by John Walter BilesNightshades are horrible creatures of evil unleashed upon the Prime usually by Titans or Immortals. Nightwalkers (MM 197) are one kind of Nightshade; several more are described below. Undead often serve and follow Nightshades.
Nightcrawler, Level 25 Elite Soldier
Gargantuan shadow beast XP 14000
Aura 12; this aura ruins any consumable items; mundane items are automatically ruined, while alchemical and magical items require a hit on +30 vs. Will to ruin. However, this aura also gives a notable chill; anyone who has encountered a nightcrawler before will recognise it must be present, even if invisible. A DC 30 Arcana check will convey this knowledge also.
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +19
HP 472; Bloodied 236
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 37
Immune Poison
Resist Necrotic 20
Speed 6; Burrow 6
m Poison Tail (standard; at-will)
Reach 4; +32 vs. AC; 3d8+9 Poison Damage
m Bite (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +30 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 9 damage, plus the target is grabbed (until escape). The Nightcrawler cannot make bite attacks while grabbing a creature, but it can use clamping jaws.
M Clamping Jaws (standard; at-will)
If a Nightcrawler begins its turn with a target grabbed in its jaws, it makes an attack against the grabbed creature: +30 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 9 damage. Miss: Half damage.
M Swallow (standard; at-will)
The Nightcrawler attempts to swallow a bloodied Large or smaller creature it is grabbing; +30 vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the target is swallowed and restrained (no save) and takes 10 damage plus 20 necrotic damage and loses 1 healing surge on subsequent rounds at the start of the Nightcrawler’s turn. The swallowed creature can make melee basic attacks only, and only with one-handed or natural weapons. If the purple worm dies, any creature trapped in its gullet can escape as a move action, ending that action in a square formerly occupied by the purple worm.
R Death Glare (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane, Necrotic
Ranged 10; +30 vs. Fortitude; 5d10+9 Necrotic Damage
Charm Person (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane, Charm
Ranged 10; +30 vs. Will; target is dominated (save ends)
Invisibility (standard; at-will) | Arcane, Illusion
The Nightcrawler becomes invisible until the end of its next turn; Sustain Minor: The Nightcrawler remains invisible for another turn.
Dispel Magic (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane
Ranged 10; trace to one square of the conjuration or zone targeted; +30 vs. Will; this negates one targeted zone or conjuration.
Shrink (Minor; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane, Polymorph
Ranged 12; +30 vs. Fortitude; Target shrinks one size; reduce reach by 1 if it has Reach 2 or higher and reduce damage die types by one step. (This power cannot be used on itself.)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial, Supernal
Skills Bluff +24, Stealth +24
Str 28 (+21) Dex 24 (+19) Wis 25 (+19)
Con 28 (+21) Int 24 (+19) Cha 25 (+19)Nightcrawlers resemble undead purple worms made out of pure darkness. They use their invisibility and stealth to approach by surprise when possible. Unfortunately, their aura often gives them away.
Nightwing, Level 18 Elite Skirmisher
Gargantuan shadow beast XP 4000
Aura 8; this aura ruins any consumable items; mundane items are automatically ruined, while alchemical and magical items require a hit on +21 vs. Will to ruin. However, this aura also gives a notable chill; anyone who has encountered a nightwing before will recognise it must be present, even if invisible. A DC 30 Arcana check will convey this knowledge also.
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +19
HP 472; Bloodied 236
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 37
Immune Poison
Resist Necrotic 20
Speed 4; Fly 12
m Bite (standard; at-will)
Reach 4; +23 vs. AC; 2d8+7 damage. On a successful hit, you may use Controlling Bite if it is currently refreshed.
m Controlling Bite (Free action on a successful bite; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane, Psychic
Reach 4; +21 vs. Will; 2d10+6 Psychic Damage and Dominated (save ends)
Bomb Dive (standard; Refresh 5-6)
The Nightwing makes a standard move, making a Bite attack at some point during that movement without drawing opportunity attacks from the movement. This ends its turn and counts as a charge.
R Death Glare (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane, Necrotic
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Fortitude; 4d10+7 Necrotic Damage
Haste (Move; Refresh 5-6) | Arcane
The Nightwing takes a base move, adding +6 to its movement base or it can shift 3 squares.
Invisibility (minor; at-will) | Arcane, Illusion
The Nightwing becomes invisible until the end of its next turn; Sustain Minor: The Nightwing remains invisible for another turn.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Primordial, Supernal
Skills Bluff +24, Stealth +24
Str 22 (+15) Dex 25 (+16) Wis 22 (+15)
Con 22 (+15) Int 24 (+16) Cha 22 (+15)Nightwings resemble bats made of pure darkness. They prefer to use hit and run tactics against foes, staying mobile and in the air out of reach of retaliation