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Stronghold features

by Håvard

Whether the PCs are planning on building strongholds of their own or they are just visiting such a location, I think it can be interesting to explore in greater detail how different parts of Mystara develop different strongholds based on their culture and traditions. Gaz7 does go into some details about the Norseman homesteads, but there is always room for expansion.

With enough wealth, northman leaders will probably want to build castles and fortresses similar to those of Karameikos or the Heldannic Knights. This is especially true in Vestland. However, at the core of the Northman society, every leader is also a farmer, providing food and shelter for his followers. Secondly, access to coastal lands, rivers or fjords means a place where the Northman can land his longships and boats, preparing for fishing and expeditions.

Some features a player or DM might want to add to their Stronghold

The Longhouse
This is the seat of power and domicile of the jarl or leader. This is a home for families, but animals are also kept in sections of the building. It should include a feast hall where political alliances can be forged and rituals to honor the Immortals can be performed. The longhouse is usually constructed in a hillside to provide natural water drainage.

The Settlement Tree
Houses are often constructed forming a main square in the settlement and the tree can be planted there. At other times, the tree can be planted on top of the burial mound. Once planted, the tree attracts a spirit called a haugbúi (use Brownie stats from PC1) who will protect the farm and animals as long as the tree is not actively harmed. During certain festivals, offerings are made in front of the tree. A settlement with no Settlement Tree Sprit will produce 10% less than when the spirit is present.

Animal Pens, Stables, Aviary, Barns etc
Farm animals include sheep, shaggy cattle, horses, pigs, geese and chickens. Some are kept in pens or coops, while many will roam freely in the settlement. Many are kept in the longhouse, but additional barns etc may be constructed.
Other animials kept include cats (sacred to Freyja, in particular the larger Skogkattar), dogs, trained bears, falcons, hawks, which can be used for hunting, as guard animals or pets.

Required for building and repairing boats and longships.

Longship Boathouse (Naust)
These boathouses can be large enough to room a large longship during the winter.

Roundhouse Temple
Clerics (Godar) sometimes perform rituals with the Jarl in the longhouse, but many also request temples be constructed. These are sometimes
round wooden buildings with a fire place in the center of the building.

Wise One's Hut
Arcane Spellcasters are sometimes viewed with suspicion, but some prove to be trustworthy. Wise Women especially are widely respected and a Wise One's Hut functions similarly to a Wizard's Laboratory.

Food Storage (Stabbur)
These wooden buildings are placed the stabbur on top of wooden stilts or boulders; specifically designed to keep animals out. Items kept here include:

Such buildings can be of any size and do not contain a fireplace so food kept here can be kept cold.

This building can be used for healing as well as for gaining mental clarity and insight.

This building would be used for preserving fish for food and storage.

Water Mill
Constructed near one of the many waterfalls of the Northern Reaches, these are mainly used for producing flour, but other uses are also being experimented with.

For preserving grain. Vital for a dominion to be able to survive and grow.

Specialist's Workshops (Grophus)
These buildings are more flimsy wicker based buildings often used for various types of production and crafts.

What other buildings and features could be added to a Stronghold in the Northern Reaches of Mystara?

by Robin


Fishery----- also makes rods and lines, sewing nails and fishing hooks from metal or shells
Leather worker
r (amongst other beer, ale, fishead beer)
Farm field(rye, grain for bread and beer, cabbage, most other food is sought from nature))
Cloth/thread maker (clothing is normally made by any women from thes threads, not regularly sold, but given)
Salt maker(actually just wooden or stone boards reapplied regularly with slow salt water streams until crusts appear)
Axemaker (axes were culturally significant, almost religious and decorated accordingly
Altar (to Memory hero, ancestor, special deed/conquery, etc)close to longhouse, temple , graveyard/tomb, ir site where this happened, mostly adorned in a pattern of rune bands, often with some drawing
Shrine (to spirit, Immortal) anywhere close to village (rarely inside town, sometimes on boat)
Graveyard (rarely, but close to temple, often only for urns with body ashes/tools/weapons owner(often bend)) Tomb, a nearby cave with bricked up chambers per body. . sometimes field of death (bodies on stilted platform to Odin, disturbed remains meant the went to Einherriar or Valkyrie), or Cairn field (Hunnebeds existed as well) with mostly urns with body ashes/tools/weapons owner (often bend)