Mystaran Astrology: Moon charts
by Patrick SullivanI'm going to be working up natal charts for the characters in my current Vilaverdan campaign, since Savage Baronies provides the tidbit that Vilaverdans love fortune-tellers and divination. I want to go a bit beyond what's available in the Almanacs, so I've sketched out a system for determining a character's moon sign--where in the ecliptic Matera was when the character was born. I'd like to solicit feedback, and I figure this might be useful to others, too.
I started by assuming that Matera orbits Mystara 13 times each year. The alternative--11 times per year--would work, too, but would mean that its motion through the celestial sphere is opposite that of earth's Moon. I can't think of any particular source that details whether Matera's movements correspond or differ from Luna's: can anyone else think of anything?
For the casting, I plan to interpret a moon-sign as kind of a negating influence. That is, someone with a particular moon sign lacks the characteristics of that sign, to some extent. For example, Since a Giant is selfish, strong, and stubborn... someone born with Matera in the Giant tends to be selfless, weak, and agreeable. These negating tendencies are less strong than the solar sign. A special case are those born at the beginning or end of each month, when Matera is in the same constellation as the sun: in this case, the sign is moderated to some extent, and the influence of the nearest other sign bleeds through--the character is born on the cusp of the two signs, although the solar sign is still the primary influence.
I'd love feedback on 1) the astronomical accuracy (I think this is all accurate, based on the 13-orbit hypothesis), 2) the astrological accuracy (I'm not an astrologer by any means! Alternate interpretations are more than welcome!), and 3) whether any other Mystara products have insights that I've missed.
The chart shows the time and day when Matera enters a particular constellation. The times should be accurate only at a particular longitude--the Sundsvall Meridian, perhaps--but I don't think I'll try to figure out time zone differences.
12:00 am Nuwmont 1 Manticore
3:42 am Nuwmont 3 Hydra
7:23 am Nuwmont 5 Centaur
11:05 am Nuwmont 7 Basilisk
2:46 pm Nuwmont 9 Chimera
6:28 pm Nuwmont 11 Gorgon
10:09 pm Nuwmont 13 Griffon
1:51 am Nuwmont 16 Dragon
5:32 am Nuwmont 18 Salamander
9:14 am Nuwmont 20 Pegasus
12:55 pm Nuwmont 22 Warrior
4:37 pm Nuwmont 24 Giant
8:18 pm Nuwmont 26 Manticore
12:00 am Vatermont 1 Hydra
3:42 am Vatermont 3 Centaur
7:23 am Vatermont 5 Basilisk
11:05 am Vatermont 7 Chimera
2:46 pm Vatermont 9 Gorgon
6:28 pm Vatermont 11 Griffon
10:09 pm Vatermont 13 Dragon
1:51 am Vatermont 16 Salamander
5:32 am Vatermont 18 Pegasus
9:14 am Vatermont 20 Warrior
12:55 pm Vatermont 22 Giant
4:37 pm Vatermont 24 Manticore
8:18 pm Vatermont 26 Hydra
12:00 am Thaumont 1 Centaur
3:42 am Thaumont 3 Basilisk
7:23 am Thaumont 5 Chimera
11:05 am Thaumont 7 Gorgon
2:46 pm Thaumont 9 Griffon
6:28 pm Thaumont 11 Dragon
10:09 pm Thaumont 13 Salamander
1:51 am Thaumont 16 Pegasus
5:32 am Thaumont 18 Warrior
9:14 am Thaumont 20 Giant
12:55 pm Thaumont 22 Manticore
4:37 pm Thaumont 24 Hydra
8:18 pm Thaumont 26 Centaur
12:00 am Flaurmont 1 Basilisk
3:42 am Flaurmont 3 Chimera
7:23 am Flaurmont 5 Gorgon
11:05 am Flaurmont 7 Griffon
2:46 pm Flaurmont 9 Dragon
6:28 pm Flaurmont 11 Salamander
10:09 pm Flaurmont 13 Pegasus
1:51 am Flaurmont 16 Warrior
5:32 am Flaurmont 18 Giant
9:14 am Flaurmont 20 Manticore
12:55 pm Flaurmont 22 Hydra
4:37 pm Flaurmont 24 Centaur
8:18 pm Flaurmont 26 Basilisk
12:00 am Yarthmont 1 Chimera
3:42 am Yarthmont 3 Gorgon
7:23 am Yarthmont 5 Griffon
11:05 am Yarthmont 7 Dragon
2:46 pm Yarthmont 9 Salamander
6:28 pm Yarthmont 11 Pegasus
10:09 pm Yarthmont 13 Warrior
1:51 am Yarthmont 16 Giant
5:32 am Yarthmont 18 Manticore
9:14 am Yarthmont 20 Hydra
12:55 pm Yarthmont 22 Centaur
4:37 pm Yarthmont 24 Basilisk
8:18 pm Yarthmont 26 Chimera
12:00 am Klarmont 1 Gorgon
3:42 am Klarmont 3 Griffon
7:23 am Klarmont 5 Dragon
11:05 am Klarmont 7 Salamander
2:46 pm Klarmont 9 Pegasus
6:28 pm Klarmont 11 Warrior
10:09 pm Klarmont 13 Giant
1:51 am Klarmont 16 Manticore
5:32 am Klarmont 18 Hydra
9:14 am Klarmont 20 Centaur
12:55 pm Klarmont 22 Basilisk
4:37 pm Klarmont 24 Chimera
8:18 pm Klarmont 26 Gorgon
12:00 am Felmont 1 Griffon
3:42 am Felmont 3 Dragon
7:23 am Felmont 5 Salamander
11:05 am Felmont 7 Pegasus
2:46 pm Felmont 9 Warrior
6:28 pm Felmont 11 Giant
10:09 pm Felmont 13 Manticore
1:51 am Felmont 16 Hydra
5:32 am Felmont 18 Centaur
9:14 am Felmont 20 Basilisk
12:55 pm Felmont 22 Chimera
4:37 pm Felmont 24 Gorgon
8:18 pm Felmont 26 Griffon
12:00 am Fyrmont 1 Dragon
3:42 am Fyrmont 3 Salamander
7:23 am Fyrmont 5 Pegasus
11:05 am Fyrmont 7 Warrior
2:46 pm Fyrmont 9 Giant
6:28 pm Fyrmont 11 Manticore
10:09 pm Fyrmont 13 Hydra
1:51 am Fyrmont 16 Centaur
5:32 am Fyrmont 18 Basilisk
9:14 am Fyrmont 20 Chimera
12:55 pm Fyrmont 22 Gorgon
4:37 pm Fyrmont 24 Griffon
8:18 pm Fyrmont 26 Dragon
12:00 am Ambyrmont 1 Salamander
3:42 am Ambyrmont 3 Pegasus
7:23 am Ambyrmont 5 Warrior
11:05 am Ambyrmont 7 Giant
2:46 pm Ambyrmont 9 Manticore
6:28 pm Ambyrmont 11 Hydra
10:09 pm Ambyrmont 13 Centaur
1:51 am Ambyrmont 16 Basilisk
5:32 am Ambyrmont 18 Chimera
9:14 am Ambyrmont 20 Gorgon
12:55 pm Ambyrmont 22 Griffon
4:37 pm Ambyrmont 24 Dragon
8:18 pm Ambyrmont 26 Salamander
12:00 am Sviftmont 1 Pegasus
3:42 am Sviftmont 3 Warrior
7:23 am Sviftmont 5 Giant
11:05 am Sviftmont 7 Manticore
2:46 pm Sviftmont 9 Hydra
6:28 pm Sviftmont 11 Centaur
10:09 pm Sviftmont 13 Basilisk
1:51 am Sviftmont 16 Chimera
5:32 am Sviftmont 18 Gorgon
9:14 am Sviftmont 20 Griffon
12:55 pm Sviftmont 22 Dragon
4:37 pm Sviftmont 24 Salamander
8:18 pm Sviftmont 26 Pegasus
12:00 am Eirmont 1 Warrior
3:42 am Eirmont 3 Giant
7:23 am Eirmont 5 Manticore
11:05 am Eirmont 7 Hydra
2:46 pm Eirmont 9 Centaur
6:28 pm Eirmont 11 Basilisk
10:09 pm Eirmont 13 Chimera
1:51 am Eirmont 16 Gorgon
5:32 am Eirmont 18 Griffon
9:14 am Eirmont 20 Dragon
12:55 pm Eirmont 22 Salamander
4:37 pm Eirmont 24 Pegasus
8:18 pm Eirmont 26 Warrior
12:00 am Klarmont 1 Giant
3:42 am Klarmont 3 Manticore
7:23 am Klarmont 5 Hydra
11:05 am Klarmont 7 Centaur
2:46 pm Klarmont 9 Basilisk
6:28 pm Klarmont 11 Chimera
10:09 pm Klarmont 13 Gorgon
1:51 am Klarmont 16 Griffon
5:32 am Klarmont 18 Dragon
9:14 am Klarmont 20 Salamander
12:55 pm Klarmont 22 Pegasus
4:37 pm Klarmont 24 Warrior
8:18 pm Klarmont 26 Giant