New spells
by Jenni A. M. MerrifieldThese spells were developed by using the mechanics suggested in the Dragon Magazine article 'The Colour of Magic'.
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Range: 60'
Duration: 12 turns
Effect: Hear through another's earsWith this spell, the caster may hear through the ears of any single creature in spell range.
"Hearing" through a creature's ears takes one full turn, after which the caster can change to another creature, even one in another direction; he does not have to cast the spell again to do so. Two feet of rock or a thin coating of lead blocks the effects of this spell. No saving throw is allowed.
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Range: Touch
Duration: permanent
Effect: Creates up to 100' length of ropeThis spell creates quantities of hemp rope up to 100' long and 1/2" wide. The rope created by a single spell must appear in one piece. Unlike many creation-type spells, this one creates rope that is non-magical and cannot be dispelled. Note that it is possible for the spell caster to create longer rope at the expense of making it thinner and weaker.
If the campaign uses the optional general skills and the caster has an appropriate Craft skill, he may shape the rope into two dimensional shapes, such as nets or rope ladders. The maximum size of such a 2 dimensional object is 100' square. If the campaign doesn't use the skills rules, the character could have been defined earlier as one who knows how to work with rope and twine in order for him to do this. Naturally, unshaped rope created by this spell can later be cut, knotted, tied and otherwise fashioned into such objects.
The rope so created is plain, boring hemp rope - tough, serviceable and fairly unglamorous. A caster can create his rope with an unfinished end, and later he or another caster can use another ropeform to create rope joined to the first on that end - and there will be no seam or weakness at the joining.
When created, the rope extrudes from the caster's hands and out along the ground. If there are obstacles, it piles up against them but does not shove them back. The rope, when created, may not be attached to anything except to another expanse of ropeform rope, as described above. The rope cannot be cast in a space occupied by another object.
This spell is also made available to the Minrothad Merchant Princes, as it is very useful on board a ship.
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Range: 240'
Duration: Concentration
Effect: Summons one 8HD elementalThis spell is identical to the 5th level spell *conjure elemental* except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Air.
This spell can not be used underwater.
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Range: 240'
Duration: Concentration
Effect: Summons one 8HD elementalThis spell is identical to the 5th level spell *conjure elemental* except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Earth.
Based on PC3, if this spell is used underwater, the conjured elemental must stay in contact with the sea floor or else they will be dispelled after 1d4 rounds.
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Range: 240'
Duration: Concentration
Effect: Summons one 8HD elementalThis spell is identical to the 5th level spell *conjure elemental* except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Fire.
This spell can not be used underwater.
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Range: 240'
Duration: Concentration
Effect: Summons one 8HD elementalThis spell is identical to the 5th level spell *conjure elemental* except for the following: The conjured elemental is only half as powerful (8HD vs. 16HD) and must be from the elemental plane of Water.
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Range: 120'
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: Ties up 1d4 creatures in magical cordThis spell will cause magically glowing cord to tie up and immobilise any living creature, including undead. Each victim must make a saving throw vs. spells or be bound tightly and virtually unable to move, except to wriggle slightly (possibly toppling themselves over or perhaps rolling a few inches across the ground).
The spell may be cast at a single creature or a group. If cast at a single creature, the victim takes a -2 penalty to his saving throw. If cast at a group, it will affect 1d4 creatures (of the spellcaster's choice, and within spell range), but with no penalties to the saving throw. The magical cord may not be cut or severed by any natural means. The reverse of this spell *untie* will remove the effects of the tie spell. It can also remove bindings of a non-magical nature, such as ropes, chains, etc.
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Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn/level
Effect: Creates a colourful magic barrierThis spell is almost the same as the 9th level *prismatic wall* spell, except that it allows the caster to create a barrier in the shape of a huge shield. This shield may be held by the caster or passed over to another character. Any character class, even those not normally allowed to handle a shield, may use a *prismatic shield* but only characters who may normally use a shield can continue to fight with weaponry at the same time.
Note that another magic caster can "whittle away" the shield's integrity by casting the same series of spells at it as they would use to break through a *prismatic wall*.
This shield will protect the person using it from all frontal attacks that are still blocked, but leaves their rear side undefended - i.e., anyone attacking them from behind will be able to hit them as if they did not have the shield. Note that some layers do provide "non directional" protection, such as the Green layer, which blocks all detection spells as long as the character is actually using the shield.
As with the *prismatic wall* spell, the Alfheim Elves can not normally learn this spell.