Móðguðr - The Furious Battler
by Håvard(WotI-style writeup)
Sphere Entropy
Status Exalted
Power Points 300
Anti-Magic: 25%
AC 0
HD 50**********
Hit Points: 125
Move: 120' (40)
Flying: 60' (20')
Attacks: Battleaxe +5
Damage 2d8
No Appearing 1 (unique)
Save As IM1
Treasure Type D
Int: 26
AL Neutral
XP Value 12850 (1PP)Móðguðr is a female Great Giant who loves a good battle. She is typically a cheerful person, but in combat she fights with passion and rage. Móðguðr has been tasked with protecting Gjallarbru, the bridge leading from Niflheim to Helheim. Her fortress is constructed on the Niflheim side of the bridge and she commands a force of Frost Giants who reside in the fortress. She is loved and respected by her warriors. Noone crosses the bridge without the permission of Móðguðr and she only answers to Hel herself. Móðguðr sees herself as a kind of counterpart to Heimdall of Asgard.
In combat, Móðguðr fights with a huge battleaxe +5. Like other exalted creatures, she can spend Power Points to be able to cast 36th level spells or use Immortal Powers.
Immortal Powers: Enhanced Reflexes, Roar, Call Others and Summon Weapon.
Special defences Can only be hurt by magical weapons.
Special Vulnerabilities: Takes damage from Holy Water.
Immunities: Energy Drain, Immortal-level ESP, disease, ageing.