Nobility during the years
by Harri MäkiArchdukes of Westheath
Alexander Glantri 829-835 Alexius Glantri 835-859 Wilhelm Muskerry 859-879 Bohemon Batril 879-901 Bernard Batril 901-944 Edelmiro Pieinants 944-967 Karl von Taafnen 967-970 Konstantin of Haaskinz 970-974 Harald of Haaskinz 974-1004 Gherrid Rienza (only duke) 1004-1010 John Beaumarys-Moorkroft 1010-
Dukes of Fenswick
Adalbert Batril 829-855 Ernst Batril 855-875 Bohemon Batril 875-879 Leopol Pieinants 879-898 Albert Pieinants 898-919 Edelmiro Pieinants 919-944 Lothar McDonald 944-949 Arnulf of Haaskinz 949-957 Konstantin of Haaskinz 957-970 Edward Hillsbury 970-980 Margaret Hillsbury 980-1010 Dolores Hillsbury 1010-
Dukes of Hightower
Joanna Hodlan 829-837 Jacob Muskerry 837-845 Wilhelm Muskerry 845-859 Louis Postbrad 859-871 Margaret von Taafnen 871-905 Simon von Taafnen 905-927 Johann von Taafnen 927-941 Karl von Taafnen 941-967 Constanza de Blanca 967-997 John Beaumarys-Moorkroft 997-1010 Eachainn McDougall 1010-
Dukes of Taterhill
Alasdair MacAllister 1017-
Marquises of Berrym
Michal Postbrad 829-830 Francis Postbrad 830-857 Louis Postbrad 857-859 Ernest Theski 859-861 Alexander von Taafnen 861-867 Margaret von Taafnen 867-871 Leopol Pieinants 871-879 John Bluebeard 879-898 Eric Bluebeard 898-935 Arnulf of Haaskinz 935-949 Corfitz Terlagand 949-964 Mariana Terlagand 964-
Marquises of Braastar
Braastar was incorporated in Principality of Krondahar.
Babajun Tembu 829-830 Humudin Tembu 830-859
Marquises of Tavish
- Southern parts of Tavish were incorporated in Principality of Krondahar in 859. Rest were incorporated in Principality of Klantyre in 879.
Bogdo Khan 829-859
Marquises of Satolas
Carlos de Reyder 859-940 Lothar McDonald 940-944 Constanza de Blanca 944-967 Edward Hillsbury 967-970 Gabriel Bon 970-991 John Beaumarys-Moorkroft 991-997 Fernando de Casanegra 997-
Marquises of Dunvegan
Eachainn McDougall 992-1010 Alasdair McAllister 1010-1017 Antonio di Tarento 1017-
Counts of Glennargyll
Percival McDougall 829-861 Hugh McDougall 861-886 Hamish McDougall 886-912 Conan McDougall 912-925 William McDougall 925-966 Malcolm McDougall 966-983 Eachainn McDougall 983-992 Alasdair McAllister 992-1010 Antonio di Tarento 1010-1017 Isabella di Montebello 1017-
Counts of High Sonden
Vidar Verlien 829-853 Willion Verlien 853-914 Vexer Verlien 914-949 Garnaar Verlien 949-959 Sinaria Verlien 959-1016 Pieter Verlien 1016-
Counts of Kopstar
Kopstar was incorporated in Principality of Bergdhoven in 859.
Leopold Rjevens 829-859
Counts of Wylon
Wylon was destroyed by meteor in 1006.
Alexander von Taafnen 845-861 Leopol Pieinants 861-871 Alexander Wolfen 871-880 Robert of Haaskinz 880-890 Arnulf of Haaskinz 890-935 Idwal Terlagand 935-942 Corfitz Terlagand 942-949 Seisyll Wittels 949-963 Gabriel Bon 963-970 Hieron Grimoard 970-978 Rufin Grimoard 978-987 John Beaumarys-Moorkroft 987-991 Fernando de Casanegra 991-997 Emeth Urbaal 997-1006
Counts of Soth-Kabree
Soth-Kabree was destroyed by meteor in 1006.
Idagoraz Cornaber 859-868 John Bluebeard 868-879 Stefan Cornhearst 879-888 Arnulf Cornhearst 888-899 Otto Cornhearst 899-915 Frederick Cornhearst 915-928 Louis Capostria 928-931 Lothar McDonald 931-940 Constanza de Blanca 940-944 Peter Newbute 944-946 Andrew Newbute 946-963 Edward Hillsbury 963-967 Salomon Wurt 967-974 Ladislav Wurt 974-981 Aliana Nyraviel 981-1000 Chandor Nyraviel 1000-1006
Counts of Touraine
Genevieve de Sephora 983-
Viscounts of Blofeld
Sigmund Pieinants 829-837 Georg Pieinats 837-848 Leopold Pieinants 848-861 John Bluebeard 861-868 Alexander Wolfen 868-871 Petrus Foljanbe 871-881 Guy Foljanbe 881-894 Roger Foljanbe 894-917 Raimund McDonald 917-927 Lothar McDonald 927-931 Alberts Kviepoly 931-951 Wilhelm von Graustein 951-971 Rolf von Graustein 971-
Viscounts of Eriadna
Eriadna was incorporated in Principality of Blackhill in 859.
Lendup 829-852 Bias 852-859
Viscounts of Ostbruck
Ostbruck was taken into Council jurisdiction in 859.
Albert Kern 829-834 Leopold Kern 834-851 Julius Kern 851-859
Viscounts of Redstone
Redstone was destroyed by meteor in 1006.
Arden 829-847 Gisel 847-858 Ernest Theski 858-859 Robert of Haaskinz 859-880 Wenzel Capostria 880-883 Philipe Capostria 883-906 Louis Capostria 906-928 Charles Newbute 928-940 Peter Newbute 940-944 Maria Lamoza 944-956 Gabriel Bon 956-963 Charlotte Aposan 963-964 Jan Aposan 964-984 John Beaumarys-Moorkroft 984-987 Emeth Urbaal 987-997 Arbana Jerbat 997-1006
Viscounts of Verazzano
Umberto Fulvina 829-846 Luigi II Fulvina 846-861 Orlando Fulvina 861-888 Ferruccio Fulvina 888-930 Lamberto Fulvina 930-963 Vittorio Fulvina 963-987 Griseo Fulvina 987-
Viscounts of Volnay
Volnay was incorporated in Principality of Blackhill in 859.
Prusias (Cornhearst) 829-839 Stefan Cornhearst 839-859
Viscounts of Fausseflammes
Giles Grenier 845-
Viscounts of Nathrat
Nathrat was destroyed by meteor in 1006.
Stefan Cornhearst 859-879 Constanza de Blanca 879-940 Rana Gabranza 940-956 Edward Hillsbury 956-963 Salomon Wurt 963-967 Hieron Grimoard 967-970 Aliana Nyraviel 970-981 Fernando de Casanegra 981-991 Esechiel Naramis 991-1006
Viscounts of Bergen
Porfir Massza 894-915 Idwal Terlagand 915-935 Seisyll Wittels 935-949 Charles McAllister 949-958 William McAllister 958-990 Alasdair McAllister 990-992 Rowena Krollnar 992-1012 Mirn Krollnar 1012-
Viscounts of Malinbois
Diane de Moriamis 983-
- Malachie du Marais
Viscounts of Castelbianco
Antonio di Tarento 994-1010 Isabella de Montebello 1010-1017 Gherrid Rienza 1017-
Barons of Adlerturm
Mina von Graustein 829-862 Johann von Graustein 862-872 Kasper von Graustein 872-906 Harald von Graustein 906-933 Wilhelm von Graustein 933-951 Edward Hillsbury 951-956 Fernando de Casanegra 956-981 John Beaumarys-Moorkroft 981-984 Haak Krollnar 984-990 Rowena Krollnar 990-992 Fritz Lovenroth 992-997 Franz Lowenroth 997-
Barons of Altendorf
Altendorf was incorporated in Principality of Bergdhoven in 859.
Conrad Wechsen 829-834 Eberhard Wechsen 834-859
Barons of Egorn
Johan of Haaskinz 829-857 Robert of Haaskinz 857-859 John Bluebeard 859-861 Alphons Wolfen 861-867 Alexander Wolfen 867-868 Petrus Foljanbe 868-871 Constanza de Blanca 871-879 Maria Sprigg 879-890 Gaspar Terlagand 890-895 Idwal Terlagand 895-915 Raimund McDonald 915-917 Charles Newbute 917-928 Seisyll Wittels 928-935 Rana Gabranza 935-940 Maria Lamoza 940-944 Charlotte Aposan 944-963 Aliana Nyraviel 963-970 Musa Urbaal 970-976 Emeth Urbaal 976-987 Esechiel Naramis 987-991 Arbana Jerbat 991-997 Isabella de Montebello 997-1010 Gherrid Rienza 1010-1017 Danira Voshane 1017-
Barons of Graez
Graez was incorporated in Principality of Aalban in 859.
Gerhard Lowenroth 829-837 Dieter Lowenroth 837-859
Barons of Kutchevski
Alexandru Timenko 829-866 Vlaicu Timenko 866-883 Dan Timenko 883-918 Mihail Timenko 918-931 Vlad Timenko 931-976 Piotr-Grigori Timenko 976-
Barons of Leenz
Leenz was incorporated in Principality of Aalban in 859.
Burkhard Schwassen 829-848 Franz von Drachenfels 848-859
Barons of Oreggiano
Oreggiano was incorporated in Principality of Caurenza in 859.
Francesco Costanza 829-857 Pasquale Costanza 857-859
Barons of Palatinsk
Moise Kviepoly 829-832 Vlad Kviepoly 832-845 Mircea Kviepoly 845-857 Petru Kviepoly 857-877 Mihneu Kviepoly 877-892 Alexandru Kviepoly 892-901 Radu Kviepoly 901-923 Gavril Kviepoly 923-929 Alberts Kviepoly 929-931 Matei Serban 931-959 Grigori Leon 959-973 Vlasniy Ivanov 973-997 Youri Ivanov 997-
Barons of Rymskigrad
Rymskigrad was incorporated in Principality of Boldavia in 859.
Fedor Markovitch 829-851 Aleksei Markovitch 851-859
Barons of Uigmuir
Malcolm McAllister 829-849 Christos Capostria 849-878 Wenzel Capostria 878-880 Ossian McAllister 880-922 Edward McAllister 922-933 Charles McAllister 933-949 Gabriel Bon 949-956 Salomon Wurt 956-963 Hieron Grimoard 963-967 Myra McDuff 967-1015 Angus McClintock 1015-
Barons of Vorstadt
Vorstadt was taken into Council jurisdiction in 859.
Sigefroi Vantte 829-851 Giselbert Vantte 851-859
Barons of Vladimirov
Aleksei Markovitch 859-881 Piotr Markovitch 881-894 Konstantin Markovitch 894-900 Vladislav Markovitch 900-938 Boris Markovitch 938-970 Nikolai Markovitch 970-995 Saszha Markovitch 995-
Barons of Mariksen
Lajos Wutyla 935-938 Bela Wutyla 938-961 Matthias Wutyla 961-990 Laszlo Wutyla 990-1012 Sergei Wutyla 1012-
Barons of Pavlova
Natacha Datchenka 979-
Barons of Morlay
Morlay was joined with Malinbois when Malachie and Diane married in 1005.
Malachie du Marais 983-1005
Barons of Oxhill
Pieter Vandehaar 989-1017 Pieter-Euwke Vandehaar 1017-
Barons of Ylourgne
Vincienzo di Randazzi 1006-
Barons of Celedyl
Qenildor Erewan 1015-