Nithian Heavyman
by HåvardAs Fighter, except as follows:
- Nithian Cultural Limitations:
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set)
- Armor Limitation: may not use any armor that gives an AC better than 5 (not including bonuses for Dex, magic or skills).
- Cultural Weapons limitation: Nithians are limited to using the weapons associated with their culture.
- Armor: As cultural limitations above, but prefer to use Scale Armor or the special Nithian Plate Armor and Helmets along with Shields.
- Required Skills: shield back
- Recommended Skills: Nithian Armor, Nithian Weapons, Bracers, Khopesh (Khopesh skill bonuses stack with Heavyman bonuses).
- Melee Training: +2 to attack and damage with any cultural rarely thrown melee weapon and +1 to attack and damage with any throwable melee weapon when used in melee.
- Limitations:
- Penalty - Ranged attacks: -1 penalty to attack and damage when throwing spears or javelins (but not to other thrown weapons like daggers, throwing sticks, light eye axe or hand axe).
- Penalty bows and slings: -2 penalty to attack and damage when using any type of bow or slings.
Notes: This one was a bit confusing, especially with the bonuses. The text does not clearly say whether the penalties apply to both attack and damage, but in context I am pretty sure it means both attack and damage. Just doing this writeup helped me get a better understanding of how this class specialization works.