Robe of the Great School’s (Grand) Master
by Marco FossatiDescription
They’re the official vestments of the Masters of GSoM.
Only 9 exist, one per school-master.
Prince Etienne made them almost 100 years ago but he never revealed the secret of their creation.
They look like normal robes and usually Masters don them while teaching or during official situations, but very often they wear them, maybe under their normal dressings.
Every master swear to bring it back to the school when he will step down from the position.Powers
Wearer instantly gains AC 5
Wearer can take from its pockets every spell components desired worth less than 10 ducats
Read magic and Detect magic at will
+1 to all saving throws
Wearer doubles number of spells normally memorised from 1st to 3rd level.
Some masters, now passed away, wrote on their memories that , while wearing the robe, they felt under magical scrying, just like under an effect of a Crystal Ball, but Prince Etienne never confirmed that.Robe of the Great School’s Grand Master
Etienne did also create his own robe, looking the same to others.
When he disappear he wasn’t wearing it and Prince Harald found it when visiting for the first time the Grand Master’s quarters at the school. He offered it back to d’Ambrevilles but the family refused telling it was Etienne’s wish to pass it to the new Grand Master.
Harald normally wears it.Powers
Wearer instantly gains AC 0
Wearer can take form its pockets every spell components desired worth less than 10 ducats
Read magic, Detect Magic and Identify at will
+2 to all saving throws
Wearer doubles number of spells normally memorised of all levels.
Immediately after donning it for the first time, wearer becomes aware of Radiance’s secret and he’s contacted by a member of the Brotherhood of the Radiance inviting him to join the group (Of course this didn’t happened to Prince Harald since he was already a member)
Wearer can control other school-masters as a Crystal Ball with Clairaudience (Prince Harald doesn’t know it)