Settlements of the New Alphatian Sea (a what-if scenario)
by LoZompatoreWhat if the Immortals did not transplant to the Hollow World the Alphatians who actually survived the sinking of their continent?
This is a totally non-canon scenario, but maybe it could be used as a middle way between those who want to save Alphatia and those who want to see it deleted from the Outer World.
The premise of this setting is simple: as soon as the Immortals realize the true power unleashed by Rad's Doomsday Device (i.e. as soon as Alphatia begins to sink and mortal magic no longer works on Mystara) they send a warning to all their clerics throughout Alphatia, urging them to spread the voice of the impending doom of the continent-island and to flee on higher ground as fast as possible.
The flooding of Alphatia is not instantaneous: thanks to the sheer size of the island the tidal wave from the surrounding seas would require hours to cover the whole land, even in the hypothesis of an instantaneous sinking of the continent (which should itself occur in a few hours, but let's assume it happens in a few seconds after the triggering of the Doomsday device). A realistic estimate of the tsunami speed moving above land would be some 55 miles/hour (from real world data): let's round it to 72 miles/hour - i.e. three 24 mile hexes/hour, just to help in calculations and be conservative.
Under the assumptions above it is possible to draw a map of the time elapsed before flooding for each region of the Alphatian sub-continent:As you see from the picture above, most inland areas have at least 2-3 hours of warning before being flooded (up to 8-9 hours for northern Shyie-Lawr and southern Blackheart). Such a warning could save many lives, especially if there is an available, safe, higher ground within a few miles or if there are handy flying mounts (mortal magic does work so neither flying ships, nor teleporting or flying spells can be used to save people).
By using data from the Imperial Geopolitics Intelligence chart on TM1 supplement I assume an average population density of 2.8 inhabitants for square mile (total population of 5'800'000 living in 2'100'000 square miles). I used half of this value for inhospitable areas (mountains, swamps, etc) and increased this base value by 50% in more civilized lands. Such figures could be very different from a realistic estimate of the metropolitan Alphatia's population (the same TM1 says that figures given in the chart could be increased by a factor of 2 or 3, while the PWAs seem to keep the 5'000'000 people value). To simplify matters I assume that the earthquakes which go with the sinking actually killed all the "exceeding" population, leaving exactly 5'800'000 "salvable" people on the continent. So I have the average densities shown above.
Under these assumptions, every piece of land who survives the flooding would be populated by a native population - estimated with the density figures of above - and by a number of refugees, mostly people living around the safe area who succeed in reaching it before they were washed away by the tsunami.
As a reference I used this map (of mine [mrgreen]) about metropolitan Alphatia.A few extra contributions to the whole refugee's population would come from flying mounts (mostly from Floating Ar, Shyie Lawr and Vertiloch) and by fishing/trading fleets stationed in the three large lakes of metropolitan Alphatia (who likely survived the tsunami as tidal waves become somehow flatter on water due to the increased floor depth), all of them would bring additional survivors.
I do not want to bore you with my calculations to estimate the number of refugees who manage to reach a safe area. In short, I found a grand total of about 840'000 survivors to the sinking of metropolitan Alphatia (including also Floating Ar and Aquas populations); 370'000 of them are stranded in the Kerothar Mountains. About 700'000 people would be original inhabitants of the safe areas, while 140'000 would be true refugees from neighbouring lands (now submerged).
The 24 mile/hex map below shows a likely setting for post-WotI metropolitan Alphatia under the assumptions above:
Here is a short (non-canon) description of mine of every area who survived the flooding, in alphabetical order (I invented/modified some island names just to better identify them). Consider these descriptions set around AC 1015 - after most of the initial chaos is settled and the islands start rebuilding their economies. I tried to be consistent with known pre-WotI information about the former lands the islands belong to. Hope you like the entries.
Aasla Spur Island
Population: 14100 (of which 600 refugees)
Notes: There are a few large villages along the mountain pass that once connected the towns of Lesir and Fifeton - a former major trade route linking the metropolis of Aasla and Sundsvall. A few buildings in the town of Lesir actually survived on safe ground: there is an ongoing attempt to build a harbour there. Another harbour is going to be built on the opposite side of the mountain pass, facing Fifeton Island. Some impoverished refugees and peasants are reverting to banditry in the mountains.Aasla Minor Island
Population: 3000 (of which 250 refugees)
Notes: A former patch of faraway wilderness populated mostly by herders and woodcutters. The few refugees who managed to reach the area came from neighbouring lands and so share the same background of native people. The heavily wooded island might become a source of timber for all neighbouring communities involved in shipbuilding, but the lack of any shipping facility prevents island's economy to burst.Aquas
Population: 70000 (of which 300 refugees) + many undersea intelligent dwellers
Notes: Mostly as PWAs and other canon sources stated. Aquas lost most of its food supplies and logistic support when the large cities of Archport and Ascopal sank into the sea, so the submarine city is now an overcrowded settlement. The city now imports most of the much-needed food supplies from Eadrin (which is much closer than Bellissaria), establishing an increasing political dominance over this island. Aquas' leadership even plans to send part of the city's "excess" population to Eadrin in order to increase agricultural returns. The undersea city also imports wines and fine foods from Arogansa Island, in exchange for tools and useful machineries crafted by dwarves and gnomes. Many tritons, mermen and water elves living on the seafloor surrounding Aquas found their houses destroyed when the Alphatian Trench formes, so groups of them migrated and established new colonies offshore Eadrin and Arogansa Islands.Ar Archipelago
Population: 130000 (of which 8500 refugees)
Notes: Mostly as PWAs and other canon sources stated. Whether the archipelago shown in PWAIII map is the actual shape and size of Ar's floating islands or not, the large number of flying mounts and creatures stationed here managed to save many people from the lands beyond the floating kingdom despite their proximity to the former coastline. In particular, many people from the cities of Ceafem, Reer and Starpoint were saved by a frantic back and forth travelling performed by every kind of flying creature. Nevertheless the floating kingdom lost much of its manpower and food supplies from the sinking of mainland Alphatia. Moreover, almost every available seagoing ship in the Yannyvey Chain has since been used to raid the submerged settlements of Ambur, Ar and northern Foresthome. Their activities very often degenerates into piracy toward any other ship on sight, including food supplies convoys.
A large fleet of fishermen and traders of Crystal Lake managed to survive the flooding. Unluckily they could not receive much help from the floating islands against the raiding Yannivey pirates, so they left the area and faced a dangerous journey to reach Kerothar island. Once there they settled the north eastern coast of the new kingdom of Frisland, establishing the town of New Ceafem.Arogansa Island
Population: 34250 (of which 1400 refugees) + 150 mermen and tritons
Notes: This plateau was renowned for its wine cultivations and fine foods. The largest settlements are placed along the former paved road connecting the now-submerged towns of Telsatus and Limi (on former Greenspur territory). Other large agricultural villages are scattered on the plateau (on former Arogansa territory), acting as trade hubs and warehouses for goods produced in the countryside. The last known zzonga-wu cultivations survived on the plateau as well. Refugees are mostly merchants and travellers stranded on the major road when the flooding surrounded the area: most of them were wealthy enough to buy themselves a position in the new society (many of the native landlords were also wealthy and influential people in pre-WotI Alphatian society). About half of Arogansa's population is made of slaves: as many of them would be required to run the economy at its full potential, so the island's leaders are actually searching for new way to increase the number of servants (piracy would become an option as soon as an harbour and a proper seagoing fleet will be built). The westernmost third of the island (the part belonging to the former kingdom of Greenspur) pledged its loyalty to Eagret. As most of the military trained personnel (road patrols) was stationed along the paved road when the cataclysm hit, this means that actually the Arogansa part of the island is under the heavy influence of the Greenspur side. At present Arogansa acts as a bread basket for Eagret Island and also exports its delicacies to other wealthy places around the New Alphatian Sea (such as Aquas). Not all the native of Arogansa are happy about the current status of their land.
A small colony of mermen and tritons from Aquas was established offshore the eastern coast of the island: they seem to get along well with local population.Bettellyn Island
Population: 4500 (of which 1050 refugees)
Notes: A secluded countryside area before the cataclysm, it was mostly inhabited by small farmers from Bettellyn. Most of the refugees here share the same background of the natives, but a few more urban refugees from Vertiloch managed to reach the island using flying mounts. Villages and hamlets on this land used to be well-administered by capable and efficient people. Nevertheless many newcomers from Vertiloch are relatively powerful mages: wealthier and more charismatic than the appointed rulers, a few of them are actually gathering followers to divest local leaders of their authority. As most farms are family-owned businesses, slaves in Bettellyn Island were always very few (and generally better treated than the average pre-WotI Alphatian slave). The island food surplus is a valuable export asset, but the lack of any major shipping facility prevents its economy to flourish.Eadrin Island
Population: 8600 (of which 350 refugees) + 250 undersea elves and mermen
Notes: A former countryside area, fertile but relatively secluded from the major settlements, it is mostly populated with villas and resorts for retired wealthy people and their families. About a third of its current population is made of slaves employed in agricultural activities. A few small military garrisons in the north were spared, too: they were former reserve army outpost guarding the border with the troublemaking kingdom of Randel. Eadrin send all of its food surplus to Aquas and is in the process of becoming a satellite country of the undersea city. A group of submarine dwellers (mostly water elves and mermen) from Aquas established an offshore colony on the western coast of the island.Eagret Island
Population: 58200 (of which 1600 refugees)
Notes: The city of Eagret was flooded by the tsunami, its seaside quarters and powerful military fleet lost forever, but most of the city actually survived, though badly damaged (current population: 34000). Many villages were spared along its major roads going east. Refugees were able to reach the safe area only from the east, that's why just a small number of them actually managed to settle on the new island. For this reason most of Eagret Island population kept its pre-WotI militaristic attitude (Eagret was a large naval base of metropolitan Alphatia) and at present the island is one of the most capable to defend itself against external aggressions. Some ships were salvaged or reached the city shortly after the cataclysm and now they are part of the fledgling Eagret fleet, while new harbours (and the most important sections of the city) are going to be rebuilt. Eagret imports wine and fine foods from Arogansa Island. Eagret businessmen also plan to re-establish the old raw materials trade route with Ekto and Trikelios and then sell both raw and worked metals to other settlements in need, mostly to the Grey Islands archipelago and Aquas. If they succeed in doing so they would soon become trade competitors of the Stoutfellow kingdom on Kerothar Island.Fifeton Island
Population: 7000 (of which 600 refugees)
Notes: This island was a former countryside patch of farmlands outside the town of Fifeton, placed along the main trade route between the metropolis of Aasla and Sundsvall. The largest villages of the island are placed along the paved road formerly connecting those cities. A few buildings of Fifeton actually survived the cataclysm and now they are going to be turned into a small harbour in order to allow trade with the Aasla Spur islands. About 20% of the island population is made of slaves, mostly involved in agricultural work. Fifeton Island will export its large food surplus (likely to the coastal settlements around Aasla Spur Island) as soon as a harbour will be available.Grey Island, Southern
Population: 3800 (of which 1000 refugees)
Notes: These hilly, vineyard-dotted, islands are inhabited by herdsmen and small farmers. Refugees came from neighbouring hills so the whole population is pretty homogeneous. Being of Randel descent, many of the native inhabitants are mildly aggressive, capable swordsmen. They would fiercely defend themselves from external aggressions, though their numbers are quite few. They are actually involved in supporting a low-intensity conflict ongoing in Northern Grey Island, which they see as a crusade to free the largest island of their archipelago from "Bettellyn scum" (the survivors of the military garrison of the fortress of Bettellyn West). Grey Islands' people mostly export wines and building stones, the latter from a few quarries used as forced labour camps for "war prisoners", while they would gladly import raw metals, weapons, tools and armors.Grey Island, Eastern
Population: 3000 (of which 200 refugees)
Notes: See entry for "Grey Island, Southern" above.Grey Island, Northern
Population: 9150 (of which 1050 refugees) Composition: about 5650 come from former Randel, 3500 from former Bettellyn.
Notes: This island is split in two bitterly opposed factions. The central and southern hills are home to pretty the same people living in the rest of the Grey archipelago (see "Grey Island, Southern" entry) and share the same attitude.
The northern quarter of the island is instead inhabited by survivors from southern Bettellyn, who grouped around Bettellyn West. This settlement is a large, half-crumbled fortress at the former westernmost end of the Bettellyn Line, a set of fortification intended to protect southern Bettellyn against incursions from the kingdom of Randel. Most of Bettellyn refugees are now enlisted into the fortress' military personnel (as most of the native civilian population living north of the former border). Bettellyn West is the only large military facility still available in the whole region, so it came not as a surprise when Randel soldiers from the southern part of the island asked for its surrender to them. Again, it was not surprise when the remnants of the fortress' garrison - better armed, trained and protected - rejected the ultimatum. A small-scale war ensued, involving also the most hot-headed individuals from the other two Grey Islands (which also send supplies to their Randel comrades). While outnumbered, the defenders in and around Bettellyn West are better armed and most of them were either members of the military or of the civilian support personnel. These defenders are trying to improve their fortifications and searching for allies in the rest of the Grey Archipelago (refugees from Sabetta and people from Bettellyn Island would be natural choices) but the lack of ships and of a proper harbour prevent most of their efforts.Grey Mountains Island
Population: 20000 (of which 3800 refugees) + large numbers of monsters
Note: This large mountain chain is inhabited by native and refugees from the former kingdoms of Randel, Bettellyn and Theranderol. The island could have well followed the fate of Northern Grey Island - an internal war among the three factions, likely triggered by Randel-born people. (Un)luckily, the large number of monsters descending from the mountains to sack the beleaguered Alphatian survivors forced all the human communities to ally against the common threat. While monsters' population is increasing faster than the human one, the Alphatians abandoned most of the less tenable settlements on the highlands and relocated all around the coast, frantically building ships and roads to connect all communities together. The highest quarters of the city of Neihiun and the southern suburbs of Sabetta were spared by the cataclysm, and the largest harbours are going to be built there. Military expertise (and weapons, and armors) from Bettellyn West personnel would be extremely useful on the island, so ambassadors from the Grey Mountain Island were sent to Northern Grey island trying to stop the ongoing conflict between Randel and Bettellyn survivors.Haunted Island, Northwestern
Population: 1450 (of which 70 refugees) in 4 villages of 450, 375, 300 and 325 people respectively + 3000 amphibian humanoids
Notes: These islands are the remnants of the vast Haunted Marshes in the kingdom of Haven. The few communities there (just 8 villages in the whole archipelago) are secluded and well-defended settlements, mostly self-sufficient and ruled by clerics. Very few refugees managed to reach these safe areas, and most of them shared the same background as the natives. Nevertheless, large numbers of intelligent amphibian humanoids (of many races, a few of them even spreading from old magical experiments) once living in the swamps managed to find shelter in the waters around the islands. They settled far from human villages, which they still fear and avoid. Undead and monsters of all kind roam the remaining swampy territories and the surrounding offshore area of each island. What is worst, the week without magic actually freed an even larger number of these creatures from their centuries-old prisons, and the Alphatian local leaders are becoming increasingly worried about the survival of their communities. As Aaasla Spur Island is still far from being able to offer any help, the hypothesis of a defensive alliance with the relatively primitive amphibian humanoids is increasingly creeping in.Haunted Island, Southwestern
Population: 700 (of which 20 refugees) in 2 villages of 350 people each + 1600 amphibian humanoids
Notes: See "Haunted Island, Northwestern" entry aboveHaunted Island, Eastern
Population: 750 (of which 50 refugees) in 2 villages of 300 and 450 people + 4000 amphibian humanoids
Notes: See "Haunted Island, Northwestern" entry aboveImperial Island
Population: 24300 (of which 16000 refugees), 20% Shyie elves
Notes: This island was once part of the deserted Imperial Territories, but Eriadna's son Zandor started settling it shortly after the destruction of Sundsvall in AC1009. The area surrounding the safe hills was already surrounded by refugees from Sundsvall and other colonists when it was hit by the cataclysm, so most of these people were able to escape the flooding. Due to the early recovering efforts the island is relatively better prepared to face a frontier-like lifestyle, as many skilled officers, military personnel and "frontier-minded" colonists involved in the rebuilding process were already there when Alphatia sank. Their expertise would be very valued in the other islands, but so far just a few officers travelled to locations outside the island. All settlements in Imperial Island are no older than 6 years, and all basic infrastructures are being built at the same time. So far the island is mostly self-sufficient (although the quality of life here is poor at best) mostly because settlers are consuming their own stocked supplies while trying to build a working economy. The island will for sure become a net importer of tools and finished goods as soon as stocks will be depleted. A small elite of old Alphatian officers and important people dreams of establishing on the island the core of a new federation of the Alphatian survivors (to the point that they appeal their local government "Provisional Imperial Regency of Alphatia Reborn" or PIRAR), although they are very far from any palpable result.Kerothar Island
Population: 370000 (of which 72500 refugees), of which about 210'000 live in Stoutfellow, 100'000 in Frisland, 38'000 in Stonewall, 8000 in mainland Limn, 8000 in mainland Aasla, 5000 in Shyie-Lawr enclaves (mostly elves), 1000 in Blackheart. About Stoutfellow population: 60% dwarves, 20% gnomes, 15% humans, 5% halflings. Most mainland Limn population is made of intelligent monsters.
Notes: This is by far the largest and the most populated island who survived the sinking of Alphatia. It includes almost the whole kingdom of Stoutfellow (which did not suffer any major flooding), the western third of the kingdom of Frisland, about half of the kingdom of Stonewall most of what is left of the kingdom of Limn and Aasla and a few enclaves of Blackheart and Shyie-Lawr. Two large settlements did not suffer from the flooding (altough they were hardly hit by earthquakes): the dwarvish city of Denwarf Hurgon (pop 21'000 including 6000 refugees) in Stoutfellow and the town of Bogotus (pop 4500 including 1500 refugees) in northern Frisland. Both settlements now act as the capitols of their respective kingdoms. Other major towns managed to survive, even if with extensive damages, most notably Warzazath (pop 2000, including 800 refugees), Azafez (pop 1100, including 400 refugees) and Igdor (pop 1000, including 600 refugees). A few buildings or suburbs of Draco, Rusius, Ydroyas and Ubdazi were spared as well, and now these village-size settlements are slowly trying to rebuild a working economy. A string of large (mostly self sufficient) villages stretches along the former mountain pass connecting the sunken cities of Limn and Alfleish. This string somehow separates the more civilized southern half of Stoutfellow from the wilder northern half.
Kobolds, Shyie elves, pegataurs and aranea fleeing from the sinking of the large woods of Shyie-Lawr settled in Stoutfellow's northeastern coast. In particular, the Shyies sought shelter in three secluded wooded valley formerly imside old Shyie-Lawr borders, who owe their loyalty to the royal court in Shyie Island. A large group of aranea estabilished a camp on the tip of a easily defensable peninsula. Aranea were so far largely ignored due to the surrounding chaos: it is not clear what their reactions will be once scouting parties from the largest kingdoms will try to contact them.
Monsters from Limn (both intelligent and animal-like) settled on the western central coasts of Kerothar Island. Pegataurs, weretigers and many monsters from Blackheart settled the eastern coast at the Stoutfellow-Frisland border, while two large wooded peninsulas, formerly part of the kingdom of Blackheart, still contains the towers of a few powerful mages who lived in the area before the cataclysm (and also a lot of roaming monstruosities). Every tower is assumed to be seldf governed: no one so far dared to claim these lands or even crossed the borders of the most creepy mansions, for fear of powerful retaliations. It is even unknown how many towers are actually inhabited.
The eastern coast of Frisland was settled by weretigers (from the prairies near to Bogotus), by monsters and abominations from the Ugly Woods and by a large number of Alphatian fishermen from the Shiell lake, who managed to survive the tidal waves and landed here with their families (they estabilished the settlement of New Shiell). Groups of fishermen are now busy scavenging submerged central Frisland settlements, searching for anything useful or valuable for their fledgling communities.
Food stocks are of some concenrn (the large amount of refugees worsened the issue), but the lowering of the whole mountain chain by a few hundred yards actually enabled new cultivations in previously unsuitable terrains (especially in the southernmost valleys of the mountain chain). What remains of Stonewall and Limn lowlands is very fertile, although undermanned, all roads and other basic infrastructures destroyed or badly damaged. It is likely that the kingdom of Stoutfellow will encourage part of the refugees inside its borders to settle those almost empty lands.
Stoutfellow is by far the most organized and powerful country of the island; dwarves and gnomes are feverishly working to repair damages to structures and rebuild their industrial base. More and more refugees enlist in the working groups organized by dwarves; patrols are sent farther and farther to contact stranded settlements or isolated groups and to regain full control of the territory. Mines, workshops and factories are slowly returning to their full potential, and the businessmen here hope they would soon be able to exports large amounts of tools, wrought metals, weapons, armors and machineries to the many scattered islands of the Alphatian diaspora.
Frisland is far less organized than Stoutfellow, but it is faring better than many other smaller islands: it has a central government, a weak but working army, and it recently accepted help from Stoutfellow in patrolling the wilderness. The kingdom of Qeodhar seems to be interested in the northern part of the Kerothar Chain, so proper defences are swiftly being assembled to keep these potential invaders at bay. Growing tensions are erupting in Frisland between native settlers, mostly of ancient Yanifey lineage, and the newly-arrived refugees, mostly of which have pure or common Alphatian blood. In particular, a large fleet of fishermen and traders from Crystal Lake landed south of Bogotus after a long and difficult journey. They settled the new southern coast (founding the village of New Ceafem) pledged loyalty to Frisland government, but then they started scavenging undersea Frisland settlements without sharing their findings with local authorities which unsurprisingly became very upset.
Mainland Limn, Aasla and Stonewall remnants are still lacking a central government.
Mainland Stonewall was severely depopulated by the cataclysm, its sparse population still too shocked to think about much more than everyday survival. The once mighty metropolis of Draco is a beleaguered village of some 850 people, most of them refugees from somewhere else. The whole country is slowly becoming a satellite of Stoutfellow, their economies being complementary.
Mainland Limn still not get any help or directive from Limn or Torpe islands as both settlements are busy in internal struggles for power. The relatively few intelligent monsters on the mainland are doing their best to build shipping facilities on some coastal villages in order to start a proper trade with the other islands. Dangerous beasts and non-intelligent monsters who escaped in the mountains shortly after the cataclysm do not help their efforts.
Mainland Aasla is actually trying to organize itself as a federation of coastal settlements ruled by the town of Warzazath. Unluckily, the sparse and rural population and the cultural attraction of nearby Denwarf-Hurgon impair the efforts to unify what is left of this kingdom. It is likely that all Aasla settlements will be annexed to Stoutfellow in the near future.Limn Island
Population: 11650 (of which 550 refugees), most of which are intelligent monsters
Notes: The upper quarters of Trollhattan actually survived the cataclysm, some 8000 inhabitants were spared (a few of them only thanks to their ability to fly, swim or otherwise escape death from the tsunami). Other villages on the paved road leading west to Tarazif also escaped destruction. Limn intelligent monsters are actually building a new harbour which would enable them to trade with Torpes Island, Tarazif Island and with the remnants of the kingdom of Limn on Kerothar Island. A few mainland villages on a former road leading to Torpes actually escaped destruction, they are not too far from Trollhattan and their inhabitants are building small harbours there. Trollhattan itself is plagued by internal intrigues as various factions of monsters wrestle for political dominance over the island. A few monster species are actually reproducing faster then the others: there is some concern about the future demographic balance of the island.Llyn Island
Population: 29600 (of which 22650 refugees)
Notes: This is a large landmass just north of Imperial Island. Most of it was once part of the Imperial Territories. Being northern with respect to the fledgling settlements of Zandoria it had a lower number of native inhabitants (mostly Foresthome humans and elves living in the wooded northern tip of the island). A very large number of refugees settled the whole northern and eastern coast of the island: they were the fishermen and traders of the many settlements of Llyn Lake, who managed to partially evacuate their families and survived the flooding on their large flotillas. Tares, Weilat and Tirenios refugees are the largest groups and each of them established a new colony along the northeastern coasts of Llyn Island (namely, the large villages of New Tirenios, New Weilat and New Tares). Refugees from the other settlements around Llyn Lake were somehow dispersed and landed on the island in smaller groups. Thanks to the large number of available ships and skilled fishermen Llyn Island is self sufficient in food supplies and is going to establish an extensive trade network connecting Kerothar and Shyie islands with the Grey and Aasla archipelagos. Most fishermen are also involved in salvaging and scavenging activities in sunken western Bettellyn. On a side note, groups of former imperial rangers survived in the central and southern parts of Llyn Islands. Some of them are half-crazed, shocked and embittered individuals, who still think that their duty is to repel and wipe out any group who tries to settle "on Imperial Land". These rangers would be a major source of troubles once the refugees in the northern half of the island will build new outposts in the south.Shyie Island
Population: 28200 (of which 13700 refugees), 50% Shyie elves, + 1200 kobolds
Notes: This island was originally a patch of sparsely populated countryside foothills at the western border of the kingdoms of Aasla and Shyie Lawr. The southern part was sparsely inhabited by human farmers and herdsmen who lead small businesses for the local market. The northern quarter of the island was most heavily settled by elves, which guarded the entrance to the mountain pass leading to Trollhattan and patrolled the river against local kobold packs. This territory was one of the last to be reached by the flooding, so evacuation efforts here were somehow better organized. A large number of Shyie-Lawr elves managed to reach the safe area, mostly thanks to uninterrupted aerial lifts by pegasi, pegataurs and by the available elvish aerial ships (being the by-products of a relic those ships were not grounded by the lack of mortal magic occurring during the sinking of Alphatia). At present about half of the island population is made of Shyie elves(including most of Shyie-Lawr royal court and part of the army), who settled mostly around the former Greenwall River valley. A capitol was established the town of New Alfleish (pop 1300) in a forested valley further south. Thanks to the large numbers of available aerial mounts the elves helped organizing the scattered human communities in the southern part of the island and managed to establish early contacts with the Shyie refugees who settled the wooded enclaves along the western coast of Kerothar Island. For these reasons the elves are the de facto leaders of Shyie Island. However, they do not control anymore the northern tip of their territory: this area was evacuated shortly after the cataclysm due to the arrival of large numbers of kobold refugees, who now claim this territory as theirs. Although the humanoids were easily confined by the same patrols who once kept them at bay along the Greenwall River, the kobolds might become a menace if their numbers grew too high.Tarazif Island
Population: 250 (of which 0 refugees)
Notes: Most of this island is made of former seafloors who surfaced during the sinking of Alphatia. The easternmost bit included a few suburbs of the town of Tarazif in the former kingdom of Stonewall. No refugees managed to reach this new land, while powerful earthquakes left very few native survivors on the island. At present, it is still a barren, salt-encrusted territory, its only civilized settlement being a small village built among what is left of the ruins of Tarazif, which struggles for survival.Thera Island
Population: 1750 (of which 360 refugees) + 5400 amphibian humanoids
Notes: This was the highest "mountain" of Theranderol - a landmark for the whole lowlands kingdom - mostly inhabited by herdsmen. It was notable for a few temples (of the most revered Immortals in Alphatia) scattered along the mountain slopes. A couple of "service" villages provided the priests with servants and craftsmen needed for the temples. Pilgrims were also very frequent on the site. Due to the proximity of Mt. Thera to the old coastline, clerics were not able to save large numbers of people (most of the refugees were actually pilgrims stranded on the newly-formed island) but they managed to avoid any further casualties thanks to their healing and food-production powers (during the week of no magic clerics reverted to more mundane ways of healing turning their temples into infirmaries). A large number of amphibian humanoids (of various races) from the Haunted Marshes settled the offshore waters around Thera Island; human clerics managed to help a few of them, too, and a fledgling relationship between land and sea dwellers was established. At present this land is mostly self-sufficient and pretty well-organized, but it is also much insulated: clerics are planning to establish new missions in nearby islands, but they are actually facing many logistic problems (such as the lack of properly-built ships and harbours). The island's strategic location in the middle of the new Alphatian sea might lead many trade searouted to cross there, bringing great wealth to the place (and a likely conflict between most clergy and the merchants).Torpes Island
Population: 5200 (of which 50 refugees), 80% intelligent monsters
Notes: More than half of the city of Torpes survived the flooding, and just few refugees managed to reach the safe area on the newly-formed island. Survivors tried to establish their former monster society, but their little numbers somehow prevents this objective to be reached in a short time. Moreover, large numbers of human Alphatian soldiers were in the process of embarking here toward the battlefields in the west when the cataclysm hit the town. Although a minority, humans are well trained and better armed than the monsters, and claim to be included in the island's government. A large part of the native intelligent monsters see the human as a potential threat to their freedom, so they joined together against what they perceive to be their common enemy. While this alliance avoided most of the hidden intrigues now plaguing the island of Limn, Torpes Island population is going increasingly biased between human and non-human factions. Balance of power might swiftly change if monster of Limn Island (or from mainland Limn remnants) or humans from Kerothar Island (especially Stonewall remnants) manage to establish permanent contact with Torpes Island.