Monster Reaction Table
by Zach HendersonSomeone shared a pic of the monster reaction table recently and I thought it it would be neat to distill the probabilities down into a single die roll mechanic. It turned out to be more of a bear than I thought. Bell curves within bell curves threw me through a loop. I made plenty of errors along the way but I think they're all sorted.
There is some rounding involved but it's a close-to-accurate representation of the outcome probabilities one would encounter using the traditional table using up to three rolls.
Y'all feel free to check my math.
My table is certainly flawed. As mentioned above it doesn't dovetail with Charisma modifiers, though 1 point = 5% might work well.
Or this table could serve as a guide for homebreing a more purpose built homebrew reaction mechanic.
Really the excercise was for me to get a grasp on the statistical likelyhoods- and to flex little used math muscles.