The Mystaran Year
Most Mystaran calendars consist of twelve months of 28 days each. These months are divided into 4 weeks of 7 days. Each day of the week has a name, but the weeks themselves do not.
Month (example: Nuwmont)
Days Date Lunadain 1 NM 8 FQ 15 FM 22 LQ Gromdain 2 9 16 23 Tserdain 3 10 17 24 Moldain 4 11 18 25 Nytdain 5 12 19 26 Loshdain 6 13 20 27 Soladain 7 14 21 28 NM = New Moon; FQ = First Quarter; FM = Full Moon; LQ = Last Quarter
Most nations have adopted the Thyatian calendar which is dated from the crowning of their first Emperor, Zendrolion I Tatriokanitas. It is currently the year After Crowning 1015.
The name of the months and days depends on the nation. A few examples for the months follow:
Months of the Year
nation: Thyatis Five Shires Ethengar Rockhome SEASON midwinter Nuwmont* Clabbas* Amai Wharlin late winter Vatermont Vuuldiir Hiskmai Morlin early spring Thaumont Maehin Yalmai Hralin* middle spring Flaurmont Odelin Haimai Hwyrlin late spring Yarthmont Gondulrim Kevamai Styrlin early summer Klarmont Mithintle Seimai Bahrlin midsummer Felmont Goldaun Lingmai Buhrlin late summer Fyrmont Fyrtal Tringmai Klintlin early fall Ambyrmont Aumbyr Demai Birrlin middle fall Sviftmont Ssantiir Chagai* Biflin late fall Eirmont Tembiit Rinpoch Jhyrlin early winter Kaldmont Dauntil Komai Kuldlin *: marks the first day of the year.