The Nucleus of the Spheres : Almost No Spell Components
a discussion by Aoz and RobinThe Nucleus of the Spheres was formerly the power source for an alien space vessel called the F.S.S. Beagle. After the vessel crashed on Mystara the Nucleus was modified by both the Immortals and the Old ones and is now an artifact connected to all magic*.
*Magic is much easier to use in Mystara Space.
The d'Ambreville Family migrated to Mystara to escape prosecution for being a magic-users along with a strong magically pull from the Nucleus of the Spheres.
More thought on the Radiance and the Nature of Magic by Håvard
Spell components are the physical items required for the spellcaster in order to cast a spell (at least in other places that are not Mystara).
Interestingly, looking back through the books 99% of the spells in BECMI, The D&D Rules Cyclopedia, First Quest (Series) require no spell components.Clone/simulacrum being one of the few spells that does.
I cannot check Glantri: The Kingdom of Magic![]()
I seem to have misplaced it (I guess I will need to order a new one).
This may not seem like a lot, and it could be more an edition thing. However, if The Nucleus of the Spheres is allowing 99% of spells to work without components (this would amaze and shock spellcasters from other planes or dimensions like the d'Ambreville Family).
Even Raise dead or Raise Dead Fully (A.K.A. Resurrection) no spell components. Save those diamonds for yourself.No bat guano needed for Fireball.
For other spells see Glantri Great School of Magic in Detail by Robin.
Now, a wizard/elf must still use components when researching a spell. It should be noted if The Nucleus of the Spheres usage becomes too much than magic will change. See Charting and projecting continued Radiance usage by Robin. Magic will become more like the modern editions with spell components.
Just some magic mumblings to think about.
Robin wrote:Rules Cyclopedia pages 291-294...Yes, the conversion rules.
That difference, my dear Aoz, lies within the difference between the AD&D2 and BECNI version. You can find more on this in the Rules Cyclopedia pages 291-294.
That said so far the canon. As you might have discovered, in the AD&D2 versions of the KKoA, Almanacs, GKoM, Red Steel box sets, The Classic Dungeons & Dragons Game, First Quest, and the few AD&D2 Mystara adventures (Castle Amber, Hail the Heroes, Night of the Vampire, and even partially suggested in WotI, several spells were introduced (sometimes by name only) which do use spellcomponents. So the systems already merged. A non-canon in-game explanation could be not only new research of new spells, but could also be a first sign that the Radiance is diminishing in effect on Mystara's magic.
As you may have read in my works, I Have increased the yield of Component spells. Which could well be explained as mentioned above, a forebode to say to the restoration of magic as it was before the USS Beagle and the Theft/explotation of Technomagic and the explosion of the Reactors and the GRoF.
The classes closest to nature and/or the living Planet Mystara (Witches, Druids, Earth-Elementalists, Witches)would be the first to notice differences, and the casters using elemental powers would follow. Of course after a period of serious decrease in available magic and magic users, as suggested in
Great School of Magic in Detail by me.I hope this helps
What I noticed more was AD&D (2e) First Quest the Wizard's Spell Book and the Priest's Spell Book had no spell components. Even though many of the 2e spells did have components.
I like your idea:Robin wrote:Or at least, the Radiance was affecting magic. Spell components could make it easier for spellcasters to learn or use magic.
A non-canon in-game explanation could be not only new research of new spells, but could also be a first sign that the Radiance is diminishing in effect on Mystara's magic.
Robin wrote:Aoz wrote:
Rules Cyclopedia pages 291-294...Yes, the conversion rules.
These explain the best...in basic informationAoz wrote:I agree, yet on the other hand, the book also describes that more information can be found in the AD&D2 books, so no direct implementation, yet more an incomplete guiding (away from BECMI)
What I noticed more was AD&D (2e) First Quest the Wizard's Spell Book and the Priest's Spell Book had no spell components. Even though many of the 2e spells did have components.Aoz wrote:It sounds the most logical indeed, that thee earlier magic was somewhat more difficult to obtain and/or to cast, so, to enable these components were required.
I like your idea:Robin wrote:Or at least, the Radiance was affecting magic. Spell components could make it easier for spellcasters to learn or use magic.
A non-canon in-game explanation could be not only new research of new spells, but could also be a first sign that the Radiance is diminishing in effect on Mystara's magic.
The Radiance mages magic easier to access...not only by using the Radiance directly, but also by affecting magicI have in this sense pondered upon the magic in the Hollow World. A minimum of 15 in ability (WI/IN) to be able to cast spells, and many spells are unable to be cast at all (beside those culturally unknown).
What if these lists, of these spells were the original spells.
And as such less affected by the Radiance... This sounds most logical, until canon clearly and on multiple locations describes the day of dread effects functioning as well in the Hollow World, and as such the magic must be radiance contaminated there also, and the supression of mafgic use must be part of the Spell of Preservation...This sounds logical in this concept that the immortals desired the races to behave magic as they did before the Radiance existed and added this suppression effect to the spell of preservation effects to mimick the original magic, even if it would be affected by radiance still(and then the most illogical placing a high magical culture in the hollow World affected by the spell of preservation preventing most magic to be cast normally and many spells at all, and yet forgetting this depletion of magic would change the culture which is prevented by the spell of preservation...this is soo illogical.
In my opinion this is a temporary solution and the alphatian continent will evebtually be replaced to the Outer world, or even better... back in its Home Plane of Old Alphatia.Robin wrote:
I agree, yet on the other hand, the book also describes that more information can be found in the AD&D2 books, so no direct implementation, yet more an incomplete guiding (away from BECMI)
The reason why they started adding ingredients to spells was a balance mechanic: take away the wizard's focus or pouch and their spell options become limited; just like taking away a weapon from a fighter or taking away a set of lock picks from a thief.Type: Adventuring Gear Cost: 25 gp Weight: 2 lbs
A component pouch is a small, watertight leather belt pouch that has compartments to hold all the material components and other special items you need to cast your spells, except for those components that have a specific cost (as indicated in a spell's description).It sure would weigh more than two pounds if the caster even had one of each of the following.
* Dancing Lights: phosphorus or wychwood, or a glowworm
* Light: firefly or phosphorescent moss
* Mending: two lodestones
* Message: short piece of copper wire
* Minor Illusion: bit of fleece1st Level
* Alarm: tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire
* Color Spray: pinch of powder or sand that is colored red, yellow, and blue
* Comprehend Languages: pinch of soot and salt
* False Life: small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits
* Feather Fall: small feather or piece of down
* Floating Disk: drop of mercury
* Grease: bit of pork rind or butter
* Hideous Laughter: tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the air
* Jump: grasshopper hind leg
* Longstrider: pinch of dirt
* Mage Armor: piece of cured leather
* Silent Image: bit of fleece
* Sleep: pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket
* Unseen Servant: piece of string and a bit of wood2nd Level
* Acid Arrow: powdered rhubarb leaf and an adder’s stomach
* Arcanist's Magic: small square of silk
* Darkness: bat fur and a drop of pitch or piece of coal
* Darkvision: pinch of dried carrot or an agate
* Detect Thoughts: piece of copper
* Enlarge/Reduce: pinch of powdered iron
* Flaming Sphere: bit of tallow, a pinch of brimstone, and a dusting of powdered iron
* Gentle Repose: pinch of salt, one copper piece on each of the corpse's eyes, which must remain
* Gust of Wind: legume seed
* Hold Person: small, straight piece of iron
* Invisibility: eyelash encased in gum arabic
* Levitate: small leather loop or a piece of golden wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on one end
* Locate Object: forked twig
* Rope Trick: powdered corn extract and a twisted loop of parchment
* See Invisibility: pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of powdered silver
* Shatter: chip of mica
* Spider Climb: drop of bitumen and a spider
* Suggestion: snake's tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or a drop of sweet oil
* Web: bit of spiderweb3rd Level
* Animate Dead: drop of blood, a piece of flesh, and a pinch of bone dust
* Fear: white feather or the heart of a hen
* Fireball: tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur
* Fly: wing feather from any bird
* Gaseous Form: bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke
* Haste: shaving of licorice root
* Hypnotic Pattern: glowing stick of incense or a crystal vial filled with phosphorescent material
* Lightning Bolt: bit of fur and a rod of amber, crystal, or glass
* Major Image: bit of fleece
* Sending: short piece of fine copper wire
* Sleet Storm: pinch of dust and a few drops of water
* Slow: drop of molasses
* Stinking Cloud: rotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves
* Tiny Hut: small crystal bead
* Tongues: small clay model of a ziggurat
* Water Breathing: short reed or piece of strawand finding the right component when you are in battle could be a problem :evil:.
At least later edition gives the caster feats like:
Feat: Eschew Materials
You can cast spells without relying on material components.
You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. (The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.) If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component at hand to cast the spell, just as normal.
--This would solve the problem for most spellcasters.--
However, for the top tier spellcasters there is...
Feat: Ignore Material Components [Epic]
Eschew Materials, Spellcraft 25 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells.Benefit
You may cast spells without any material components. This feat does not affect the need for a focus or divine focus.__________________________________________________
Going back to the D&D Rules Cyclopedia:
I never played one nor encounter one, but it would be interesting to play wizard with int 5 (-20% exp) or cleric with wis 5 (-20%) :shock: :o :twisted:
Also, a fun poke at the AD&D conversion: Let us not forget the AD&D Oriental Adventures where spell procession went up to 29th level and Comeliness as a stat :ugeek: :mrgreen:.
Robin wrote:
I agree, it was initially a game balance. Without the component the spell would not work
I think many non common spells (especially those above 5th level) should still require components, not only to limit their usage, also for the game flair, at the very least within and after the Radiance demise.
nice list and ideas though ;P
I have been trying to recall where I saw it. In 2nd or 3rd edition there were specialty wizards (Fire, sand, water, and air) that could substitute "their" element for the normal component. I agree with you Robin on the flair and limit usage.Still a very interesting topic.
Robin wrote:
absolutely ;P