Nithian Khopesh Warrior
by HåvardIn the HWR2 headline, this class specialization was only referred to as Khopesh, but the text refers to them as Khopesh Warriors.
In order to join this Class Specialization, a fighter must roll 1d20 below his level. If the roll fails, he must wait untill he gains another level to roll again.
As Fighter, except as follows:
- Nithian Cultural Limitations:
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set)
- Armor Limitation: may not use any armor that gives an AC better than 5 (not including bonuses for Dex, magic or skills).
- Cultural Weapons limitation: Nithians are limited to using the weapons associated with their culture.
- Weapon Requirement: Must use a Khopesh as their primary weapon before petitioning to join the class.
- Required Skills: N/A
- Recommended Skills: N/A
- Khopesh Combat: +1 to attack and damage with a Khopesh
- Improved Defences: While wielding a Khopesh, the character gains a +1 to AC. If the character spends a full round just defending himself, he instead gain a +3 bonus to AC the following round.
- Thrown Khopesh: Khopesh Warriors may throw their Khopesh at a 10/20/30 range.
Note: I find it interesting that characters may petition to join this class specialization. It might reveal more about how these class specializations were intended.