by Cab DavidsonMek: Opabinia
AC: -4
HD: 14**
Mv (swimming): 120' (40')
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d8x10 + stunning shock
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Sage as: F36
Treasure Type: Special
Intelligence: Not rateable
Alignment: Lawful (with master) or Chaotic (without)
XP value: 3500(for images see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opabinia )
While the standard (or Hallucigenia) type mek is the standard amphibious model for combat and transport, many others were constructed over the years. The first, and perhaps most common in the early era was the submersible, ocean going opabinia model.
Being upwards of 20' long and around 6' high, with a flattened, streamlined segmented shape, and a 'v' shaped tail, the opabinia mek can either operate independently or as a means of transport for many hallucigenia. A long (10') proboscis with a small but powerful claw extends from the metal body, and can grasp at any creature in an arc in front of the mek. If an attack hits, the target must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be trapped, taking damage from the claw again each round until dead or the mek chooses to release it.
The mek may also activate a strong electric field within 20' of its body, requiring all within range to save versus paralysis each round or be paralysed for 1d3 turns.
Like all meks, the opabinia is immune to all spells except for cold based attacks (which cause no damage but reduce it to half speed) and disintegrate.
Mek: Waptia
AC: -7
HD: 19***
Mv: 90' (30') Swimming: 60' (20')
Attacks: 2 feelers + poison cloud or stunning shock
Damage: 1d6x10/1d6x10 + stunning shock
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Sage as: F36
Treasure Type: Special
Intelligence: Not rateable
Alignment: Lawful (with master) or Chaotic (without)
XP value: 7650(for images see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waptia)
Waptia is a multi-terrain capable machine constructed for a single purpose; to destroy all species other than hallucigenia.Typically 25' long and around 8' high, vaguely shrimp like, metallic creature has two prominent, flexible feelers stretching for 10' in front of its body. Each can attack a separate target. In water, the waptia may use a stunning shock in the same manner as opabinia meks, and on land a poison class attack like a standard (hallucigenia) mek.
Like all meks, the waptia is immune to all spells except for cold based attacks (which cause no damage but reduce it to half speed) and disintegrate.
Mek: Rhyniognatha
AC: -4
HD: 14***
Mv Flying: 180' (60') Crawling: 60' (20')
Attacks: 2 pincers or breath (fire)
Damage: 1d6x10/ 1d6x10 or special
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Sage as: F36
Treasure Type: Special
Intelligence: Not rateable
Alignment: Lawful (with master) or Chaotic (without)
XP value: 3500The first flying model designed by Hallucigenia, being based on the body form of a very primitive may fly, one of the earliest to be common on Mystara. Hallucigenia developed this Mek to first to carry his followers from body of water to another, but as more creatures developed on land flying Meks became an invaluable means for waging war.
Typically 15' long and with a wingspan of 20', with large compound eyes positioned on either side of the head, this mek is difficult to surprise (1 on 1d6). A pair of powerful pincers are found on the front the head, and these can be used twice per round to deliver a terrible crushing bite. Instead, the Mek may up to 6 times per day breath a cone of fire, 30' long and 30' wide at the far end.
Like all meks, the Rhyniognatha is immune to all spells except for cold based attacks (which cause no damage but reduce it to half speed) and disintegrate.
Mek: Haikouichthys
AC: -1
HD: 14***
Mv Swimming: 180'(60')
Attacks: 1 gnaw or stunning shock
Damage: 1d8x10 or special
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Sage as: F36
Treasure Type: Special
Intelligence: Not rateable
Alignment: Lawful (with master) or Chaotic (without)
XP value: 3500(see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haikouichthys )
Burgeoning populations of other species in the sea caused Hallucigenia to inhabit the land and to delve into the deepest ocean trenches; the early vertebrate jawless fish were inspiration for this monstrosity, being in the region of 20' long with a breadth of 7', Haikouichthys was designed specifically to reach the deepest, darkest regions of the ocean where no other animals could go.
The mek may also activate a strong eclectic field within 20' of its body, requiring all within range to save versus paralysis each round or be paralysed for 1d3 turns. It cannot bite as such, but it possesses a sharp, rasping mouth that may be used for a terrible gnawing attack.
Like all meks, the Haikouichthys is immune to all spells except for cold based attacks (which cause no damage but reduce it to half speed) and disintegrate.