Niflheim Warhorse
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Warhorse Destrier Armor Class -4 -4 Hit Dice 7** (L) 10** (L) Move 150' (50') 180' (60') Attacks 2 hooves or 1 breath 1 hooves or 1 breath Damage 2d6 or special 2d8 or Special No. Appearing 1 (2d4) 1 (2d4) Save As F7 F10 Morale 9 9 Treasure Type Nil Nil Intelligence 12 12 Alignment Chaotic Chaotic XP Value 1250 2450 Monster Type: Monster (Rare)
The special war horses bred on the plane of Niflheim are used by giants and heroes alike. These horses can change their shape to accomodate a rider up to Cloud Giant size. They appear like terrifying war horses covered in ice and frost. Any creature of 1HD or less will have to roll a saving throw vs petrification or be frozen still as long as it remains withing a radius of 30' or the horse. The horse attacks with its hooves or ice breath weapon. It can only breathe once every 3 rounds. The breath weapon does 1d6 dmg per HD of the horse in a 16' line that is 5' wide. No attack roll is made for the breath weapon, but any character caught within the breath can roll a save vs. dragon breath and halve the damage. Niflings sometimes train and use these warhorses.
Destriers: These are elite war horses of the armies of Niflheim.Carrying Capacity 9,000 cn at full speed. 18,000 cn at half speed.
Terrain: PlanarSee also my Niflheim Description here.