Mystaran Mass Combat System (MyMiCS)
by Adrian Mattias and James RuhlandBASIC FORCE RATING
BFR = Leadership + Experience + Training + Equipment + Special TroopsLeadership Factor:
If leader commands units with a majority of troops of the same general class or race, then:
LF = Leader level/2 + (Tactics skill + Leadership skill)/4.
If leader commands units with a majority of troops of a different general class or race, then:
LF = (Leader level + Tactics skill + Leadership skill)/4.Experience Factor:
Average Level of Officers x 3 (Must be one officer per 40 troops to get this bonus) + Average Level of Troops x 2.
Add +1 for every 5% of the force that is veteran (survived at least one previous major engagement and served a minimum of 12 continuous months of active duty - this is not automatically applicable - it is for the DM to decide if it applies)Training Factor:
+ 4 per month trained per year (max 24),
+ 2 per month leader trained with unit per year (max 12),
+ 1 per month troops on active duty per year (max 12)
= Preliminary Training Factor (PTF). Work out the number of months trained in the last full year and modify the PTF by the following:
x 0.25 for units that have trained a total of that number of months or less together in the previous 4 years,
x 0.5 for units that have trained a total of 1 to 2 times that number of months together in the previous 4 years,
x 0.75 for units that have trained a total of 2 to 3 times that number of months together in the previous 4 years,
x 1.0 for units that have trained a total of more than 3 times that number of months together in the previous 4 years.Design Note: At the discretion of the DM the modifiers can be partially waived in the case of new units created out of trained veterans - the above is mainly intended to limit sudden rapid skill increases by raw recruits, untrained levies, and less well skilled troops. DM's judgement should be exercised when deciding appropriate exceptions.
Also, At least 75% of the unit's personnel must have trained together for this period to get these bonuses. Therefore, units can draft in replacements for those killed in war unless the replacements exceed 25% of the original number in which case the unit loses the benefit of the higher training bonus. Halve the Training Factor bonus if 50-75% of the unit's personnel have trained together for this period. Quarter it if 25-50% of the unit's personnel have trained together for this period. Negate the Training Factor completely if 25% or less of the unit's personnel have trained together for this period.
Equipment Factor:
+5 if weapons of average quality (normal cost)
+10 for weapons of superior quality (2+ times normal cost)
+5 for a second weapon of the same quality
Add +5% to this factor for every 5% of the force who possess enchanted weapons.Note: Enchanted weapons are also automatically "superior".
+5 if average AC is 6 or better
another +5 if average AC is 3 or better.
Add +5% to this factor for every 10% of the troops who have enchanted armour.Special Troops Factor:
Flat +15 bonus for units composed virtually entirely (95%+) of troops with special abilities useful in combat (IE Elven bonuses with certain weapons and their stealth, Dwarven resistance, JuJu Zombies, etc).Add + 2 per 1% of the force that has 9HD or more.
+2 for every 5% of the force that has an inherent magical ability useful in combat
Note: this bonus only applies in cases where another bonus does not apply - IE spellcasters benefit from the "Magical Ability" Battle Rating bonus, below, and creatures immune to non-magic weapons which are fighting opponents who are not so armed receive benefits under the "IMMUNITIES" adjustment/modifier. This is intended to apply to exceptional creatures. NOTE, however, that bonuses can be cumulative: a force of Pit Fiends would receive this bonus, plus magical ability bonuses, plus in most cases a bonus due to immunities - but one does NOT receive multiple bonuses for the same ability.
This is calculated by determining adding the total % together that is applicable to the force and then multiplying the BFR by it to get the final BR.Exceptional Bonuses
Magical Ability:
+1% for every 2% of the force that can cast inherently or by magical item: combat useful spells of third level or less; maximum bonus of +20%+2% for every 2% of the force that can cast inherently or by magical item: combat useful spells of fourth level of greater; maximum bonus of +20%
+1% for every 2% of the force that can cast inherently or by magical item: healing spells; maximum bonus of +20%Flying:
+2% for every 5% of the force that can fly; maximum bonus of +20%Conventional Bonuses (some bonuses are mutually exclusive - troops mounted on large combat mounts do not receive bonuses for being mounted on horses as well. However, a unit can have both regular cavalry and heavy cavalry, for example, and receive bonuses for both - but the same troops are not counted twice. )
NOTE THAT THESE BONUSES ARE AVAILABLE IN FULL TO A TOTAL OF +50%, FURTHER BONUSES ARE HALVED AFTER THAT. MAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL BONUS + 100%.Mounted Combat Troops (limited to a maximum bonus of +20% for non-heavy cavalry, +30% for heavy cavalry, +40% for large combat mounts):
+ 2% of BFR for every 5% of the troops that are mounted on horses (and are not classed as heavy cavalry) or on regular flying mounts.
+ 3% of BFR for every 5% of the troops that can be classed as dedicated heavy cavalry - armed with a weapon that does double damage in charges (IE a lance) and carrying shields, has AC 4 or better and riding heavy warhorses with barding providing AC 5 or better.
+ 4% for every 5% of the troops that are mounted on large combat mounts (rhinos, elephants, griffons, dragons etc).Missile Weapons (limited to a maximum bonus of +30%):
+ 1% for every 5% of the troops armed with a missile weapon with a range less than 120 yards (ie thrown spears, javelins, bolas, etc)
+2% for every 5% of the troops armed with a missile weapon with a range between 120 and 180 yards (ie short bows, slings etc - and any bow used by mounted troops)
+ 3% for every 5% of the troops armed with a missile weapon with a range greater than 180 yards (ie light and heavy crossbows, long bows, etc; note that mounted troops cannot receive this bonus)Heavy Infantry (limited to a maximum bonus of +30%):
+ 1% for every 5% of the troops whose primary weapon can be set vs the charge.
+ 2% for every 5% of the troops that can be classed as dedicated heavy infantry - armed with polearms, spears, swords or warhammers and who carry shields and have an AC of 4 or better.
Note: Troops armed with two handed melee weapons are exempted from the shield limitations but that is the only exemption - ie heavy infantry cannot carry ranged missile weapons - although those with spears and javelins etc could gain the +1% bonus in the missile category..Artillery (limited to a maximum bonus of +20%):
+ 4% for every breath weapon, magical direct-fire artillery or ballistae there is per 100 troops.Manoeuvrability (limited to a maximum of +30%):
+ 10% if more than 50% of the force has a movement rating of 12 or more per round
+ 10% if more than 50% of the force can fire a missile weapon with a range greater than 120 yards and has a movement rating of 15 or more per round.
+ 10% if more than 50% of the force has a movement rating of 24 or more per round.Maximum BFR: 273
Maximum BR: +180%
EXAMPLE UNITS (what these show is that BFR points must be easier to obtain for reserve units and harder to gain for elite units):
Elite Unit
MIMICS BFR: 166, BR bonus + 108%; BR: 345. As a % of the average unit: 314%
WMACH BFR: 150, BR bonus + 110%; BR: 315. As a % of the average unit: 300%
Leader: F20, Tactics 18, Leadership 18. (19)
Officers: avg 7th level (21)
Troops: avg 3rd level (6)
All veteran troops (20)
Training: 6 months/6 months/12 months: 24 months training last 4 years. (48)
All enchanted weapons, all exceptional weapons, 25% enchanted armour (52)25% mounted on griffons with longbows, AC 3
25% heavy cavalry, AC 2
30% heavy infantry, AC 2
20% heavy cleric infantry, AC 2
Superior Unit
MIMICS BFR: 131, BR bonus + 65%; BR: 216. As a % of the average unit: 197%
WMACH BFR: 117, BR bonus + 60%; BR: 187. As a % of the average unit: 178%
Leader: F20, Tactics 17, Leadership 15. (18)
All veteran troops (20)
Officers: avg 6th level (18)
Troops: avg 2nd level (4)
Training: 6 months/6 months/12 months: 24 months training last 4 years. (48)
1 in 5 have enchanted weapons, all good weapons, 2 weapons each (23)
50% heavy cavalry, AC 2
25% horse archers, AC 5
25% crossbowmen, AC 5
Average Unit
MIMICS BFR: 76, BR bonus + 45%; BR: 110
WMACH BFR: 81, BR bonus + 30%; BR: 105
Leader: F14, Tactics 14, Leadership 12. (14)
25% veteran troops (5)
Officers: avg 4th level (12)
Troops: avg 1st level (2)
Training: 6 months/2 months/9 months: 24 months training last 4 years. (37)
All good weapons, 2 weapons each. (20)
25% cavalry, AC 5
25% heavy infantry, AC 4
25% light missile infantry, AC 6
25% bowmen, AC 7
Regular Reserve Unit
MIMICS BFR: 54, BR bonus + 26%; BR: 68. As a % of the average unit: 62%
WMACH BFR: 60, BR bonus + 10%; BR: 66. As a % of the average unit: 63%
Leader: F12, Tactics 12, Leadership 12. (12)
Officers: avg 3rd level (9)
Troops: avg 1st level (2)
No veterans
Training: 3 months/3 months/ 3 months: 12 months training last 4 years. (21)
All average weapons, 2 weapons each (10)
10% cavalry, AC 5
25% heavy infantry, AC 4
50% light missile infantry, AC 7
Rapidly Raised Reserve Unit
MIMICS BFR: 34, BR bonus + 15%; BR: 39. As a % of the average unit: 35%
WMACH BFR: 55, BR bonus + 30%; BR: 72. As a % of the average unit: 69%
Leader: F10, Tactics 12, Leadership 10. (11)
Officers: avg 2nd level (6)
Troops: avg 1st level (2)
No Veterans
Training: 3 months/3 months/ 3 months: 3 months training last 4 years. (5)
All average weapons, 2 weapons each (10)
75% light missile infantry, AC 7
25% bowmen, AC 7
Low Quality Reserve Unit
MIMICS BFR: 34, BR bonus + 15%; BR: 39. As a % of the average unit: 35%
WMACH BFR: 36, BR bonus + 20%; BR: 43. As a % of the average unit: 41%
Leader: F9, Tactics 10, Leadership 9. (9)
Officers: avg 2nd level (6)
Troops: avg 1st level (2)
No Veterans
Training: 1 month/1 month/ 1 month: 4 months training last 4 years. (7)
All average weapons, 2 weapons each (10)
75% light missile infantry, AC 7
25% bowmen, AC 7
Peasant Levy
MIMICS BFR: 19, BR bonus + 10%; BR: 21. As a % of the average unit: 19%
WMACH BFR: 20, BR bonus + 10%; BR: 22. As a % of the average unit: 21%
Leader: F7, Tactics 10, No Leadership. (6)
Officers: avg 2nd level (6)
Troops: avg 1st level (2)
No Veterans
Training: None.
All average weapons (5)
100% light infantry, AC 9The below examples are designed with the intent to create similar "qualitative" units (meaning equally well led, experienced, and trained) - the only factor that differs in the BFR being the Equipment Factor. The intent is to see what difference the troop type bonuses make with regards to otherwise qualitatively identical forces.
Included within the "description" of the forces themselves are the War Machine BFRs and BRs; below the unit descriptions is a extrapolation of the MiMiCS factors, with the ultimate calculation of the MiMiCS BR. Note that these examples can also be fiddled with to see what changes in various other factors would produce with respect to differing BRs (IE right now the forces are all excellently trained and fairly well led - what if similarly organised forces were, instead, reserves, however?)
Poor Bloody Infantry
Division Name: Poor Bloody Infantry (Spartan Phalanx)
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 99 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Leader of the Sacrificial Lambs (F12, 14 Tactics, 14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Cape-Bearer of the Sacrificial Lamb's Leader (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st - 4th Massacred Blockheads: each unit contains 800 infantry (F1), plate mail; first two ranks carry shields, spears, and short swords in addition, remaining ranks carry pikes (sarissas) and short swords but no shields. Spears are used for close combat only, not as missile weapons. 12 Lieutenants (F5), 8 Captains (F6), 4 Majors (F7), 1 Leader of the Damned (F8).
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 20
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 103
BR Bonuses:
+20% (Heavy Infantry)BR: 124
Romanesque Troops
Division Name: Legion
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 109 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, 14 Tactics, +14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Primus Pilius (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st - 4th Sort-of-Cohorts: each unit contains 800 infantry (F1), banded mail, shield, javelins, spear, short sword. 12 Optios (F5), 8 Centurions (F6), 4 Majors (F7), 1 Leader of the Damned (F8).
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 20
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 103
BR Bonuses:
+20% (Heavy Infantry)
+20% (Javelins)BR: 144
Poor Bloody Infantry, The Next Generation
Division Name: PBI TNG (Swiss Pikemen)
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 103 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Leader of the Sacrificial Lambs (F12, 14 Tactics, +14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Cape-Bearer of the Sacrificial Lamb's Leader (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st - 4th Massacred Blockheads: each unit contains 800 infantry (F1), leather armour; pikes and short swords. 12 Lieutenants (F5), 8 Captains (F6), 4 Majors (F7), 1 Leader of the Damned (F8).
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 10
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 93
BR Bonuses:
+20% (Heavy Infantry)
+10% (Manoeuvrability)BR: 121
Mystaran Untermench
Division Name: Cohort
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 113 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, 14 Tactics, 14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Deputy General (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st - 3rd Banners: each unit contains 800 infantry (F1), scale mail, shield, javelins, spear, short sword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader of the Damned (F8).
4th Banner: 800 infantry (F1), scale mail, heavy crossbow and short sword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader of the Damned (F8).
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 15
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 98
BR Bonuses:
+15% (Crossbows)BR: 113
Typical Mystaran Army
Division Name: Division
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 129 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, 14 Tactics, 14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Deputy General (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st Banner: 800 cavalry (F1), chain mail, short bow and longsword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader (F8). Mounted on medium war horses
2nd Banner: 800 archers (F1), chain mail, longbow and longsword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader (F8).
3rd - 4th Banners: each has 800 infantry (F1), chain mail, spear and longsword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader (F8).
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 15
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 98
BR Bonuses:
+10% (Cavalry)
+10% (Mounted Archery)
+15% (Longbow Archery)
+20% (Heavy Infantry)
Total: +52.5%BR: 149
Mystaran Nomad Army
Division Name: Division
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 141 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Sheik (F12, 14 Tactics, 14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Captain (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st - 4th Banners: each has 800 cavalry (F1), no armour, short bow and longsword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader (F8). Mounted on light war horses.
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 10
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 93
BR Bonuses:
+20% (Cavalry)
+30% (Mounted Archery)
+20% (Manoeuvrability)
Total: +60%BR: 149
Mystaran Nomad Army, Red Arrow/Black Shield
Division Name: Division
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 150 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Sheik (F12, 14 Tactics, 14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Captain (F10)
Heroes: 2 M9, 4 C9, 2 F14.
1st Banner: 800 cavalry (M1), no armour, darts, dagger. 12 Sergeants (M5), 8 Lieutenants (M6), 4 Captains (M7), 1 Leader (M8). Mounted on light war horses.
2nd - 4th Banners: each has 800 cavalry (F1), no armour, short bow and longsword. 12 Sergeants (F5), 8 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (F7), 1 Leader (F8). Mounted on light war horses.
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 10
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 93
BR Bonuses:
+20% (Cavalry)
+30% (Mounted Archery)
+20% (Manoeuvrability)
Total: +60%Exceptional Bonuses:
+12% (Spellcasting)Grand Total: +72%
BR: 160
Mystaran Ubermench
Division Name: Division
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 198 Personnel: 3,310 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Admiral (M12, 14 Tactics, 14 Ldr)
Deputy Commander: Marshal (M10)
Heroes: 4 M9, 2 C9, 2 F14.
1st Squadron: 480 Boltmen (M1), no armour but magical effect provided by ship produces AC 5, staff, wand (20% fireballs, 20% lightning, 10% confusion, 10% death), 320 Marines (F1), chain mail, man artillery (see below) plus longbow and longsword. 8 Sergeants (M5), 4 Sergeants (F5), 6 Lieutenants (M6), 2 Lieutenants (F6), 4 Captains (M7), 1 Commodore (M8). Man 2 Skyships, each with 21 Ballistae and 20 Light Catapults and various enchantments. Uniforms are royal blue with a large gold "S" emblazoned in a diamond-shaped shield device on the front and a red cape and boots, all edged with gold.
Leadership Factor: 13
Experience Factor: 22 (25% Veterans)
Training Factor: 48
Equipment Factor: 15
Magic Factor: 0
Total: 98
BR Bonuses:
+24% (Missile Weapons)
+20% (Artillery)
+20% (Manoeuvrability)
Total: +57%Exceptional Bonuses:
+20% (Spellcasting, 3rd level or less)
+12% (Spellcasting, 4th level or higher)
+20% (Flying)Grand Total: +109%
BR: 205
The difference between the "worst" of the above units (Mystaran Untermench) and the "best" of the above units is 92 BR points. The Ubermench are 180% of the Untermench (or, conversely, the Untermench are 55% of the Ubermench). The gap is slightly greater than under the original rules, but not extremely greater. Note that if the Untermench had qualified for the Heavy Infantry bonus (they just missed it - as they were originally designed by the TSR writers to miss most bonuses), the gap would be considerably lower. The gaps are, IMO, appropriate, demonstrating that overall the BR Bonuses as they stand now are acceptable. If there is a problem, it is in the fact that the system tends to create forces with somewhat higher BRs than the previous system, which tends to reduce the impact of other factors and random factors - but, given that BRs tend to fall into a comparable range (note the identical ultimate BR of the "Typical Mystaran Force" and the "Mystaran Nomad Army"), we probably don't need to worry about this. The actual BR differences, at least for these forces, tend to be smaller among most units - it's only at the extremes that the difference is greater, and even then it is rather insignificantly larger.