The Nucleus of the Spheres as a Touchstone
by John CalvinThe Nucleus of the Spheres was formerly the power source for an alien space vessel called the F.S.S Beagle. After the vessel crashed on Mystara the Nucleus was modified by both the Immortals and the Old ones and is now an artifact of epic proportions.
Those who enter the Nucleus are immediately affected by its deadly emanations. Unprotected characters suffer 1d3 points of radiance damage for each round of exposure. Only living, corporeal, organic creatures are affected by the radiance. Constructs, undead, elementals, and outsiders with and energy subtype do not suffer damage.
A small brotherhood of mages in Glantri has devised a way to manipulate the Radiance from a distance, using Radiance Receptacles. This is not the only way to access the powers of the Radiance however, and there are some benefits to accessing the Nucleus directly... if one can manage that.
Location: 500 miles underneath Glantri City
Initial Encounters: Roll on the NoS encounters table when the characters visit the Nucleus for the first time, or the first time in over a year. The constructs are created by the Nucleus as a defence mechanism, while the extra planar creatures are drawn to its power.
NoS Encounters
d% Encounter 01-05 Small Animated Object (MM CR 1) 06-15 Medium Animated Object (MM CR 2) 16-30 Automaton (MM II CR 3) 31-45 Xag-Ya (MotP CR 4) 46-61 Xeg-Yi (MotP CR 5) 62-69 Ravid (MM CR 5) 70-77 Nimblewright (MM II CR 7) 78-80 Shield Guardian (MM CR 8) 81-93 Brass Golem (MM II CR 10) 94-100 Iron Golem (MM CR 13) Subsequent Encounters: Once the characters clear out the Nucleus, it's theirs. However, if they fail to visit the site for more than a year, they must roll for encounters as if never having visited the site.
Base Ability: You receive the Radiance subtype as in the feat, Touched by Rad, but do not need to actually take the feat, or qualify for any of its prerequisites.
Recharge Condition: Immersion in the reaction chamber for 10 minutes (which inflicts 5d6 points oft radiance damage.
Higher-Order Ability: The ability to ingest radiance (as the feat of the same name), and to cast radiance spells. Radiance spells can be cast spontaneously, and can even be cast by non spellcasters.
Higher-Order Uses: Special. See the feat Ingest Radiance.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You gain the Radiance subtype and the ability to take Radiance feats, as well as cast radiance spells (if you are a spellcaster).
Prerequisite: Must have acquired the Radiance subtype.
Benefit: You are able to consume a number of Radiance points equal to your character level. The radiance points may be used to power radiance spells (at one point per spell level), or they may be expelled causing a 10' radius radiance blast centred around the user that deals 1d6 points of radiance damage per point expelled.
Radiance spells cast in this way do not count toward a spellcaster's normal allotment of spell slots, though they do need to be prepared in advanced (they are not cast spontaneously). Each time a radiance spell is cast, there is a 1% chance per spell level that it will corrupt a part of the caster's body (hands, arms, legs, head, etc...). This corruption can not be healed by any mortal means. Once ten body parts have been corrupted in this manner, the caster becomes a Radiance Lich.
Normal: You are not able to ingest any radiance points.
Prerequisite: Must have acquired the Radiance subtype, Ingest Radiance.
Benefit: You are able to ingest a number of radiance points equal to your character level times 2.
Prerequisite: Must have acquired the Radiance subtype.
Benefit: The chances of corruption when casting a radiance spell is decreased by 4% (to a minimum of 0%).
Normal: The chances of corruption when casting a radiance spell is 1% times the spell level.
Prerequisite: Must have acquired the Radiance subtype, Radiance Fortitude.
Benefit: The chances of corruption when casting a radiance spell is decreased by 8% (to a minimum of 0%).