on the artisan that designed the Malchaom Estate in Thyatis City for possible commission to design an estate in Darokin. Also accepting sample drafts of designs and bids by other architects. Contact Delya Manuya of House Linton for further details.
Wanted: Retired or demobilised Alphatian soldiers for service to a recently landed noble. Must adhere to the Alphatian mores. Service rewarded by home and hearth as well as possible promotion within the domain. Contact your nearest Nayce consulate for further details.
For Sale: Complete set of ancient Blackmoorian battle armour. Non-operational but still worthy of study and suitable for display. Priced accordingly with its apparent exotic rarity. Serious inquiries only. Contact Magus Zagost at the Karameikan School of Magecraft for further details.
For Sale: Personal estate in Glantri City. Situated close to the Glantrian School of Magic. Perfect for an attending mage, yet luxurious enough for the discerning noble. Contact the Office of Admissions for further information and to arrange for a showing.
For Sale: Assorted tracts of land in the vicinity of Halag, Karameikos. Reasonably priced. Contact the Karameikan Ministry of State for more information.
Missing: Seeking the whereabouts of the Thyatian gladiator Zerena Vax, gone unseen in public and the arena since the Great War. Avid fan and patron of her feats and wish to know her current status. Opportunity for her being retained for service as bodyguard. Contact Lord Delmonte Tiberon of Kerendas directly or through your nearest Thyatian consulate.
Missing: Ben Zal'yamman of Selenica, Darokin. Last seen acting as escort for a trade convoy bound for Ylari lands. Trade convoy never arrived. Information on the convoy or the whereabouts of any of its complement should be forwarded to Al-Azrad trading house in Selenica or the DDC.
Missing: I am looking for the whereabouts of a woman named Xerta. She used to tend bar at The Merry Merrow, a posh tavern in Bluenose, Arogansa. She was well known for conversation and advice given while pouring the drinks. In the past I had become well acquainted with her and she provided me with unerring advice. I have recently found myself in need of that advice. Please contact me through the Karameikan School of Magecraft. Any information on her whereabouts will be amply rewarded.
Announcement: Gladiator promoter and owner, Pompus Degradus, announces his freeing of the slave Dragar "the Daring". For service for years of combat on the sands and assistance in nurturing the skills of new gladiators in Pompus' stable, Dragar will be hired on as senior instructor at the promoter's facilities. Also included is the freeing of Dragar's wife and three children.
Announcement: Magus Freykwar announces the completion and launching of the skyship Azure Myst. Though a private vessel, Freykwar intends to use the craft as a platform to travel Naycese lands in search of Alphatians with the potential for magic use to serve him.
Announcement: The defunct acting troupe Myazza Company announces their reformation and intent to tour the various Naycese kingdoms. Though few original members are still on board, the original founder is coordinating the venture and promises that previous standards should be adhered to thanks to the addition of some highly promising thespians. Those interested should remain vigilant for posting on the troupe performing in local arenas.
Announcement: Merchant Drassen Fontaine and Lady Aega Fontaine along with Merchant Dimra Al-Mazon announce the union of marriage between their two families. Martyn Fontaine will take Atzalla Al-Mazon as his bride in a private ceremony attended only by immediate family and close friends. The two will reside in an Al-Mazon-owned estate in Selenica, Darokin.
Announcement: The Naycese Kingdom of Lagrius announces that it will restart the annual Blueside Yacht Regatta. Though traditionally a local event, the races will accept entrants from outside of Lagrius. Details on dates, prizes, and entrance fees are pending.
Announcement: Nayce announces the retirement of the famed hard-ball player Terstur. The wily veteran gained fame at the helm of his native Frislander teams, but with its loss was forced into playing in several other teams as a freelancer. Last season saw his performance contributions lessened, often sidelined by injury. Future plans are unknown. Official rumour has spread that several team organisations have approached him on assuming coaching or scouting roles. However Terstur has publicly cited his desire to take a few years off from the sport before deciding on a future. Hard-ball enthusiasts offer a hearty thanks to Terstur and wish him well in his future.
Announcement: The Darokin Diplomatic Corp. (DDC) announces the appointment of Absolam Teegan as assistant head of their Naycese branch. Absolam is the youngest child of Anton and Aleese Teegan of Athenos, Darokin. Though only thirty-two years of age, Absolam has a ten-year history within the DDC, dealing mainly with investigative work. This and his familiarity with the magical arts have earned him an appointment in the Naycese office. We here at the DDC wish Absolam, his wife, and child our best wishes in the Naycese lands.
Announcement: Magus Qerturo of Aeria announces the commissioning of the skyship Muse Augur to travel through Naycese lands offering displays of the visual and written works of the reclusive Alphatian artist, Missaterra. The displays will offer public and private showings, as well as readings of her poetic prose. It is rumoured that the Myazza Company will even perform their theatrical interpretation of Missaterra's epic Tales of Old, Legends of New series of poems at several coinciding stopovers. Patrons should be vigilant of local posting announcing the tour dates and sites.
Announcement: As part of an agreement derived from the outcome of a duel, Magus Deros Telgador publicly apologises for any dishonour afforded to Magus Ewen McTaggart. Thus any dishonourable comments pertaining to Ewen's wife's appearance, his affinity for sheep, and his eldest daughter's virtue are all completely false and devoid of factual foundations.
Other Famous Publications
a review of other publishing houses' famous issues, by Belzamith Fingertackles
The Paparazzi Glantri is a Glantrian magazine that deals with the rumours, the scandals, and the intrigues throughout the Principalities of Glantri. Since its first publication in the spring of AC 1016, the magazine and its proponents achieved much popularity-and notoriety. The Paparazzi Glantri boasts of its boldness in dealing with truths, half-truths, and the occasional untruths, particularly about the nobility and the glitterati of the City of Canals. Despite the Paparazzi's slanted focus on glamour, style and sensationalism (rather than accuracy of facts), the Mystaran Almanac has found the magazine a valuable source of information and has corroborated with the Paparazzi Glantri on issues about the principalities.