Beavers, Giant Beavers and Mugumba Mud Dwellers in Mystara
by RobinFollowing the discussion and the Real World Spreading of Beavers according Wikipedia
Here a map where =on Mystara Beavers, Giant Beavers, and Mugumba do exist, and as per Canon and fanon
I tried to follow the discussion, including all its given locations, added the Wikipedia Beaver spreading map, implemented some extra spreading, and placed these on the Mystara map
Mugamba spawned on the Thanagioth Archipelago, and several migrated north along the coast, and spread in thre general directions due being hunted by the Huleans
Harluin in the Seven Duchies of central Brun is a city/capital created by the Mugamba together with local Lupins , Rakasta and Humans(most Hulean Refugees)
The Westward migration was done by the local Mugamba's due conflicts with the people of Moorkroft, (CM7 Tree of Life), they arrived on the Skothar east coast in two vast fleet of vessels attached to eachother by ropes and bridges
The latest migration was done by a mage who ordered these interesting specimens to be captured and experimented upon, yet the one who had to do this his conscience got in the way and he/she released these in Redstone where they rapidly adapted and propagated, and altered the region
All locations given have large water resources, lakes, swamps, and forests.I hope this helps
I can alter this map if requiredPs
Keep in mind Mugumbas live in small family groups, even if they gain the sentience level to group together more similar like the Humans/dwarves do, they will prefer family styled settlements. This map gives only the locations where they can be found. The only city they have is created by humans, Rakasta, Lupin and Mugumbas alike, and Mugumbas never neighbour to another Mugumba family if they left the family on adulthood. That said, they will visit parents regularly if wandered away and created their own family. If one of the spouses falls away the family disintegrates in adults, young adults and mothers with teenager or younger young. They will regroup over time in new families, mothers when the last child has left.