Monster Ruler
by Jamie BatyWotI 111
For most monster and animal species there is a Monster Ruler, a creature which is a powerful, nearly immortal example of the species.
Each Monster Ruler is intelligent, even if the race is not, and has its own name. This creature was once a normal member of its race that became especially powerful over the years; if a member of an unintelligent race, it developed intelligence through evolution, accident, or enchantment.
With some Monster Rulers, the status of Ruler is handed down from parent to child; with others, it is won in mortal combat between the current ruler and new challengers. Occasionally, it may simply be granted by a Hierarch.
Monster Rulers normally rule over only one plane, often only one world, and a given monster race may have many rulers, each in a widely separated place. They normally do not travel beyond their plane or world. The most fearsome and powerful Monster Rulers are Paragons (see template in Epic Level Handbook) of their species as well. These are significantly more powerful than the lesser Monster Rulers.Creating a Monster Ruler
Monster Ruler is an acquired template that can be added to any non-humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A Monster Ruler uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: Creature's type remains the same. It gains the Exalted and Extraplanar subtypes. It grows two times larger, effectively gaining a size category.
Hit Dice: Multiply the base creatures HD by 8. Character levels are not multiplied.
Speed: Double the base creature's movement rates. If the creature can fly, its manoeuvrability drops by one category.
Armour Class: Armour class is adjusted by the creature's new size and Dex modifier. Natural AC bonus is increased by +6.
Base Attack/Grapple: Recalculate based on new HD, alibility modifiers and size.
Attack: A Monster Ruler maintains all of the attacks it possessed as a normal creature.
Full Attack: A Monster Ruler maintains all of the attacks it possessed as a normal creature, but may attack twice with each natural attack (See Otherworldly Speed).
Damage: Increase dice damage from a Monster Ruler's natural attacks by 4 steps (i.e.. a 1d4 attack becomes a 3d6 attack).
Special Attacks: A Monster Ruler maintains all of the special attacks it possessed as a normal creature, with the following adjustments:
• Ranges and area of effects for any special attacks double in size.
• Damage from special attacks is increased by 4 steps, if appropriate (i.e.. a 1d4 attack becomes a 3d6 attack).
• Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): If the base creature has spell-like abilities, it gains +15 to its caster level to use those abilities, with a minimum caster level of 25th.
• Swallow Whole: Monster Rulers of Huge or larger size with a bite attack gain the Swallow Whole Extraordinary ability.
• Improved Grab: Monster Rulers of Huge or larger size gain the Improved Grab Extraordinary ability for use with their bite attack.
• Otherworldly Speed (Ex): A Monster Ruler is so quick, during a full round attack, it may attack twice with each of its natural attacks.
• Mind Power (Sp): As a swift round action, a Monster Ruler may create a variety of spell-like effects at the expenditure of Power Points (please see Immortals rules for the nature of this power). The exact number of Power Points a Monster Ruler has is equal to 10x Racial HD, Additionally, each creature is associated with a Sphere; this association also affects the costs of certain abilities and powers. Power Points regenerate at the rate of 1 per minute, unless otherwise specified in the monster description. The associated sphere should suit the monster based on type: Normal animals, constructs, forest creatures are Matter, undead are Entropy, Aberrations are often Energy, etc....
The following are typical uses for Power Points:
• A Monster Ruler can cast any mortal spell at 25th level, but that costs him double the spell level in PP (for example, a fire ball would cost him 6 PP).
• A Monster Ruler may cast the immortal spells power attack (2 PP per 1d6, up to 11d6), probe (5 PP) and probe-shield (5 PP);Special Qualities: A Monster Ruler's special qualities are identical to the base creature's, with the following exceptions and additions:
• Regeneration and fast healing rates are doubled.
• Damage Reduction: The Monster Ruler gainsDR15/magic if it does not already possess damage reduction. If it already has DR, it gains +5 to its DR.
• Potent Magic (Ex): Unlike mortal creatures, a Monster Ruler can affect an immortal with its magical attacks
• Spell Resistance: The Monster Ruler gains Spell Resistance 10 + HD. If the creature already possesses spell resistance, use whichever is higher.Saves: Calculate based on creature's new HD.
Abilities: Adjust the base creature's ability scores as follows:
Old Size New Size Str Dex Con
Fine Diminutive Same -2 Same
Diminutive Tiny +2 -2 Same
Tiny Small +4 -2 Same
Small Medium +4 -2 +2
Medium Large +8 -2 +4
Large Huge +8 -2 +4
Huge Gargantuan +8 Same +4
Gargantuan Colossal +8 Same +4
Colossal Colossal+ +8 Same +8In addition, the Monster Ruler gains +10 Int, +4 Wis, and +4 Cha.
Skills: Monster Rulers gain additional skill points based on their new HD and Int. Any racial skill bonuses remain.
Feats: Monster Rulers gain additional feats based on their new HD.
Environment: Outer Planes
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4x the base creature's rating.
Treasure: 2x base creature's treasure.
Alignment: Same as base creature.
Advancement: by Character Class
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +5Sample Monster Ruler: Minoides, King of Minotaurs
Huge Monstrous Humanoid (Exalted, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 48d8+192 (408 hp)
Initiative: +3 (-1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armour Class: 17 (-1 Dex, -2 size, +11 natural), touch 9, flat-footed - (see text)
Base Attack/Grapple: +48/+64
Attack: +5 Huge Greataxe +60 melee (4d6 +13) or Gore +54 melee (6d6 +8)
Full Attack: +5 Huge Greataxe +60/+55/+50/+45 melee (4d6 +13) and 2 Gore +49 melee (6d6 +4)
Space/Reach: 15 ft. /15 ft.
Special Attacks: Mind Power, Otherworldly Speed, Powerful charge 8d6+12
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 15/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Natural Cunning, Potent Magic, Scent, Spell Resistance 58
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +27, Will +29
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Diplomacy +27, Hide -13, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (the planes) +28, Listen +54, Search +28, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +29, Spot +54
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Die Hard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Greataxe), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus (Greataxe))
Environment: Outer Planes
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: by character class
Level Adjustment: +6Minoides is the fearsome, self-styled King of Minotaurs. He lives on an Outer Plane that is one gigantic labyrinth, with his throne room occupying the centre. He is a cruel creature, and has succumbed to the temptations his power can attract. He inherited his status from his father, whom he murdered to take his place. He is blissfully unaware of Taurides, a much more powerful 12th level Barbarian Paragon Minotaur that recently achieved Monster Ruler status in a distant corner of the Multi-verse.
Minoides speaks Common, Giant, Orc, Goblin and Terran.Combat
Minoides wields a magic greataxe in battle. He will open battle with a charge against who he perceives to be the greatest threat.Otherworldly Speed (Ex): A Monster Ruler is so quick, during a full round attack, it may attack twice with each of its natural attacks.
Mind Power (Sp): As a swift round action, Minoides may create a variety of spell-like effects at the expenditure of Power Points (please see Immortals rules for the nature of this power). Minoides possesses 480 PP. He is affiliated with the Sphere of Matter. Power Points regenerate at the rate of 1 per minute. The following are typical uses for Power Points:
• Minoides can cast any mortal spell at 25th level, but that costs him double the spell level in PP (for example, a fire ball would cost him 6 PP).
• Minoides may cast the immortal spells power attack (2 PP per 1d6, up to 48d6), probe (5 PP) and probe-shield (5 PP);Powerful Charge (Ex): Minoides typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single gore attack with a +54 attack bonus that deals 8d6+12 points of damage.
Damage Reduction (Su): Minoides has damage reduction of 15/magic. His natural attacks count as magic weapons for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.
Natural Cunning (Ex): Minoides possesses innate cunning and logical ability. This gives him immunity to maze spells, prevents them from ever becoming lost, and enables him to track enemies. Further, he is never caught flat-footed.
Potent Magic (Ex): Unlike mortal creatures, Minoides can affect an immortal with its magical attacks.
Scent (Ex): This special quality allows Minoides to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Skills: Minoides has a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks.