Extent of the Nithian Empire
by HåvardI have never been quite clear on the extent of the Nithian Empire. Which modern day nations and regions were once covered by the Nithian Empire?
Ylaruam: This was of course the centre of the Nithian Empire.
Vestland/Soderfjord: We know that the Nithians used Antalian slaves. Were these countries part of the Nithian Empire?
Darokin: Elves and Neathar (Traldar?) humans lived here, but is it possible that Nithia extended beyond Ylaruam's borders to include the Selenica region?
Thyatis/Kerendas/Hattias: I don't know, but I am inclined to believe that this region was part of the Nithian Empire.
Ierendi/Minrothad: These islands were part of the Nithian Empire.
Isle of Dawn: Thothia was part of the Nithian Empire. Did the Empire extend beyond what today is Thothia? Looking at the map, it would make sense if the empire extended a bit further north to include the area directly to the east of Ylaruam since that is likely how the Nithians first entered the IoD.
The Alatians: Were these islands originally part of the Nithian Empire? It has been suggested that they were later settled by Traldar/Milenians, but that doesn't mean the Nithians could not have been there first.
Ochalea: Who lived here before the Alphatians?Non Canon:
Izonda: IMC I have a small region on the shores of Izonda which was colonised by the Nithians.
Space: I also suggest that the Nithians did leave Mystara and were responsible for a parallel to the RW myth of Pyramids on Mars...Thoughts on this? Did I forget anything?
One of the reasons why I am interested in this is of course to consider where Nithian style ruins, dungeons and artifacts may be discovered....