Thoughts on the Imperial Domain
by Geoff GanderAh, the centre of power! Or at least, where people *think* all the important decisions are made...
As I mentioned elsewhere, I don't know where the idea for dropping a large swamp next to the imperial capital came from, but perhaps I was channeling real-world analogues I was familiar with (Ottawa is partly surrounded by swamps and is itself built on clay, and I believe Washington D.C. is built on a drained swamp)... or perhaps the swamp is a commentary on politics in general!
As shown on the map, all roads - or at least all the important ones - lead to the capital, and they all meet in a great circular round, which itself surrounds the estate of the quartz palace that gives the city its name (Calimnis = "crystal dwelling"). Mystara's most impressive roundabout, surely.
I asked Thorfinn to use natural boundaries for the dominion borders, and I love how it turned out! This, to me, is more realistic and it takes hex maps to the next level. As you can see, most of the population is concentrated in the capital, along the coast, or along major rivers - the Belcarith (White River) is a significant river that is used for personal and commercial traffic.
Brellosandur (Brell's Wood, named after the legendary Lhomarrian general who commanded legions against the Carnifex of Y'hog) is bountiful and full of game and mysterious creatures, including fey (who congregate on a flat hill in the middle of the forest, where the Andilcarith - Great Silver River - originates). By imperial decree, it is forbidden to settle in the woods.
The adventurers’ tour of Selhomarr continues! Having had enough of wilderness adventuring in southern Regelnis (and even if the tales of lush, secluded valleys full of riches in the Lhomarrian Range are true, the mountains themselves are distant and have highly dangerous terrain), we head back north to the Belothian Way and follow it to its end: the imperial capital city itself, Calimnis. Home to several hundred thousand people, it is known for its grand palaces (including the complex of polished quartz in the very centre that gives the city its name*), the Great Temple of Xeron, the Imperial Archives, and more. As shown on the map, all major roads converge in the capital, where they meet in a great circular round that surrounds the estate of the imperial palace.
North of the city, the Tylierian Way passes through Gorimnorastion (“born of the red hills”) before following the coast towards Ancaramir, whose troubled history has earned the town its name (“bastion of great strife”). It was founded not long after the arrival in the Hollow World by folk who venerated Anrethon (Proteus – literally “Great One of the Water”), and who wished to exercise their devotion privately. A combination of religious strife, and the actions of bandits who plague the Gorimnorasta (“Red Hills”, also written as Gorimnis Hills on the map), have destroyed the town a number of times – but the passion and sheer willpower of the locals led them to rebuild. It is said the locals secretly call their community “Anrethis” in veneration of their Immortal. A quirk of this region is the Ilcarith (“Little River”), which is actually named the Carancarith (“Raging River”) downstream where the swiftly-flowing Gorimcarith (“Red River”) joins it and the river itself widens and becomes much rougher. The bridge at the river's mouth, north of Calimnis, has been known to wash out after particularly rough storms at the, and it is at those times that bandits and their ilk can become emboldened.
Should you wish to head “west”, the Heressina Way will take you through farmland to the oddly-named town of Ilbarathis (“the place of small noises” – no one knows the reason why it was given this name, because nothing is known to have happened here to break the pastoral tranquility of this area). From there we go north into Soroth, and into a region where – if the tales are true – thousands once flocked in the hopes of striking it rich in mineral wealth, but instead found blood. More on that later…
Few people venture off the roads in the Imperial Domain, and as a result the southern reaches are largely unsettled aside from a handful of villages, the town of Gorcarios (whose calm atmosphere is at odds with its name – “place of the blood feud” – whose origins are lost in history), and the impressive Fort Ancarith (“Great River”), which sits where the Andilcarith (“Great Silver River”) meets the Belcarith (“White River”). It is from this fort - almost a town in itself - that many adventuring parties strike out to explore southern Suridal.
The other prominent feature of this region is Brellosandur (“Brell’s Wood”), named after the legendary general who campaigned against the Carnifex of Y’hog. By imperial decree, no one may settle in the wood or fell any trees within it, and it is rumoured to be the home of powerful spirits.
*Quartz: It’s not just for kitchen countertops.