Magda Lutescu
by Sal OrtegaRace: Human
Classes: Noble 1/Ranger 1
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Alignment: Neutral GoodAbilities
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 13Hit dice: 2d8 plus 2
Hit points: 15
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor class: 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
Base attack: 1
Saves: Fort 2 (3), Ref 4 (6), Will 2 (3)Languages spoken: Dwarven (Highforge Dialect), Elvish (Vyalia Dialect), Goblin (Dymrak Dialect), Orc (Dymrak Dialect), Sylvan, Thyatian, Traladaran
Hide 4 (7/9 in forest)
Knowledge (Nature) 4 (5)
Listen 4 (6/8 in forest)
Move Silently 5 (8/10 in forest)
Ride 5 (7)
Speak Language 4
Spot 2 (4/6 in forest)
Survival 5 (6)Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Shield), Point Blank Shot, Forester, Track, Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
Special Abilities: Bonus Class Skill (Survival), Favor 1, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy (Goblinoids) 2
Possessions: Masterwork Studded Leather Armor, Mighty Composite Longbow, Quiver of (20) Masterwork Arrows, Quiver of (20) Masterwork Flight Arrows, (2) Signal Arrows, (2) Dragon’s Breath Arrows, Masterwork Silvered Dagger, Masterwork Longsword, (2) Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Spider Climb, Signet Ring, Map Case
Magda is the youngest child and only daughter of Lord Vlad Lutescu. Where her older brothers excelled in martial pursuits, she found her calling in nature. Sharing her father’s love of the outdoors, she became an avid hunter. Under the tutelage of her grandfather’s and father’s old adventuring companion, the elf Ilyra Diamarek. Ilyra taught her many of the Vyalia’s ways and she absorbed those lessons easily. Last New Year, Magda became Sheared. Despite the chill winter, she travelled east into Thyatis where she introduced herself to the Foresters and began training as one. Due to her young age and loyalty to her father, she was asked to gain more experience in the wider world. She returned home this spring, earning her living as a hunter and guide.**A love interest for Aziz.