Mystara Miniatures
by HåvardSee also: Mystara Characters in Non-Mystara Books, AD&D Mystara Product List, 3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List, LJN Character Product List, DragonStrike Product List, Isle of Dread Across editions, Mystara Video Games, Mystara Novels & Video Games Timeline, Endless Quest Novels and Mystara, Mystara Miniatures
Official Mystara Miniatures
None of these miniatures have the Mystara logo on their packaging, but are the closest thing we have to official Mystara miniatures through implication.
CITADEL (1985-1987)
- BDD1 Dungeon Adventurers - Cleric with cross, Cleric with ankh, Armoured Fighter, Unarmoured Fighter, Wizard, Thief, Elf w. Sword, Elf w. Wand, Dwarf, Treasure Chest
- BDD2 Dungeon Monsters - Fire Beetle (I), Fire Beetle (II), Giant Rat (I), Giant Rat (II), Stirge, Giant Toad, Kobold, Skeleton, Orc, Gnoll, Bugbear
- BDD10 Red Dragon
- BDD11 Green Dragon
By Ral Partha:
- 10-509 The New Dungeon! (1979) The Wizard, The Paladin, The Dwarf, The Cleric, The Halfling,, The Ranger, The Gnome Illusionist, The , Warrior, The Thief, The Elf, Bases (x10): Note: most of these miniatures previously appeared in other sets by Ral Partha and were reused for the 1992 version of The Dungeon! as well as the 1992 Dragon Quest Board Game.
- 02-078 Goblin War Machine - recanonized in Gaz10
- 10-510 Heroes of Dungeons & Dragons boxed Set (the actual miniatures) - Halfling Rogue, Enchantress, Female Fighter, Cleric, Human Thief(Female), Rakasta(!), Human Mage (Male), Elf Fighter and Dwarf Fighter.
- * 10-511 Dungeons & Dragons Monsters (The actual miniatures)
- Classic Dungeon (1992) The Mysterious Magic User, The Noble Paladin, The Hearty Dwarf, The Mighty Warrior, The Elusive Thief, The Quick Elf : Note: most of these miniatures previously appeared in other sets by Ral Partha and were reused for the 1992 version of The Dungeon! as well as the 1992 Dragon Quest Board Game.
- Dragon Quest Board Game (1992) 6 miniatures
- Dragon Quest Metal Miniatures - 6 miniatures
- 1105 First Quest Miniatures -
Elf Fighter/Wizard (Silverleaf Halfmoon), Fighter (Beldar the Brave), Thief (Slinker), Cleric (Lordan the Pure), Dwarf (Delvar Ironfist), Wizard (Morganth the Mysterious)- 10-516 First Quest Paint Kit -Fighter with Sword and Shield, Wizard with staff, Wizard with Wand, Fighter with sword
- 10-513 DragonStrike miniatures - Wizard, Dwarf, Warrior, Female Thief, Teraptus, Evil Wizard, Male Thief, Elf, Darkfyre the Dragon
- The Great Red Dragon (or as I like to call it, the Great Red Dragon of Mystara)
By Lance & Laser:
Lance & Laser produces official miniatures for the current D20 Blackmoor line.WIZKIDS
- Warduke Miniature, Wardrums Set (2006)*
- Feywild: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Miniatures, Heroes Pack - Valor's Call (Wizkids, 2021) : Strongheart, Ringlerun, Elkhorn, Moliiver, Mercion*
- Feywild: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Miniatures, Villains Pack - League of Malevolence (Wizkids, 2021) : Warduke, Zarak, Kelek, Zargash, Skylla, Zargash*
*For more on the Shady Dragon Inn, Ghyr, League of Malevolence, Valor's Call miniatures, see the LJN Character Product List.
Official Mystara 2D Cardboard Figures
While not miniatures per se, the Character, Monster and Treasure assortments were cardboard figures that could be used instead of miniatures, back in the early days:
Character & Monster Assortments (TSR):
- 9011 Monster & Treasure Assortment Set 1 Levels 1-3
- 9012 Monster & Treasure Assortment Set 2 Levels 4-6
- 9015 Monster & Treasure Assortment Set 3 Levels 7-9
- 9047 Monster & Treasure Assortment Sets 1-3
- 9363 Character & Monster Assortment
Iconic Mystara heroes and monsters that ought to have had their own miniatures produced for them include:Monsters/Races:
Brain Collector
Nosferatu Vampire
Mystaran Drakes
Colossal Dragon, AmberHeroes/Villians
Aleena (Cleric)
Bargle (Magic-User)
Baron Ludvig von Hendriks (Fighter)
The Master (Cleric)
Duke Stefan Karameikos, mounted (Fighter)
Etienne d'Abreville (Magic-User)
Prince Haldemar of Haaken (Magic-User)
Joshuan Galidox (Halfling Sage)
Prince Brannard McGregor (Lich Magic-User)
Prince Morphail (Nosferatu Noble)