The Mystaran Year
Mystaran Calendar
Most Mystaran calendars consist of twelve months of 28 days each. These months are divided into 4 weeks of 7 days. Each day of the week has a name, but the weeks themselves do not.
1 NM
8 FQ
15 FM
22 LQ
NM = New Moon, FQ = First Quarter, FM = Full Moon, LQ = Last Quarter.
Most nations have adopted the Thyatian calendar, which is dated from the crowning of their first emperor, Zendrolion Tatriokanitas. It is currently the year After Crowning 1016 (AC 1016).
The name of the months and days depends on the nation. A few examples for the months follow
Five Shires
late winter
Hiskmai Morlin
early spring
middle spring
late spring
early summer
late summer
early fall
middle fall
late fall
early winter
*: marks the first day of the year.
Mystaran Horoscope
This year, dear almanac readers, we have a special treat for you. We have managed to convince Madame Feliona of Nouvelle Averoigne to explain how the position of the starts, moons and planets affect our every day lives. Madame Feliona is the most respected seer and fortune teller of the nation of Glantri, and her predictions to date have been found to be over 95% accurate. So, dear readers, we hope you enjoy what she has to say.
"First of all, it's all wrong! All the horoscopes given in the previous versions of these almanacs are phonies written to please the credulous and to make a quick ducat for the writer.
Well, the predictions were, at least. First of all, lets us view the basics of determining your totem sign. There are twelve totem constellations found circling our planet, and these provide the power to shape your destiny, if you let them. They form an almost perfect circle around our sun, in the order of Manticore, Hydra, Centaur, Basilisk, Chimera, Gorgon, Griffon, Dragon, Salamander, Pegasus, Warrior and Giant. Legends claim that each constellation appeared when the first of that given race died and was rewarded with an eternal resting place by the Immortals that watch over them. The Dragon constellation is therefore the soul of the Great Old One-patron Immortal of the Dragons-'s favoured follower, just like the Centaur houses the soul of Ixion's favoured centaur worshipper. Those with the proper powers and magic can communicate with these souls, and from them, divine the future of those they watch over.
The Warrior is a human spirit, and was renamed the Warrior when Vanya, mistress of War and Conquest, took over the responsibilities of maintaining the constellation and placed Her favoured warrior soul into it. Ancient texts even indicate that the constellation changed shapes when that happened, from a normal human to a man bearing a sword and shield. This indicates that the Immortals take turns controlling the constellations and reshape them to Their own favoured forms. It appears Vanya was the last one to earn the ownership of a constellation, but how the Immortals determine who gets one next or when to change still remains a mystery. I have been searching for more proof about these changes for quite some time now.
Still, how does this determine your sign, you ask. When you are born, your sign is determine by whichever constellation happens to be located behind the world of Mystara compared to the sun. If you were looking at the infinite cosmos from above, you would be able to trace a straight line from the sun to Mystara and then to your guardian totem. There are many false rumours about how your constellation is chosen, the most common being whichever constellation marks the horizon when you are born, but these are all false. It is most definitely the one in a straight line away from the sun that has been chosen to watch over you. Which one it is changes on a regular cycle that perfectly matches the months of the year. You can therefore determine your star totem simply by knowing in which month you were born.
Date of Birth
Star Sign
Cunning, ardent, brave.
Shrewd, self-centred, resourceful.
Vigorous, strong, generous.
Robust, passionate, domineering.
Confident, charismatic, possessive.
Reserved, private, studious.
Warm, practical, steadfast.
Ambitious, cold, independent.
Calm, practical, miserly.
Enterprising, flighty, imaginative.
Astute, efficient, courageous.
Selfish, strong, stubborn.
You will notice that certain traits are assigned to each star sign. Most people born under a sign will inherit these traits, traits that match the soul found within the constellation. However, these traits will also be influenced by your ascendancy and influence, allowing a large variety of personalities. Your ascendancy and influence play no role in determining your destiny, however; that is controlled solely by your star sign.
Proud, authoritarian, predictable.
Leans toward Lawful alignment.
Earthy, steady, rational.
Leans toward Neutral alignment.
Creative, mercurial, unpredictable.
Leans toward Chaotic alignment.
Philosophical, versatile, tempestuous.
No particular alignment tendency.
Time of Day
Sun is up
Winds of Law
Fortifies lawful temperaments, sways neutral dispositions toward good, curbs chaotic personalities.
Moon is up
Winds of Chaos
Undermines lawful tendencies, sways neutral dispositions toward chaos, intensifies chaotic behaviour.
Both are up
Winds of Wisdom
Tempers all dispositions with prudence, caution, and common sense.
Neither are up
Bodes either great luck or great hardship for the child.
Now, how do the star signs determine your destiny? That is a secret of the Immortals. But we can read the signs they show us and help determine what fate they have in store for you.
First of all, all the stars of a star constellation are the brightest white, whiter than any of the other stars in the heavens above. All except for one in each constellation, that is. These 12 stars (one per constellation) are red. When you look up into the sky at night, you can usually see four to eight small little pinpricks of red; those are the stars I am talking about. They are the eyes of the constellations, from which they can see and guide your destiny.
These eyes, however, move about throughout the sky and are never found in the same place twice, at least, not in any human lifetime. Legends claim that they are large glowing red cities that fly throughout the heavens. A more imaginative story I have read claimed that they are large cities that roll upon a large wall of black crystal that encircles our entire universe like a shell or sphere. Who inhabits these cities is unknown, but legends claim that it is the former souls that were once inside the constellations. No one soul can ever be the favoured of an Immortal, so the soul within the constellations is constantly changing, and previous souls move on to the city so they can continue to watch over their favoured mortals still living on Mystara. It is said that in each city lies a portal to the realm of their Immortal, so that when a given soul is finished observing the realm of the living and ready to move on, he or she (or it) may then enter the realm of its Immortal. Some brave adventurers I have known decided to try and use those portals to visit the realms of the Immortals-I have not heard from them since they left over five years ago.
Anyway, the eyes move about in a circle around our sun and world. As they move, they cross into the area of the other constellations, and since they represent different Immortals and attitudes, a conflict usually occurs.
The eye of a given star sign is called the star, so the eye of the Centaur Constellation is known as the Centaur Star, while the eye of the Hydra Constellation is called the Hydra Star. The constellations themselves are known as houses. Where the constellation of the Manticore is located is called the House of the Manticore, for example.
Now, the horoscope is read by both determining in which house your star is and what other stars are located within your house. Some stars get along, but most don't. When your star is located in a rival house, that house blocks its view and control of your destiny. This will create periods of bad luck and ill omens for those who are guarded by that star. Likewise, when an enemy star is within your house, it also influences you in a negative way, but not as much as the house is always more powerful than the stars; however, the more stars in the house, the more influence they can achieve (yes, it is possible to have multiple stars in your house at once). If your star is in a friendly house, it can continue to control you without interference. If a friendly star is within your house, it can also grant you a few more benefits, but again not as much as your own star. When your own star is located within its house, then you are the luckiest person around.
As for which constellations are friendly and which are enemies, that all depends on the souls within them and can vary over time. Later I will describe how they are currently aligned.
The readings are taken on the last day of the year, Kaldmont 28, and this will give an overall outcome of the following year.
Note that each star moves at a different speed, and crosses a different number of constellations in a given year. Some stars only takes 3 years to go all the way around and arrive back at their own house again. For others, it takes 12 years. However, every 12 years, all stars are found in their respective houses. At this point in time, all forces cancel each other out and it is the time when mankind makes its own fate (or, some say, that powers beyond the Immortals decide our fate). Sometime nothing happens, sometime major events happen. The last such conjunction was in AC 1009, when the Great War ended, Alphatia sunk beneath the sea, the week without magic occurred, and the Day of Dread got its yearly start. Yet in AC 997, no such cataclysmic even occurred (at least none that we are aware of). I just can't wait to see what will happen in AC 1021.
Rumours state that when a new Immortal takes control of a constellation, the speed of its star will change to match the whims of the new Immortal.
Manticore Star: The Manticore Star traverses 5 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Manticore, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Gorgon, Warrior, Basilisk, Salamander, Hydra, Griffon, Giant, Chimera, Pegasus, Centaur, Dragon, and finally Manticore again after 12 years. The Manticore is currently friendly with the Warrior and Griffon, and enemies with the Pegasus and Gorgon.
Hydra Star: The Hydra Star traverses 11 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Hydra, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Manticore, Giant, Warrior, Pegasus, Salamander, Dragon, Griffon, Gorgon, Chimera, Basilisk, Centaur, and finally Hydra again after 12 years. The Hydra is currently friendly with the Gorgon and Chimera, and enemies with Dragon and Centaur.
Centaur Star: The Centaur Star traverses 9 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Centaur, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Giant, Salamander, Gorgon, and finally Centaur again after 4 years. The Centaur is currently friendly with the Pegasus and Griffon, and enemies with Hydra and Giant.
Basilisk Star: The Basilisk Star traverses 3 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Basilisk, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Griffon, Pegasus, Manticore, and finally Basilisk again after 4 years. The Basilisk is currently friendly with the Giant and Chimera, and enemies with Pegasus and Centaur.
Chimera Star: The Chimera Star traverses 2 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Chimera, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Griffon, Salamander, Warrior, Manticore, Centaur, and finally Hydra again after 6 years. The Chimera is currently friendly with the Hydra and Basilisk, and enemies with Salamander and Dragon.
Gorgon Star: The Gorgon Star traverses 3 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Gorgon, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Salamander, Giant, Centaur, and finally Gorgon again after 4 years. The Gorgon is currently friendly with the Hydra and Salamander, and enemies with Manticore and Centaur.
Griffon Star: The Griffon Star traverses 7 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Griffon, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Hydra, Salamander, Basilisk, Warrior, Gorgon, Manticore, Dragon, Centaur, Pegasus, Chimera, Giant, and finally Griffon again after 12 years. The Griffon is currently friendly with the Manticore and Centaur, and enemies with Giant and Warrior.
Dragon Star: The Dragon Star traverses 6 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Dragon, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Hydra and then Dragon again after only 2 years. The Dragon is currently friendly with the Warrior and Salamander, and enemies with Hydra and Chimera.
Salamander Star: The Salamander Star traverses 1 house every year. Starting at the House of the Salamander, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Pegasus, Warrior, Giant, Manticore, Hydra, Centaur, Basilisk, Chimera, Gorgon, Griffon, Dragon and finally Salamander again after 12 years. The Salamander is currently friendly with the Gorgon and Dragon, and enemies with Chimera and Warrior.
Pegasus Star: The Pegasus Star traverses 5 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Pegasus, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Centaur, Dragon, Manticore, Gorgon, Warrior, Basilisk, Salamander, Hydra, Griffon, Giant, Chimera, and finally Pegasus again after 12 years. The Pegasus is currently friendly with the Centaur, and enemies with Manticore and Basilisk.
Warrior Star: The Warrior Star traverses 7 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Warrior, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Gorgon, Manticore, Dragon, Centaur, Pegasus, Chimera, Giant, Griffon, Hydra, Salamander, Basilisk, and finally Warrior again after 12 years. The Warrior is currently friendly with the Manticore and Dragon, and enemies with Griffon and Salamander.
Giant Star: The Giant Star traverses 8 houses every year. Starting at the House of the Giant, it will be located in the following houses every year afterwards: Dragon, Basilisk and finally Giant again after 3 years. The Giant is currently friendly with the Basilisk, and enemies with Centaur and Griffon.
Of course, all this is but a quick explanation. Other cosmic events, such as the position of Matera, will play a great role in any given year. Which stars the moon eclipses or which houses it hides causes the small variations between days or even seasons that will not follow the yearly predictions. To fully understand all these small nuances would take years of study and cannot possibly be explained within a few pages in the almanac.
Horoscope for AC 1016
Now that we have all the explanations before us, lets us look at what the future holds for AC 1016.
Manticore: The Manticore Star is located in the House of the Giant, while the Basilisk Star is located in your own house. Neither are friends or enemies, so the Manticore can do as it pleases. It's time to create new opportunities for yourself. Your energy level will be high, so expect life to be upbeat, exciting, and full of adventure. This year also presents a turning point, and many new directions and goals should be pursued.
Hydra: The Hydra Star is located in the House of the Griffon, which is fine. Unfortunately, the Dragon Star is currently in the House of the Hydra, which can cause a bit of trouble. People will not be giving you what you want, so you will have to use your resourcefulness to go and get it. If you focus on what you want to bring into your life, many positive rewards will be yours.
Centaur: The Centaur Star is located in the neutral House of the Gorgon and the Gorgon Star is located in your own. This is one of those years that you could find yourself being pushed and pulled in different directions. Try to keep your focus and not get overly distracted with your social life. Your high cycle is just beginning and many opportunities could come about in many unexpected ways. Any past pressures will now be released-so expect all the answers to come rolling in.
Basilisk: With your Star in the House of the Manticore and the Salamander Star in your own house marks things as relatively neutral. You shouldn't expect miracles or the world to fall at your feet just because you aren't feeling loved. Being overly sensitive, it's best if you try to thicken your skin and do not take anything personally over the next year or two. Your professional life offers much challenge, so make sure you brush up on all your skills. This is not a year to leave anything to chance, especially if it involves a financial or career decision.
Chimera: The Chimera Star is currently in the House of the Griffon. Luckily, no stars are located in the House of the Chimera this year, allowing better fortunes to shine your way. The growth cycle that you've been experiencing over the past few months will continue as you keep planning for your future and achieving your goals one step at a time. You're ready to blaze new trails and create new directions for yourself with much more confidence and self-esteem. Be assertive and let everyone know what is yours and what you intend to achieve.
Gorgon: The Centaur Star is located in the House of the Gorgon while your Gorgon Star is located in the House of the Centaur. This makes it one of those years in which you could find yourself being pushed and pulled in different directions. Try to keep your focus and not get overly distracted by your studies. Still, you will finally make that great find you have been looking for the past few years.
Griffon: The Griffon Star is located in the House of the Dragon, which is in itself not so bad. However, two stars are visiting your house this year, notably the Hydra and Chimera. This will distract your star sign, leaving you to more or less fend for yourself. Stability and balance are what you should be seeking, otherwise you might suddenly take on more than you can handle.
Dragon: The Dragon Star is currently at the other end, sitting in the House of the Hydra. This is splitting up your cosmic energy tremendously. Also, two visitors, notably the Griffon Star and the Giant Star in the House of the Dragon will keep you rather preoccupied. This means that you should look both ways before getting yourself into trouble this year. You may find yourself rubbing others the wrong way-when you least expect it. This is a good time to make use of that Dragon independence and avoid unnecessary social interactions.
Salamander: The Pegasus Star is currently hiding within the House of the Salamander, while the Salamander Star is off in the House of the Basilisk. Neither of them are your enemies, but neither of them are your friends either, giving you no benefits or problems. You'll be making a lot of decisions this year, and that Salamander practicality will come in real handy. Once you finally make up your mind and take a stand, the road will be cleared and you'll be able to achieve the best for yourself, both personally and professionally.
Pegasus: The Pegasus Star is currently in the House of the Salamander, which gives no benefits or ill fortunes. Luckily, no visitors are found in the House of the Pegasus, allowing more beneficial energy to pour down upon you. Anything you initiate this year will be accomplished with a minimal amount of difficulty and effort. Romantically, if you're interested in playing the field, the summer will bring you lots of fun and games.
Warrior: The Warrior Star can be found in the House of the Giant, who although not an enemy, is still rather confrontational. You will be presented with roadblocks that may require certain adjustments on your part, and any unresolved issues should be finalised at this time. Still, overall you will have a good year, and perhaps even find the love of your life.
Giant: The Giant Star is currently poking around in the House of the Dragon. Meanwhile, the Warrior and Manticore Star are inhabiting the House of the Giant. This will cause minor troubles, but nothing that Giant strength can't handle. Be bold-but not rash-when faced with risky propositions and financial ventures.