Mystaran Magic Cards
by James MishlerHere's the rest of the list of stuff... never got too far with these, I was still tweaking the Karameikos stuff when I stopped...
Ylari Nomads
Ylari Dervish
Ylari Faris
Makistani Sorcerer
Magian Fire Worshippers
Kin Assassin
Lesser Efreet
Greater Efreet
Noble Efreet (LC)
Blue Dragon
Barimoor (LC)
The Sparkling Spear (A) +4 vs Efreet, See Invisible
Seal Ring of al-Kalim (A)
Curse of the Mummy (E Artifact)
Desert (L)
The Dead Place (LL)Glantri
Glantrian Wizard
Glantrian War Wizard
Boldavian Vampire
Skeletal Legions
Gold Dragon
Canine Protection Society
Sire Malachie du Marais (LC)
Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany (LC)
Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels (LC)
Prince Brannart McGregor (LC)
Globe of the Radiance (A)
Control Destiny (S)
Gnomish Warbeast (AC)
Flamenco Curse (E Creature)
Alchemical Laboratory (L)
Dracology (E Creature)
Elemental Conjuration (E)
Dreamlands (LL)
Necromantic Potency (E)
Truename (S)
Witchcraft (S)Ierendi
Ierendian Pirate
Ierendian Merchantman
Ierendian Warship
White Island Ape
White Island Priest
Sea Dragon
Dragon Turtle
Gnomish Engine (AC)
Honor Island (LL)Alfheim
Alfheim Elves
Chossum Merchant
Red Arrow Warrior
Long Runner Wizard
Erendyl Artisan
Mealidil Bard
Grunalf Woodsman
Feadiel Treekeeper
Elven Horse
Elven Longsword (A)
Elven Bow (A)
Elven Cloak (A)
Elven Boots (A)
Urgham the Quiet (LC)
Doriath Erendyl (LC)
Tree of Life (A)
Woodmastery (S)
Thornbush (LL)
Dragontree (LL)
Stalkbrow (LL)
Dreamland (LL)
Turnclaw (LL)
Ironbark (LL)Rockhome
Rockhome Dwarves
Buhrodar Priest
Everast Administrator
Hurwarf Miner
Skarrad Technologist
Syrklist Merchant
Torkrest Soldier
Wyrwarf Farmer
Everast XV (LC)
Denwarf the Dwarf-King (LC)
Clanforge (A)
Battlecry (Ins)
Mount Everast (LL)
Dengar (LL)
Jhyrrad (LL)
Karrak (LL)Northlands
Norse Warriors
Ostlander Gotar
Soderfjord Berserker
Vestlander Magician
Norse Dwarf
Modrigswerg Sorcerer
Great Troll
Bog Doomed
King Hord Dark-Eye (LC)
Asgrim the Bowed (LC)
Psa'gh (LC)
Micro-Golems (AC)
The Suit of Silver (A)
Witch-Queen of Hel (LC)
Runestone (E)
Runic Wisdom (S)
Trollheim (LL)
The Great Marsh (LL)
Falun Caverns (LL)Five Shires
Hin Hero
Hin Storyteller
Hin Sheriff
Hin Master
Shire Fang
Hin Pirates
Hin Keeper
Faerie Dragon
Loberlinn Mulgor (LC)
Crucible of Blackflame (A)
Shire Pipeweed (A)
Denial (Int)Minrothad
Minrothian Guildsmen
Guild Elsan Shipmaker
Guild Verdier Woodcrafter
Guild Hammer Smith
Guild Quickhand Craftsman
Guild Corser Merchant
Minrothian Mercenary Marines
Minrothian Privateers
Blue Eel Agent
Merchant-Prince of Minrothad
Guildmaster Regent
Pearl of Power (A)
The Carven Oak (A)
Sea Squall (S)
Lycanthropy (E Creature)
Shipyard of MinrothadBroken Lands
Tharian Legionnaire
Tharian Horde
Tharian Whelps
Tharian War Machine (AC)
Bad Juju (S)Darokin
Daro Merchant
Daro Duellist
Daro Moneylender
Itheldown Wand (A)
Fair Trade (Int)Ethengar
Ethengarian Hakomon
Ethengarian Royal Guard
Ethengarian Horse
Battle Standard of the Great Khan (A)
Spirit Guide (E)Shadow Elves
Shadow Elf Spy
Shadow Elf Shaman
Shadow Elf Skinwing Rider
Shadow Elf Soulstone (A)Atruaghin
Atruaghin Brave
Atruaghin Shaman
Atruaghin Spirit Warrior
Medicine Pouch (A)Thyatis
Thyatian Senator
Kerendan Cavalier
Hattian Hound of Ares
Retebian Skyknight
Vyalian Forester
Crown of the Emperors (A)Alphatia
Alphatian Wizard
Alphatian Guildmage
Shraek Necromancer
Aquan Seamage
Thothian Mystic
Alphatian Skyship (AC)Heldannic Territories
Heldannic Knight
Heldannic Warrior Priest
Heldannic Knightrix of Vanya
Heldannic Warbird (AC)Wendar
Wendarian Elfmage
Bensarian Hermit
Wendarian Forest Runner
Elfstone of Gylharen (A)Sind
Sindhi War Elephant
Sindhi Himaya Warrior
Sindhi Rishiya Priest
Jaibuli Jadugerya Wizard
Sun Spear of Ayazi (A)
Katar of Kala (A)
Iron Warbeast (AC)Thanegioth Archipelago
Thanegian Tribesmen
Thanegian Tyrannosaurus Rex
Thanegian Orcs
Black Pearl of the Kopru (A)
Light Spear of the Ancients (A)