Metals and Minerals from Official Mystara Sources
by HåvardMetals
METAL NOTES SPECIAL SOURCE Iron Commonly used by Iron Age civilizations Harmful to Fey RC, B1 Steel Pre-industrial carbonized Iron Harmful to Fey. Used to make Steel Living Statues. Used with flint to start fire. RC Platinum Precious metal used in valuable coins RC Gold Precious metal used in valuable coins RC Silver Precious metal used in valuable coins Harmful to Lycanthropes and some Undead. Used to make Silver Golems, Silver Living Statues and Silver Warriors. RC Brass Alloy made of copper and zinc Gaz8, B1 Electrum a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, with trace amounts of copper and other metals. Used in coins RC Copper Metal often used in coins very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Ideal for wands of lightningbolt or similar items? RC, B1 Lead a soft, malleable, and heavy metal with a bluish-white color that tarnishes to a dull grayish color when exposed to air If ingested or inhaled, lead and its compounds are poisonous to animals and humans. Optional: May block certain magic such as X-Ray, teleportation, scrying and similar spells Pewter Alloy made mostly out of Tin Often used to make cutlery, tankards etc B1 Bronze Alloy primarily from copper Used to make Bronze Golems. Often used by Bronze Age cultures in the Hollow World and elsewhere RC Mithril Rare silver like metal May have magical properties. Found near the Black Eagle Barony in Karameikos. Gaz11 p57 Adamantine Extremely strong metal AC9 p 63 Eisenmond Metal that glows with a blue-ish hue Found in Thunder Rift. More details here. DragonQuest Cinnabryl A special mineral tied to the Red Curse Found on the Savage Coast SC Boxed Set, VotPA Red Steel Red metal made from depleted Cinnabryl Found on the Savage Coast SC Boxed Set Blackmoor Metal Metal from a bygone age DA 1-4 Fire Elemental Metal Metal from the elemental plane RC Water Elemental Metal Metal from the elemental plane RC Earth Elemental Metal Metal from the elemental plane RC Air Elemental Metal Metal from the elemental plane RC Meteor Metal Found in The Crater WotI, PWA Ironwood Appears as wood, but hard as steel Made by the Ironwood spell VotPA Glassteel Glass made into metallic quality by the E'ar Found on the Savage Coast and the Immortal's Arm region SC Boxed Set Sunfire iron alloy Special golden alloy made by Clerics of Halav in the Hollow World. HWR3 World Shield Ore Metal with Anti-Magical properties Could be the metal discovered by Ezechiel Naramis in Glantri Gaz3, HWA1, HWA2 Dracophorite (Dracopyrite) Rare and highly inflammable. Recently discovered in Glantri Attracts fire-breathing dragons6who eat this metal to enhance their breath weapon. Note: Name for this metal was provided by Bruce Heard in this thread in 2016 Gaz3 p88-89, AC2 Nak reddish metal used by Planar Spiders (Chaks) I11 Emerondian Thorn-Steel A vegetable material as hard as steel grown by the people of Emerond Dragon #166 Gems
TYPE DESCRIPTION NOTES SOURCE Obsidian Volcanic Rock Used to make Obsidian Golems. Used by Azcans to make weapons and tools. According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Abjuration Magic RC, HW Agate A precious stone found within volcanic rock, characterized by bright colors RC Quartz a crystaline mineral RC Turqoise an opaque, blue-to-green mineral According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Illusion Magic RC Crystal A colorless rock crystal Used to make Crystal Living Statues. Used to make magical Crystal Balls RC Jasper an aggregate of minerals, usually red, yellow, brown or green in color; and rarely blue. RC Onyx A banded mineral. Commonly contain parallel bands of black and/or white RC Amber fossilized tree resin. Used to make Amber Golems. Some claim it has healing properties RC Amethyst a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Enchantment Magic RC Coral Skeleton of marine coral colored red or pink Coral may have medicinal uses RC Garnet found in many colors including red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, blue, black, pink, and colorless, with reddish shades most common. RC Jade A green ornament stone made from Nepherite or Jadeite Used to make Jade Living Statues RC Aquamarine a blue or cyan variety of beryl RC Pearl A pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk. Some believe Giant Oysters (AC2 p 18) contain giant sized pearls (see X2). Nuari are exellent pearl divers RC, DotE Pearl, Pink As pearl, but more valuable rare Supplement II Pearl, Black A black pearl Can store one magic user spell Supplement II Pearl, Gold A golden pearl Can store one cleric spell Supplement II Pearl, Red a red pearl Allows a fighter to heal 10 HP per day when kept close to the wound Supplement II Pearl, Silver a silver pearl Worth 10.000-100.000 GP Supplement II Topaz Pure topaz is colorless and transparent but is usually tinted by impurities; typical topaz is wine red, yellow, pale gray, reddish-orange, or blue brown, but can be of many different colors According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Divination Magic RC Carbuncle A red stone, typically garnet RC Opal Precious opal ranges from clear through white, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, magenta, rose, pink, slate, olive, brown, and black. Of these hues, the black opals are the most rare, whereas white and greens are the most common. According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Abjuration Magic RC Emerald a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl colored green According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Evocation Magic RC Ruby A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Conjuration Magic RC Saphire Sapphire is a gemstone variety of the mineral corundum. It is typically blue in colors, but can be of other colors except red RC Diamond A diamond can be found in any color in addition to colorless. Some of the colored diamonds, such as pink, are very rare. RC Jacinth an orange-red transparent variety of zircon used as a gemstone RC Starstone Not actually a separate type of gemstones, but rather a version of any other gems that has a star like shape at the center. Highly valuable. RC Tristal (Corundum) The substance of which emeralds and rubies are made RC Heliodor A golden form of Beryl Note: This gemstone is not mentioned in any Mystara source. According to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (Unofficial), these gems are associated with Transmutation Magic DAB Soul Crystals Will dissipate in Sunlight Used by Shadowelf Shamans and believed to contain the souls of Shadowelves Gaz13 Abelaat Crystals Exist in different colors with different properties Formed from mixing of Abelaat and human blood Escape from Thunder Rift Black Jade Presumably a very rare form of jade B7 Fire Agate Red Gemstone Supposed to ward off evil spirits B3 (Orange Cover) Other Minerals
NAME DESCRIPTION NOTES REFERENCE Porcelain Gaz11 Marble B3 Alabaster B2 Limestone HWA1 Granite Regular rock The Tainted Sword Red Granite Reddish rock of unknown magical properties The Tainted Sword Pumice Volcanic rock floats in water B1 Sulphur Alchemical substrance B1 Slate Rock containing clay or volcanic ash B1 Shale Rock containing clay and mud B1 Check out this list of rare materials from other editions.