Playing OD&D with Mentzer rules
by Antonio EleuteriHerewith another set of rules for Mentzer D&D.
The idea now is to play as close as possible to OD&D, but using the whole Mentzer framework. As such, there are a few additions and adjustments, most notably we have now races separate from classes, and some of the classes get a few boons.
Within this framework, the focus of the game is definitely shifted towards Basic and Expert, considering the low demihuman level limits.Races
Enhanced senses: detect secret doors (1-2 on d6); hear noise (1-2 on d6); infravision 60’
Immunity to ghoul paralysis
Weapon proficiency: +1 to hit with swords and bows.
Languages: Elf, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll.
Alignment: must be Lawful or NeutralAllowed Classes
Fighter*: 4th (Strength 17: 5th, Strength 18: 6th)
Magic-User*: 8th (Intelligence 18: 9th)
Thief: Unlimited; +5%PP, +10%MS, +15%HS
Cleric*: 6th (when combined with Magic-User, the latter can only rise to 6th level)
Multiclass combinations: f/mu, f/mu/c, f/mu/t* only allowed as multiclass.
DwarfEnhanced senses: detect stonework (1-2 on d6); hear noise (1-2 on d6); infravision 60’
Resistance: +4 to all saves
Ancestral enemies: +1 to hit and –1 to AC when fighting the following creatures: elves, gnomes, dwarves, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, orcs, ogres, gnolls, giants humanoids (trolls, athaches, titans, all giants).
Languages: Dwarf, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin.
Alignment: must be Lawful or NeutralAllowed Classes
Fighter: 6th (Strength 17: 7th, Strength 18: 8th)
Cleric*: 7th
Thief: Unlimited (when combined with Fighter, the latter can only rise to 6th level regardless of Strength bonuses;) +5%OL, +15%F/RT, +5%MS, +5%HS
Multiclass combinations: f/c, f/t* only allowed as multiclass.
HalflingEnhanced senses: hear noise (1-2 on d6)
Resistance: +4 to all saves
Weapon proficiency: +3 to hit with slings
Alignment: must be Lawful or NeutralAllowed Classes
Fighter: 4th
Thief: Unlimited; +10%OL, +5%F/RT, +5%PP, +10%MS, +10%HS, +1/+15%HN
Half-ElfEnhanced senses: detect secret doors (1-2 on d6)
Languages: Elf, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll.Allowed Classes
Fighter*: 6th (Strength 17: 7th, Strength 18: 8th)
Thief: Unlimited
Magic-User*: 6th (Intelligence 17: 7th, Intelligence 18: 8th)
Cleric*: 4th (needs Wisdom 13 or more; cannot be Chaotic, nor will associate with chaotics)
Multiclass combinations: f/mu, f/mu/c* only allowed as multiclass.
The fighter works according to the Mentzer rules, with the following additions:- When facing opponents of 1HD or less, he can attack once per level.
- A fighter with 18 Strength can roll d100 at character creation to gain exceptional strength scores, according to the following table:
Roll Hit and Damage Additional Weight Open doors*
51-75 +3 +100 +3
76-90 +4 +200 +4 (6)
91-99 +5 +400 +5 (5-6)
00 +6 +700 +6 (4-6)
*The numbers in parentheses denote the chance on d6 to open magically locked doors
The thief can inflict increased damage on backstab based on his level, namely the multiplier increases by one for every four levels: x2 at 1st-4th, x3 at 5th to 8th, x4 at 9th-12th etc.Magic-User
The Magic-User’s intelligence determines how many spells are known, and the maximum spell level, according to the following table:Intelligence score % chance to know any given spell Min # /spell level Max # /spell level Maximum spell level
3-4 20% 2 3 5
5-7 30% 2 4 5
8-9 40% 3 5 5
10-12 50% 4 6 6 with Int 12
13-14 65% 5 8 7 with Int 14
15-16 75% 6 10 8 with Int 16
17 85% 7 All 8
18 95% 8 All 9 with Int 18
Multiclassing (demihumans)A separate XP count for each class is kept. The best save and attack matrices from each class are kept. HD are gained per class level (including Con bonus) but the scores are halved (round up.) In case of level loss (e.g. from undead attacks) the class with the highest level loses levels first; in case of equal levels, the class with the highest XP requirements loses levels. If a level limit is reached in one of the classes, the XPs and HD gained in the other class are still halved.
Armour restrictions when performing functions of a class always apply (e.g. a multiclass thief cannot climb walls in armour heavier than leather.)Changing classes (humans)
Humans can leave one class and join another, provided they have a prime requisite of 16 or more of the class they wish to join. They retain all the abilities and HD of the previous class, and they gain more HD only when their new class level exceeds the previous one. Note that Magic-Users cannot become Clerics and vice-versa.
Armour restrictions when performing functions of a class always apply (e.g. a fighter/magic-user cannot cast spells in armour; a fighter/thief cannot climb walls in armour heavier than leather.)