Mk Fighters
by Átila Pires dos SantosSize: "Small"
Hit Dice: 2 (11 HP)
Hardness: 1/2 of the normal (5, metal)
Speed: 450'/round*
Manoeuvrability: Clumsy (except for Evasive Manoeuvres; in this case, consider it's Perfect, giving +8 AC)*
Crew: 1 Pilot +1 (Gunner)
Weaponry: Three weapon slots: Propeller, Top Wing and Middle Wings/Gunner's Cockpit; Bomb bay can be included, but the speed is reduced to 350'/round*Propeller: Caltrop Cannon or Spike Gun
Top Wing: Ballista, Crossbows (two), Wand Gun
Middle Wings: Crossbows (two)
Gunner: Caltrop Cannon, Spike Gun, Crossbow, Wand Gun (one or two weapons here)*- These items don't follow the normal rules: Mk Fighters have a speed that surpass the normal skyship speed limit (200'/round) and can carry more weapons than a small skyship normally could (small skyships can't have ballistae; medium skyships can have only one ballista), but its manoeuvrability is very bad for it's size and Mk Fighters need fuel in order to stay in the air.
The cost for a Mk Fighter normally would be 105600 gp, but considering its limitations, it should cost, probably, 26400 gp.