In the Italian MMB, we have been discussing the history of north-eastern Brun -- Wendar, Denagoth, Ghyr, but also Norwold and the Wildlands. For ease of reference, I've collected a timeline of Northern-Eastern Brun, based on the Wendar and Denagoth timeline, the works on Littonia, Kaarjala, Wyrmsteeth and the Heldannic Knights, and the discussions on the placement of Ghyr and the XL1 events in the Italian MMB.
Here are the results:
A Timeline of the North
by Giampaolo Agosta
XXX century BC The Korrigan create the Elvenstar; the Brute race of Ghyr is created. XXVIII century BC Antalians conquer the Ghyr region as well as the Plains of Avien XXVII century BC The Denagothian half-human tribes migrate to the wildlands north of the Plains of Avien XXIV century BC Rise of the Antalian culture in Norwold 2120 BC The Genalleth Elves reach Wendar 2087 BC Foundation of the barbarian Kingdom of Denagoth by warrior-queen Jotakk 1900 BC Foundation of the first Dragon Kingdom of Wyrmsteeth 1725 BC Loark's horde invasion; fall of the Antalian culture, fall of Denagoth 1700 BC The Glantrian explosion causes a nuclear winter in Wendar and Denagoth 1688 BC Death of the elven leader Enoreth XI century BC Antalians settle in Wendar V century BC Elven colonists from Shiye-Lawr found the Foresthomes in Norwold I century AC Foundation of Kaarjala and Littonia 125 AC Foundation of the Wendarian League V century AC Foundation of Leehashire 563 AC Foundation of the Kingdom of Essuria VII century AC Foundation of the Barony of Ghyr, a vassal of the Essurian kings 640 AC White Bear River battle (Pojaara-Frosthaven alliance vs. Kaarjala-Littonia-Leehashire alliance) 648 AC Naga River battle (Essuria vs. Genalleth and Antalians) 698 AC The barbarian warlord Henadin invades Essuria 718 AC Death of Henadin, foundation of Gereth Minar 748 AC Second Essuria-Wendar war (Essuria vs. Genalleth, Geffronell and Antalians) ca. 800 AC First Alphatian attempt to colonise Norwold 828 AC Foundation of the modern Dragon Kingdom of Wyrmsteeth 876 AC The Avien tribes secede from Essuria 898 AC Landryn Teriak becomes King of Essuria 900 AC Foundation of Oceansend 906 AC Gylharen starts uniting Wendar 907 AC Landryn Teriak launches attacks against the barbarian tribes and Wendar 908 AC The warlord Henadin "returns from the dead" to destroy Essuria 909 AC Landryn Teriak is defeated, Drax Tallen falls 910 AC Gylharen crowned King of Wendar; Ghyr baronies become fully independent 915 AC The Prism Wars begin in Ghyr 934 AC Landryn Teriak establishes a new Kingdom of Denagoth from the Tower of Gereth Minar 935 AC End of the Prism Wars and foundation of the Kingdom of Ghyr 938 AC Second invasion of the Shadowlord 948 AC King Qasmar of Ghyr dies, King Ganto takes his place 950 AC Conquest of Haldisvall by the Hattian knights of Vanya 952 AC Foundation of the Heldannic Territories 960 AC Oceansend claims independence 960 AC King Gylharen is fully transformed into an elf 980 AC Landryn Teriak, the Shadowlord, restored by the Idris cult, returns to Gereth Minar 984 AC Orcish invasion of Leehashire 985 AC The Heldannic Order is recognised as a sovereign nation by most Known World governments 985 AC Quest for the Heartstone in Ghyr 992 AC Alphatians found Alpha, and the Kingdom of Norwold 995 AC Lernal the Swill named governor of Landfall Now, I'd like to analyse a few points from the Wendar/Denagoth Timeline. Here are the Kings of Denagoth, according to the Denagoth/Wendar timeline. All years are AC.
Nebunar 563-595 Dallovan 595-628 Naga 628-648 <civil war> 648-658 Ranyn 658-688 Gereth 688-733 Minar 733-758 Landru 758-774 Beldan 774-788 Naren 788-808 Halvan 808-843 Gallathon 843-868 Mirimar 868-888 Vespen 888-898 Landryn 898-909 There's at least one issue with this timeline, namely the fact that Halvan (1) is supposed to have been a prince (otherwise his apprenticeship with Bensarian is harder to explain) and (2) inherits the throne only later in his life (but here his reign lasts some 30 years).
Also, it is unlikely that Halvan could discover and keep the Blackstick under the reign of a puppet king.So, I'd rather modify the timeline, by extending Naren's and Gallathon's reign and shortening Halvan's, reducing Idris' control on the kings from Beldan to Vespen (none of the known ones was likely to be involved with the Church of Idris to any extent, and neither would Halvan's father or brother), and having them introduce or switch their support to the cult of He Who Watches (IMO an identity of the Star Dragon).
He Who Watches also happens to be the main patron of Ghyr, it helps fitting Ghyr as a former borderland of Essuria that becomes independent after Teriak's defeat by the forces of Henadin.
The XL1 timeline allows this easily, since if Landryn is defeated in 909 AC, then XL1 must happen circa 985 AC, due to the length of the lives and reigns of the two kings of Ghyr (Qasmar and Ganto).
985 AC is a good temporal location for XL1, since it allows the characters Figgen, Strongheart, Mercion, etc. to be of companion level by 1000 AC, when they (at least, Figgen) are settled in Ierendi.
This also allows Strongheart and Mercion to be king and queen of Ierendi for a short while between Palik and Marianna (GAZ monarchs) and Reston and Tristilia (PWA monarchs).