3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads)
by HåvardMystara Characters in Non-Mystara Books, AD&D Mystara Product List, 3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List, LJN Character Product List, DragonStrike Product List, Isle of Dread Across editions
WotC 5.5 / OneDND Books with Mystara Teasers
- D&D Worlds & Realms: Adventures from Greyhawk to Faerūn and Beyond (Ten Speed Press, October 2024). We now know this book will contain a chapter on Mystara. Explicitly mentioned.
- Heroes of the Borderlands (working title) - Start set, offering another return to the Keep on the Borderlands (coming in 2025)
- 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide - D&D Cartoon characters and LJN characters featured in art.
- Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn (2024) - See discussion here. Adventure is set in The Realm, but Kelek appears along with various characters from the cartoons.
WotC 5E/D&D Next Books with Mystara Teasers
- Quests from the Infinite Staircase - Cynidicea, Zargon, I Pharaoh. More details here
- Places & Portals - D&D Young Adventurer's Guide (Ten Speed Press, 2023) - Isle of Dread map, Rakasta(?) - See details here.
- Planescape Boxed Set (2023) Explicitly mentioned. Monster: Maelephant (Malfera), NPC: Farrow the Shadowelf, now detailed as a Shadar-Kai. Explicitly said to be from Mystara. The character originally appeared in 2E's Planescape: Unchained book. More details on the 5E version here.
- Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse Tortle, Tortle Druid, Demogorgon, Yeenoghu, Sea Elf, Satyr, Orcus, Catoblepas, Nagpa, Nightwalker, Dinosaur, Yeeth Hound, Red Cap
- Movie: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Cameo by characters from the D&D Animated Show.
- Spelljammer (2022) - Neh Thalggu
- The Radient Citadel Explicitly mentioned.mentions that Mystara could be the location of the land of Yongjing, suggesting lands west of Darokin to be it's location (more details here)
- Isle of Dread Expansion for Dungeons & Dragons Online DDO online game (2022) - Adds the Isle of Dread to the DDO world. More details here.
- The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: A Feywild adventure (2021) Explicitly mentioned. - said to include Warduke, Strongheart and Kelek from the LJN Series as well as Giant Snails, Redcaps and a few other creatures. More details here and here.
- UA's Races of the Feywild introduces new races, including the Hsiaoo-like Owlfolk.
- Rime of the Frost Maiden - includes Magen, Frost Salamanders
- See You There In the Nine Hells! - Cartoon inspired by Descent into Avernus, by Jason Thompson, features a Cleric of Ixion. More details here.
- Baldur's Gate: Descent to Avernus - Tortle character named Krull
- Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Specific mention of Mystara and several Mystara locations. Suggests placing Saltmarsh in Karameikos or Darokin.
- Xanthar's Guide to Everything - Marina, a young member of the Rodemus Clan (p124), Clerics of Philosophies (p18).
- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes - Nagpa, Nightwalker, Sea Elf
- Tortle Package (Tomb of Annhilation Expansion, PDF only) - features Tortle, Decapus, Topi, Genoid - Piazza discussion here
- Tomb of Annhilation Explicitly mentioned. - References to Specularum and the Savage Coast as possible locations
- Tomb of Annhilation Board Game - Juggernaut miniature
- Tales from the Yawning Portal (Chokers, Nereid, Siren)
- Unearthed Arcana: Downtime Activities details Myron the Wererat of the Rodemus clan, a reference to Moldvay Basic set's sample dungeon, the "Haunted Keep." Orcus is also mentioned in this Unearthed Arcana PDF.
- Arcana Unearthed: Artificer Class Playtest Document (Von Hendriks reference).
- Volo's Guide to Monsters (Tritons, Yeenoghu, Catoblepas) - More details in this thread.
- Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide 5E (Zargon reference)
- Out of the Abyss (Features Orcus, Demogorgon & Yeenoghu) -- Part of the Raging Demons Storyline
- MINIS: Rage of Demons miniature booster set (Features Orcus and Demogorgon)
- COMPUTER GAME: Sword Coast Legends CRPG (Features Orcus and Demogorgon)
- ONLINE Computer Game Expansion: Neverwinter Rage of Demons (Features Orcus and Demogorgon)
- NOVEL: Archmage (novel), by RA Salvatore (Features Orcus and Demogorgon)
NOVEL: Untitled Novel by Erin Evans (Features Orcus)- cancelledNOVEL: Untitled Novel Troy Denning (Features Orcus)- cancelled- D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide (Explicitly mentioned. Mentions Mystara, Isle of Dread)
- D&D 5th Edition Players Handbook Explicitly mentioned. (Mystara and Blackmoor Namechecks. Ma'at, Norse Deities)
- D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual I (Hook Horror, Roper, Water Weird)
D&D 5th Edition Intro Boxed Set (Dark Night's Terror inspired Adventure?)- D&D 5th Edition Basic Rules (PDF) -- Contains several Mystara name checks.
- D&D Next Playtest Files September 2012 (Caves of Chaos)
- D&D Next Playtest Files October 2012 (Isle of Dread)
- Isle of Dread Walkthrough Map (Isle of Dread)
5E, Third Party Publishers
- Tome of Beasts 3 (Kobold Press, 2022), includes Brownies, Quagga (Zebrataur), Vampire Blossom Swarm
- OAR 5 Castle Amber - More details here (Goodman Games, Sept 2020).
- OAR4 The Lost City - More details here (Goodman Games, June 2020).
- OAR2 The Isle of Dread - Explicitly mentioned. Specific mentions of Mystara, overview of the Known World and the Isle of Dread. New monsters, characters, spells etc.(Goodman Games)
- OAR 1 - B1 + B2 Collector's Edition
- Fifth Edition Fantasy #14: Beneath the Keep - likely originally intended to be included in OAR1
WotC 4E Books with Mystara Teasers
- Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters (Isle of Dread, Orcus)
- D&D 4E Monster Manual 1 (Orcus, Nightwalker, Roper, Satyr, Hook Horror)
- D&D 4E Monster Manual 2 (Demogorgon, Genoids, Winter Wolf, Fangs of Yeenoghu, Cultist of Demogorgon, Bone Golem)
- D&D 4E Monster Manual 3 (Nagpa, Isle of Dread)
- D&D 4E Manual of the Planes (The Isle of Dread, Planes)
- D&D 4E Plane Above (Planes, Vaprak)
- D&D 4E H1 Keep on the Shadowfell (Keep on the Borderlands)
- D&D 4E E1 Death's Reach (References to Orcus)
- D&D 4E E2 Kingdom of the Ghouls (References to Orcus)
- D&D 4E E3 Prince of Undeath (References to Orcus)
- D&D 4E Dragon Magazine Annual #1(Chapter on Yeenoghu)
- D&D 4E The Dungeon Survival Handbook (Mentions the Lost City of Cynidicea)
- D&D 4E Demonomicon (Yeenonoghu Death Pack, Ulgurshek - Draeden introduced in 3rd Ed's Fiendish Codex I: mention only)
- D&D 4E Heroes of the Feywild (Isle of Dread)
- Dragon # 418 has stats for the Thoul, Rhagoddessa, Decapus and Magen. Palace of the Silver Princess and Halls of Amber mentioned. (DDI Subscribers only)
- Dungeon #195 has stats for Dusanu and Vampire rose. (DDI subscribers only)
- "Playing with Gnolls", Dragon #367 - information about Gnolls and references to Yeenoghu
WotC 4E Free Downloads
- Start Here: 4E stats for Bargle the Infamous
- Elder Evils Conversion (Zargon)
- D&D Chaos Scar (Caves of Chaos)
- D&D Chaos Scar - Groups here and here
- D&D Encounters Season 3: Keep on the Borderlands
- Demonomicon: Yeenoghu
- Monster Makeover: Shademaw of the Isle of Dread
- D&D Lair Assault II : Attack of Tyrantclaw (Isle of Dread)
- Dungeon #196 has Monster Manual updates on the Choker and the Satyr (DDI not required)
- Dungeon #201: Voyage of the Princess Ark April Fool's Joke
Pathfinder Books with Mystara Teasers
- Bestiary 1 (Choker, Mimic, Roper)
- Bestiary 2 (Brain-Collector/Neh-Thalggu, Frost Drake --> Cold drake (?) Athach, Catoblepas Jellyfish (Giant) and Nightshade. More details here)
- Bestiary 3 (Nuckelavee, Catfolk, Axe Beak and others)
- Bestiary 4 (Colossus from Castle Amber, as "Colossus, Flesh", Juggernaut, Pooka)
WotC 3E Books with Mystara Teasers
- Races of the Wild (Catfolk)
- Fiend Folio (Bhut - different creature from the BECMI one, Imp, Maelephant aka Malphera, Seadrake, Shedu)
- Sandstorm (Scorpionfolk, Egyptian Pantheon)
- Tome of Battles: Book of Nine Swords (Isle of Dawn, Black Eagle Barony, Sind - more discussion.
- Ghostwalk (mentions Orcus, possible Limbo connections)
- Defenders of the Faith (references to Garl Glittergold, Hruggek, Vaprak, Demogorgon, Kurtulmak etc including Web Enhancement.)
- Miniatures Handbook (Contains Catfolk race)
- Savage Species (Rules for playing Aranea, Athach etc)
- Lords of Madness (Rules useful for Brain Collectors, Chokers etc)
- Epic Level Handbook (Stats for Brain Collector and Blackball)
- Tome of Magic 3E. (Contains Vault of Catharandamus)
- Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (mentions Ulgurshek, a draeden trapped in the Abyss)
- Elder Evils (Contains info on Zargon)
- Book of Vile Darkness (Info on Demogorgon and Orcus)
- Monster Manual I (Aranea, Aquatic Elf, Choker, Nightshade, Nalfeshnee, Roper etc)
- Monster Manual II (Catoblepas, Frost Salamander, Gem Dragons, Hook Horror, Kopru, Scorpionfolk)
- Monster Manual III (Goatfolk, Mud Golem, Redcap, Elder Redcap, Mountain Troll, Prismatic Roper)
- Monster Manual IV - contains information about Gnoll Slave-Takers, Fiendish Clerics of Yeenoghu, Half-Fiend Gnoll Warlocks, and a sample Gnoll lair
- Monster Manual V (God Blooded of Orcus and Yenooghu, The Citadel of Neversleep, a location in the Altan Tepes Mountains).
- Deities and Demigods (Norse Pantheon, Pharaoic Pantheon etc)
- Arms and Equipment Guide (Hippocampus)
- Manual of the Planes (Orcus, Planes)
- Planar Handbook (Planes)
- Bastion of Broken Souls (Rivalry between Demogorgon's two heads)
WotC 3E Free Downloads & Web Articles
- Return to the Temple of the Frog (Set in Blackmoor)
- Night of the Straw Men (Set in Karameikos. Comments from the author)
- Vaults of Catharandamus Map (B3 sequel)
- Essence of Evil (adaptations to Mystara, includes reference to Outer Beings).
- Foul Weather (D20M) (deals with a spaceship called The Beagle)
- The Kopru Ruins (Stormwrack Web Enhancement)
- A Brief History of Warduke
Dragon Magazine Articles (Paizo)
- Dragon #315 Hollow World, Red Steel, Blackmoor and Cynidicea
- Dragon #318 Children of Ka (Hollow World article)
- Dragon #323 Ecology of the Choker.
- Dragon #325 Winning Races: Lupins. Bringing Lupins into 3.5E.
- Dragon #327 Winning Races: Diaboli. Bringing Diaboli into 3.5E.
- Dragon #339 Dusanu, Nagpa and Phanaton.
- Dragon #343 Nuckalavee and Malfera.
- Dragon #348 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #349 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #350 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #351 World Serpent Inn, Ecology of the Isle of Dread, Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #352 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #353 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #354 Ecology of the Kopru (includes Demogorgon link), Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #355 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #356 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #357 Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Demogoron: Prince of Demons, Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #358 Savage Tides Contents
- Dragon #359 Savage Tides Contents
Dungeon Magazine Articles (Paizo)
- Dungeon #114 (Isle of Dread) - Web enhancement with map here
- Dungeon #115 (Blackmoor - Raiders of the Black Ice)
- Dungeon #126 (Blackmoor - Clockwork Fortress)
- Dungeon #139 (Savage Tide I)
- Dungeon #140 (Savage Tide II)
- Dungeon #141 (Savage Tide III)
- Dungeon #142 (Cynidicea and Savage Tide IV)
- Dungeon #143 (Savage Tide V)
- Dungeon #144 (Savage Tide VI, Bargle the Infamous)
- Dungeon #145 (Savage Tide VII)
- Dungeon #146 (Savage Tide VIII)
- Dungeon #147 (Savage Tide IX)
- Dungeon #148 (Savage Tide X)
- Dungeon #149 (Savage Tide XI)
- Dungeon #150 (Savage Tide XII, Kill Bargle)
- Savage Tide Player's Guide
Zeitgeist Games
- Dave Arneson's Blackmoor D20 (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- The Redwood Scar (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- The Wizard's Cabal (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- The Dungeons of Castle Blackmoor (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- Dave Arneson's Blackmoor D&D 3.5 Softcover
- Player's Guide to Blackmoor (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- Temple of the Frog (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- Clock and Steam (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- Riders of Hak (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- City of the Gods (D&D 3.5 Edition)
- Blackmoor: First Campaign (D&D 4E)
- More Blackmoor products listed here.
Green Ronin
- Focus on Freeport #15: Describes Countess d'Ambreville (related to the Glantri family? Chris Pramas admits to having played X2).
- Denizens of Freeport: Describes Alfhild the Northwoman Raider, a character who may very well be the fiance of Ragnar of Soderfjord.
- Buccaneers of Freeport: Further details on Alfhild and Ragnar.
Kenzer & Company
- Hackmaster: B1 In Search of the Unknown
- Hackmaster: B2 Little Keep on the Borderlands - Details a version of the Keep on the Borderlands
- Hackmaster: Gawds & Demi-Gawds -Features a parody version of Rad and other Immortals.
OSR (Various Publishers)
- LLA006: Shrine of St Aleena (Small Niche Games) - Unclear how much this has to do with Mystara's Aleena.
- XS1 Luln (Self-Published) - This adventure ignores most of the further development of this location from Gaz1 and beyond.
- XS2 Wards of Wereskalot (Self-Published, by RC Pinell) - This adventure ignores most of the further development of this location from Gaz8 and beyond.
- Guido's Fort Supplement (Self-Published, by RC Pinell) - Expansion to Terror on the Hill
- Legacy of the Forbidden City (Pacesetter Games) sequel to B1.
- Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands (Raging Swan Press) - For Pathfinder RPG.
- The Fane of St Toad (Free Download) by Michael Curtis, appropriate for use with Blackmoor.
- CRKB3 A Secret Respite - Mini Module, by Scott Taylor - This module might not be connected to Mystara, but several Mystara/Classic D&D Characters seem to appear on the cover.
An earlier version of this article appears at http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1141110
See also the list of Mystara Characters in Non-Mystara Books.
See also AD&D Mystara Product List
See also: Isle of Dread Across editions