by Cab Davidson
Armour Class: 8
Hit Dice: 3* to 3****
Move: 90’(30’)
Attacks: 1 weapon or spell
Damage: By weapon or spell
Number Appearing: 1d10 (20d10)
Save As: MU 6
Morale: 6 (12)
Treasure Type: Zero (M)
Intelligence: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 50-95Morchellids are by far the most intelligent of all Myconids. They are a surprising looking race, resembling a 6’ tall, pock marked brown mass on ridged, white legs, with arms that seem to be formed of the same brown mass of the head. Almost as if they are massive, brown brains on sticks but with inverted sections rather than ridges. Morchellids are peculiarly curious and intelligent creatures, seeking to bring knowledge of the works of men, elves and all creatures back to their home Myconoid, where they spend most of their time converting the information they have found into a chemical form that it can understand.
Troops of Morchellids arise early in the year, as the frosts of Spring recede, and they possess, from their moment of emergence, an extraordinary ability to learn and cast magical spells. Typically these are well understood by their Myconoid, and distributed to each Myconoid according to their ability to learn. And curiously, the more Morchellids are present, the more potent their magics are. Scholars are undecided as to why this should be so, and if the Morchellids know why, they’re not saying. Practically speaking, if under 10 Morchellids are present, they each cast spells (50% as magic users, 25% as clerics, 25% as druids) at 1 level of experience per Morchellid present. The spells each knows are determined randomly. Per 5 Morchellids above 10 present, another level of experience is gained. So for example if there are 30 morchellids present each morchellid can cast spells as a 14th level spellcaster.
They prefer dark places but have no preference for being above or below ground. They have a curious ability to be able to walk on walls and ceilings as if on the ground, and this allows them to make their homes on the ceilings of great caverns of the Broken Lands, the Shadow Elf Kingdoms and even on the underside of the floating islands of the Hollow World (from which they may fly or levitate to the surface to explore for information). The Morchellid Myconoid consumes little, often satisfying itself with the decaying residues of living creatures slowly leeching into their rhizispheres. But their thirst for knowledge is inexhaustible. The Shadow Elves know that the Morchellids are harmless and never oppose them, but do trade stories and tales with them. The Schattenalfen, with their characteristic friendliness, pursue Morchellids for study, to try to extract their magical potential. Few of the humanoids of the Broken Lands even know the Morchellids are there – and the Morchellids are happy with that.
Morchellids are never aggressive, preferring to escape from any potential enemies rather than to fight. But like all Myconids they will fight to the death to defend their Myconoids. They prefer using their magical abilities to misdirect foes, but if necessary forced use any offensive magics they possess.
Morchellids hide their treasures in places most accessible to themselves. They frequently construct hollows in the ceilings of great caves, where few other creatures may find them. They favour spell books and scrolls above all treasures.
Science part: Yes, I know, morels aren't intelligent in real life. They're just fungi. Well, yes, but I invite anyone looking at a mushroom that looks a little bit like a brain on a stick NOT to go in that direction if turning them into Myconids for Mystara!