Minean Invasion!
by Marc SaindonAlphatia falls into civil war (or sinks if you follow canon). Thyatis invades. Thothia joins the war to bring back the balance of power. And then the Mineans just attack everyone else, in a Bronze Age collapse sort scenario.
Aside from the 4 front war making the Isle of Dawn and Bellisaria easier targets to hit, one of the things that could be pushing the Minean is the growing centralization of their country. As one city-state manages to gradually impose itself on others through conquest, alliances and mariages, dissidents and rivals might seek to find fortune elsewhere. This is also akin to Scandinavia slowly uniting under centralized kingdoms and dissident jarls prefering to find independence in England, Iceland, Greenland and even Newfoundland.
Invading Mineans might not change political borders on the long run as Alphatia and Thyatis push back, but the plunder will provide provide Minea with more modern weaponry and newer consumer products, creating demand and trade routes, and changing the political dynamic of the region.