I came up with this one purely because I wanted something to hunt the misty shores in a particular region in my campaign. I wanted something with the metallic sheen of the mist itself, and palladium seemed apt.
Dragon, Palladium (Moonstone)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: 2 0 -2 HD: 7** 11*** 14**** Move: As Black Dragon As Black Dragon As Black Dragon Attacks: As Black Dragon As Black Dragon As Black Dragon Damage: As Black Dragon As Black Dragon As Black Dragon Number Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F7 F22 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3, Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Chaotic (Palladium), Lawful (Moonstone) XP Value: 1650 4300 6500
Spells Levels 1 2 3 Small 4 Medium 5 3 Large 5 4 3 Breath Weapon: Palladium – reactive gas cloud (area as green dragon)
Moonstone - reactive gas cloud and stickyPalladium dragons resemble platinum dragons but are somewhat smaller, more angular in appearance, as if perhaps brittle or harder. And unlike platinum dragons, who are typically fairly benign messenger servants of their immortal patron, palladium dragons are wicked, depraved hunters who delight in inflicting pain and suffering on their prey. They are vain, malicious, untrustworthy and cruel. They prefer to inhabit coastal areas, relishing hunting through sea mists.
The breath weapon of the palladium dragon is a strange, misty blue cloud of vapour that causes everything within to become strangely reactive – water in a creatures body tends to separate and recombine, metal becomes excited and charged, everything that can react will do so, inflicting damage as per normal for dragon breath but also causing withering pain (all attacks and damage rolls are made at -2 the following round, regardless of whether a saving throw has been made).
Like all metallic dragons, palladium dragons can polymorph at will. They prefer to use this ability to spy on human and demi-human communities to find out when they will be easy prey. They will happily hunt sailors, shoreline foragers, any intelligent creature that will give them good sport.
Moonstone dragons are as distrusting as palladium dragons but lack the same malicious instinct. They are still, like any dragons, hunters, but they don’t take pleasure from taunting their prey. Their breath weapon, in addition to being a reactive cloud, makes everything it touches sticky. Clothing cannot be removed, feet can’t be lifted from the ground, weapons cannot be withdrawn from scabbards, etc. The character is essentially immobilised until a free person spell or similar is cast, and even after this all items must be washed in a weak alchemical acid solution to restore. The dragon may breathe again, inflicting normal damage, but releasing all items.