Ne'er-do-well (Kingdom of)
by Hervé MusseauLocation: Alatian Islands, the Sea of Dawn, southeast of the Isle of Dawn.
Capital: Crossroads (population 5,000).
Area: 21,669 sq. mi. (Greater Ne'er-do-well 17,958 sq. mi. and Lesser Ne'er-do-well 3,741 sq. mi.).
Population: 26,000.
Language: Alphatian, Thyatian.
Coinage: Alphatian Standard, Thyatian Standard.
Taxes: There are no taxes on Ne'er-do-well.
Government type: Monarchy. The thieves and black market are the real power here.
Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs.
Important Figures: Koryn the Harpist (King of Ne'er-do-well).
Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Neither Thyatis nor the NACE deem the isles are worth the trouble. Ne'er-do-well remains neutral and friendly with the world.
See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace1314.