M-Mars new creatures
by WingofCootExoskeletal - Aranea
Armor Class 7
Hit Dice 2
Move 90' (30')
Attacks 1 bite
Damage 1d6
No. Appearing 1d6 (2d6)
Save As F1
Morale 12
Treasure Type Nil
Intelligence 1
Alignment Chaotic
XP Value 20Monster Type: Undead, Enchanted
Exoskeletals are a type of animated undead - the equivalent of skeletons, but created from the remains of large arthropod creatures. An exoskeletal utterly obeys the being who created it, or if it was animated by ambient magic of Entropy, is completely hostile to all life; it will fight to its destruction. Like skeletons, exoskeletals are not affected by sleep or charm spells or any mind-reading effects.
This exoskeletal is the animated remains of an aranea.
An aranea exoskeletal is turned by clerics as a zombie.
Other Exoskeletals
In general, exoskeletals can be made from any giant Insect, spider, etc. or other arthropod creature that is large and sturdy enough, having at least 2 HD. Suitable creatures in the RC include: ant, giant; beetle, giant (oil or tiger); locust, giant; robber fly; rhagodessa; scorpion, giant; spider, giant (all); spider, planar; termite, water (fresh or salt water).Exoskeletals can be made by a normal animate dead spell. They have 1 HD less than the creature they were made from, and lose any special abilities such as poison - they have only the statistics above, modified only for the number of HD.
Molten One*
Armor Class 3
Hit Dice 6*, 7*, or 8*
Move 60' (20')
Attacks 2 fists
Damage 2d6/2d6
No. Appearing 1d4 (1d6)
Save As F6, F7, or F8 (by Hit Dice)
Morale 12
Treasure Type D
Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic
XP Value 500 (6 HD), 850 (7 HD), or 1200 (8 HD)Monster Type: Undead, Enchanted
A molten one is an undead sandfolk, its scorched remains embedded in an "armor" of lava rock fused into its mineral bones.
When a molten one strikes in melee, its lava rock momentarily becomes molten again, searing its victim's flesh.
Molten ones can be damaged only by magic or magical weapons; they are also immune to fire, even magical fire. Like other undead, they are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. Molten ones are turned by clerics as Spectres.
These terrible undead are found only on Vaniae in the Charnel Land (the Arsia super-volcano region, south of High Tharsis and west/northwest of Mygalla).
The original ones were created in the cataclysmic eruption 1470 local years ago, when thousands of sandfolk were instantly killed. Since then, the only molten ones which have been created are due to the efforts of Rithla and her minions- occasionally (and very cautiously) stealing sandfolk corpses or stray sandfolk wandering alone beyond their normal lands, and transforming them into undead using an Entropy-laced lava pit in Rithla's lair. In general, the ancient molten ones are of 8 HD; recently created ones are mostly 6 HD, with a few of 7 HD.