As WingofCoot is doing conversion of Radiance for 5e, it means that I will have something to give one of players in my campaign, who may join the Brotherood. I thought I should do similiar conversion for Secret Craft of Necromancy, which other party member will soon join. So here it goes:
Secret Craft of Necromancy in 5e
by Not a DecepticonThese are avialable for characters with subclass features connecting them with death or necromancy like School of Necromancy Wizard, Shadow Soul Sorcerer, Undead or Undying Patron Warlock or College or Spirits Bard, who have gained rank of Noble in Principalities of Glantri and were introduced to Secret Craft of Necromancy and have created a Necromancy Book. Wizard's Spellbook or Pact of the Tome Warlock's book serve as their Necromancy Books.
Note: Minimum character level refers to minimum level advised for the feature. Attempting to gain a feature before reaching it doubles research time and cost as well as DC of all Arcana Checks necessary to use it.
Protection from Undead
Minimum character level: 5th
Research Time: 14 days
Cost: 1000 gp
Effect: As a bonus action you can make DC 10 Arcana Check, if you succeed you are considered under the effects of Sanctuary towards undead of challenge lewer equal or lower than your character level. If you roll Nat 1 on the check, you treat undead of challenge rating higher than your level as under effects of Sanctury for the duration. You can use this ability number of times equal your proficiency bonus and you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.Control Undead
Minimum Character Level: 7th
Research Time: 28 days
Cost: 2000 gp
Effect: As an action you can make a DC 15 Arcana check to exert your control over any and all undead that you can see and that can see you. On a success, each undead that can see you must make Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma Saving Throw, choosing their best save, against your Spell Save DC or fall under your control. Undead with Intelligence score above 8 have advantage on the saving throw and Liches are immunne to this ability.You can use this to control a number of undead of combined Challenge Rating not exceeding your character level. If the ability would affect group of undead whose CR exceeds your character level, you have to choose whenever it affects single undead with highest CR, or affects them as a group, starting from creatures with lowest CR and going up. If affected undead controls other undead (eg. Vampire controlling Vampire Spawns), you gain control over them as well and they do not count to your total number of undead you can control.
The undead remain under your control until the next full moon, at which point they are released and you cannot control them again this way until the next dawn. Undead with Intelligence score 8 or higher get to repeat the saving throw at each sunset.
The undead controlled this way act after you in initiative order, you can issue them a command on your turn as a group or an individual. They carry an order to fruition, their destruction or until you give them new order. If no order was given, they take Dodge action.
On a roll of 1 on the check, you are under effects of Dominate Person as cast by the targetted undead with highest number of hit die, until it or any of their allies attacks you or your allies. If no undead targetted by this ability has Intelligence Score of 8 or more, you fall unconcious for 1d8 hours insead.
You can use this ability twice and then cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Create Undead
Minimum Character Level: 10th
Research TIme: 42 days + individual research
Cost: 3000 gp
Effect: You can research creation of an undead creature of Challenge Rating equal or lower than one third of your character level, as when using rules for spell research, treating the spell level as equal half of the undead's hit dice, and writing it in your Necromancy Book. You cannot research creation of a lich this way.You can then perform a ritual turning a corpse in any undead, whose creation you have researched. The corpse must fit the type of undead you are making (Ogre Zombie requires Ogre corpse, Frost Giant Skeleton a Frost Giant, etc.). Incorpoteral undead require only part of a body, but you can still only get one undead from corpse of a single creature. The ritual takes 1d6 hours per unique trait of the undead, minus your profficiency modifer, or 1d6 rounds if that number would be zero or lower. The ritual requires DC 20 Arcana check, on a success it creates a number of desired undead, whose combined Challenge Rating does not exceed your character level.
The undead created this way remain under your control with no need to use control undead or similair abilities. They act after you in initiative order, you can issue them a command on your turn as a group or an individual. They carry an order to fruition, their destruction or until you give them new order. If no order was given, they take Dodge action.
On a roll of 1 on the check, you take 1d6 necrotic damage per a Hit Die of each undead you tried to create and per each of its unique traits. If your hit points would be reduced to 0 this way, you immediatelly die and raise as an undead you tried to create or closest equivalent of your size.
You can use this ability once and then cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Raise Dead
Minimum Character Level: 15th
Research TIme: 56 days
Cost: 4000 gp
Effect: You know Raise Dead spell and it is added to your Necromancy Book, you can cast it as a Wizard spell using 5th level spell slot. Once a week you can cast it without using a spell slot on a succesful DC 25 Arcana check. On a roll of 1 on the check, you lose 1 point of Constitution for each two Hit Dice of creature you tried to raise. If your Constitution would be reduced to zero this way, you turn to ash and cannot be brought back to life or turn into an undead in any way. You regain 1 point of lost Constitution at the end of each long rest.Attain Lichdom
Minimum Character Level: 20th
Research Time: 70 days
Cost: 5000 gp
Effect: Once a month you can perform a ritual to that takes one day per your character level and requires number of components and a DC 30 Arcana check done each day. If at the last day you have more successes than failiures, your become a lich. Your type changes to undead, you gain all traits, immunities, saving throws, skill proficencies and actions of a lich and your ability scores, hit dice and redundant saving throws and skill proficencies are replaced by those of a lich, unless they were already higher.In addition, you no longer suffer consequences of rolling nat 1 on Arcana checks of other features of Secret Craft of Necromancy and they are empowered in following ways:
- You are always considered under effects of Protection from Undead always without the need to roll
Limit of undead you control with Control Undead counts separatelly per each indivdual use.
Undead of Intelligence score above 8 do no't get advantage on the saving throw against your Control Undead ability, while those with Intelligence below 8 fail their saving throw automatically. Only undead of challenge rating 11 or higher and Intelligence score above 8 can repeat the saving throw at each sunset, but no longer get advantage on it. Undead with Intelligence Score bellow 8 aren't released from your control on Full Moon.
You can now research undead of Challenge Rating 14 or lower for Create UndeadIf at the final day you not only have more failiures than successes on Arcana checks, but you also have at least one roll of a 1, your soul is forveit to the Enthropic Immortals and you transform into a Nightwalker, that will destroy your home, land and everything you considered yours before venturing to serve its new masters.
I am welcoming to the criticism, I plan to show the Necromancer player the ones the character qualifies to for next week.